***Official Political Discussion Thread***

She believes in socialism and open borders ... Exactly what I've been saying is the Left's platform ... I ask everyone else to do the work for 2 reasons, 1) I dont feel like it 2) why would you believe me, I'm just a scary white Male who supports Trump ...
You pay taxes for socialistic programs like Social Security and Medicare, then again you want to abolish that so I don't know if that will convince you.
And the world has open borders in general for trade and tourism, unless you mean you don't want a mass influx of immigrants to come here to stay if that's what you're implying.
I don’t know about other forums, but NT Left comes pretty well informed and well sourced. Some people on the opposite side die as well. But What gets the insults flying is when NT Right tries to come with the Ben Shapiro tactics and ignore, shift and change arguments. Ignoring context an nuance, focusing one one point ignoring others trying to force some contradiction that only exists in twisting peoples words and logic. It would be a whole lot more civil without the intellectual dishonesty.

also known as trolling
that they might have to one day cater to the real world and not these sensationalist who spout nonsense all day ...


and since we're here:
She believes in socialism and open borders ... Exactly what I've been saying is the Left's platform ... I ask everyone else to do the work for 2 reasons, 1) I dont feel like it 2) why would you believe me, I'm just a scary white Male who supports Trump ...

So basically you just don't care...
Right, I dont know this, yet I have obviously turned that functionality off ... ... ... And just FYI because it actually seems like YOU dont know what you're doing despite being here all the time - you can turn off the "watching" option globally in your settings so you dont have to do it to every thread you post in ... You're welcome ...

This is what kills me with the Left ... I honestly believe there is something missing from a comprehension perspective ... And then resort to lowkey jabs at MY intelligence like I dont know what I'm talking about ... Unreal
How are you gonna take jabs at someone else's comprehension when yours doesn't seem to grasp that if I post in this thread, all who are watching it are notified that I posted here?

In other words, if Rusty hasn't disabled the functionality, whenever anyone posts here, he will receive an alert in the icon on the top right of his screen with his picture in it. It doesn't matter if you, the poster, disabled it.

We're following the thread, not you.

Also, stop demanding answers from people when you don't feel like defending your points. I asked you two questions yesterday and you still haven't answered.
She believes in socialism and open borders ... Exactly what I've been saying is the Left's platform ... I ask everyone else to do the work for 2 reasons, 1) I dont feel like it 2) why would you believe me, I'm just a scary white Male who supports Trump ...

Typical rethuglican deflection tactics. Make a claim with no proof, then keep repeating it, just to change the narrative from the main subject.

- NFL players disrespecting troops (false, no proof)
- Leftist want a turnstile at the border (false, no proof)
- George Soros sent me a check last week (false, no proof)
- Trump is a great president (false, no proof)
She believes in socialism and open borders ... Exactly what I've been saying is the Left's platform ... I ask everyone else to do the work for 2 reasons, 1) I dont feel like it 2) why would you believe me, I'm just a scary white Male who supports Trump ...
The burden of proof is on you in this case, that’s how debates work. Perhaps you should respond to my post on the previous page instead.

I can make an equally flawed argument, one you probably wouldn’t like. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) is a white supremacist and Trump supporter who has been in Congress since 2003. Therefore I make a claim Republicans support white supremacy, exactly what I’ve saying is the right’s platform. To be clear, the above is a flawed argument. While Republicans in King’s district appear to be supportive or indifferent about King’s white supremacy, applying that to Republicans as a whole simply based off his election rather than more and broader statistics is deeply flawed.

If you seek to use the specific circumstances of one congressional election to describe the platform of a national political movement, you will find that you may not like what kind of views could be extrapolated to you under the same flawed argument.

One of Steve King’s views for example is that only whites have contributed anything to civilization, as he said on camera. That would be the platform of the GOP then in your view yes?
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I don't understand why CNN keeps inviting these clowns on their network.
So they can post these clips and people can tune in to see whatever nonsense will happen live.

They're all only interested in selling ads. They've given a platform to all of these things since Trump was running, because it was beneficial to them as a network. It's not close to beneficial to us as people, though.
Every debate must first begin with a factual statement. Until we get a factual claim there’s nothing to debate. You submit a factual claim by using multiple researched based articles backing your original claim.

“I don’t care”

Sure of course. Bait didn’t work, try again next time
Fox News aint even fact check about the restaurant hours?

How. Surprising.

Just like EVERY PIECE OF INFORMATION that "news station" spews out.
I cannot believe the incompetence displayed by so many ... Literally every criticism has a simple and irrefutable response but it seems to go over most people's heads ...

We were discussing a certain member responding to nearly every damn post I made, whether I @ them or not ... To which I asked if he was clocking me ... To which captain save him said ugh you're dumb, every post is flagged if you watch a thread you dont know how a simple message board works ... To which I replied, who does that? Why dont you turn it off like I did globally so I don't have to actively turn watching off for every thread I post in ... And I was told repeatedly I'm dumb and dont understand ... He even doubled down a few posts later ...


As for Ocasio, I said she is a socialist and wants open borders ... No one can dispute that ... Thank you for your time ...
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