***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I would like someone to compile all of the positive posts toward Ocasio ... Then I would like someone to Google her "agenda" ... Then I would like someone to apologize to those of us saying that the Left is simply looking for open borders and socialism ...

Slippery slope you boys are going down ...

How about YOU google her agenda, then post it. Then show others who co-sign said agenda. Make sure your paper is APA formatted.
How about YOU google her agenda, then post it. Then show others who co-sign said agenda. Make sure your paper is APA formatted.

This. Also, if he can't find others who co-sign this agenda. I would like a properly worded apology to the folks who called him out of this BS.
I want multiple legitimate sources too. Not some Fox News opinion section BS. Better have years of economical and sociological researched based scholarly articles to show linear association to your claim or get the **** out and hide for another week
Steve King is arguably the most racist individual in all of Congress, isn't shy of making racist remarks like saying only whites have contributed to civilization, supporting birtherism etc etc. and Republicans vote him in every single time. Roy Moore is pro-slavery, called for scrapping everything past the 10th amendment (including the abolition of slavery) to make America better, engaged in constitutional violations while on the AL Supreme Court, calls for the criminalization of homosexuality, associates with fellow biblethumpers who want capital punishment for homosexuality and Moore himself refuses to answer if he disagrees with that position. Republicans responded by getting him the Republican nomination and the only reason he narrowly lost by 2 points against Doug Jones, an Alabama Democrat, is because of the slew of pedo allegations that came to light.

I know next to nothing about this Ocasio person but handpicking one election to generalize the behavior and views of a national political movement is a terrible argument. One that also leaves open the chance to use that argument against you.
Steve King gets elected time after time since 2003 so according to Inthehallway, Republicans are simply looking for racism and bigotry. Perhaps it would be fair to say that's part of what Iowa Republicans in King's district are looking for but it would be useless applying that example to Republicans across the nation without a thorough examination of other and broader data. Obviously racism is a significant factor for the GOP across the nation but you can't just base that off something like Steve King's election.
Steve King is arguably the most racist individual in all of Congress, isn't shy of making racist remarks like saying only whites have contributed to civilization, supporting birtherism etc etc. and Republicans vote him in every single time. Roy Moore is pro-slavery, called for scrapping everything past the 10th amendment (including the abolition of slavery) to make America better, engaged in constitutional violations while on the AL Supreme Court, calls for the criminalization of homosexuality, associates with fellow biblethumpers who want capital punishment for homosexuality and Moore himself refuses to answer if he disagrees with that position. Republicans responded by getting him the Republican nomination and the only reason he narrowly lost by 2 points against Doug Jones, an Alabama Democrat, is because of the slew of pedo allegations that came to light.

I know next to nothing about this Ocasio person but handpicking one election to generalize the behavior and views of a national political movement is a terrible argument. One that also leaves open the chance to use that argument against you.
Steve King gets elected time after time since 2003 so Republicans are simply looking for racism and bigotry. Perhaps it would be fair to say that's part of what Iowa Republicans in King's district are looking for but it would be useless applying that example to Republicans across the nation without a thorough examination of other and broader data.

White supremacy trumps (pun intended)

- healthcare
- jobs
- economy
- civil rights
- human rights
- justice
- equality
- freedom
- knowledge
- wisdom
- understanding
- international relations
- logic
- peace of mind
- friendship
- love
- eating
- sleeping
- breathing

The only talking point a white supremacist needs is white supremacy, the votes will be automatic from like minded individuals. Even if they lose all of the above, white supremacy is all they need.
It's funny how trump followers always want people to prove them wrong. They always want someone else to "educate" them on whats going on...When you do they will either just ignore all facts and logic presented or move the goal post.

Yo! I TOTALLY feel you on this one. They value their ignorant, delusional pride more than simple facts and become childish when proven wrong. Like, what MORE FACTS do they need to know to understand that this reality they're a part of is broken?!

They couldn'r reflect, accept nor understand the changes this country has gone through over the course of LESS THAN TWO YEARS so they feel that they need defend whatever "positive" aspect this administration has done because it's threatened by "the left and Obama."

It’s like the gun debate. Mention any kind of legal change and you get “you just want to take them ALL!!! My god given right!!!! The constitution!!!!! MS13!!!!!!! What about abortions!!!!!!!!”.

Gotta change the bookbags, and get rid of the video games.

Do Trump administration officials all need safe spaces? God forbid you have to deal with the consequences of your abhorrent decisions.

Peaceful protests are not illegal, and if this keeps happening to you, perhaps you should stop and reflect on why that is.

Bunch of crybabies.

Main take away..... where was the ***** *** husband to stick up for himself? What a ***** through and through
She believes in socialism and open borders ... Exactly what I've been saying is the Left's platform ... I ask everyone else to do the work for 2 reasons, 1) I dont feel like it 2) why would you believe me, I'm just a scary white Male who supports Trump ...
Dude is blocked, but why is it so difficult to find a representative for the right that's sensible, informed and empathetic? dudes exhibit the most sociopathic tendencies, mixed with ignorance and they're all similar. I don't see how you guys engage beyond a certain point with these callous people who dismiss fact.
She believes in socialism and open borders ... Exactly what I've been saying is the Left's platform ... I ask everyone else to do the work for 2 reasons, 1) I dont feel like it 2) why would you believe me, I'm just a scary white Male who supports Trump ...
Wah wah, please back up your claims now or get the **** out. “I don’t feel like it” lol you’re always good for a point and laugh. Keep’em coming
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