***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Feels like a missed opportunity to mention john kerry

This about the 3rd story within a week that I've read about Russia hacking something. Russia can hack the mid-terms. Russia can hack the power grid. Russia can hack Xbox live. Don't tell me what they can do, tell me what you are doing (without giving away protected information) what you are doing to prevent it from happening. Otherwise the media is just repeating old cold war campfire horror stories.
The Education Department also released a proposed revision to Obama-era rules meant to discharge the debt of student borrowers who have been defrauded by their college or university. These so-called "borrower defense" rules were first pitched after the high-profile collapse of two massive, for-profit college chains left thousands of students in limbo and looking for relief.

DeVos is proposing dramatic changes, including making it harder for students to qualify for loan forgiveness. Under the rewrite, students would have to prove intent — that their school meant to mislead them. The department may also narrow loan-forgiveness eligibility to students who are already in default.

In a statement, DeVos said, "Our commitment and our focus has been and remains on protecting students from fraud."

But Bob Shireman, a senior fellow at The Century Foundation and a former deputy undersecretary for education in the Obama administration, said in a statement that he believes the move would "make it next to impossible for defrauded students to get the relief they are entitled to."

Eric Holder is considering running for President. What do you guys think about him running for President?

As dirty and filthy Trumps campaign was running against Hillary, can you imagine him running against a black candidate in a presidential election? He will make Sarah Palin of 2008 look like she was a liberal. His white supremacy will shine bright and his supporters will be even more disgusting than they are now.
As dirty and filthy Trumps campaign was running against Hillary, can you imagine him running against a black candidate in a presidential election? He will make Sarah Palin of 2008 look like she was a liberal. His white supremacy will shine bright and his supporters will be even more disgusting than they are now.
maybe that's what we need. a black gay atheist transvestite women, daughter/son of immigrants, some physical handicap, not attractive... but smart as hell and a nose to get things done.

let Trump go after this candidate in his usual nasty way. he'll have tons of material. let him use every insult. and then let America show itself for what it really is. will we go full idiot or will we be better?

edit: this is a bit hyperbolic but point is we don't want to counter Trump with our own over-the-top celebrity ****hole candidate. instead we want the opposite. a thoughtful, scandal-free pro who will take the office of president seriously.
This about the 3rd story within a week that I've read about Russia hacking something. Russia can hack the mid-terms. Russia can hack the power grid. Russia can hack Xbox live. Don't tell me what they can do, tell me what you are doing (without giving away protected information) what you are doing to prevent it from happening. Otherwise the media is just repeating old cold war campfire horror stories.

Looks like it's being used in part as a motivational tool to help combat the hostile takeover of government by the GOP the past decade or so. Average American now has a new enemy to focus on (an enemy is necessary in this kind of country where teams/tribes are valued at high importance) and if an American party is working with that enemy then we have something to rally against. Could be later used to justify military intervention.

Could also be part of Putin's overall scheme. We're already divided, now we're ripe for the conquering.

Just IMO though.

will we go full idiot or will we be better?

As dirty and filthy Trumps campaign was running against Hillary, can you imagine him running against a black candidate in a presidential election? He will make Sarah Palin of 2008 look like she was a liberal. His white supremacy will shine bright and his supporters will be even more disgusting than they are now.

And that's exactly what is needed. An intelligent minority politician, that's realtively scandal-free who can clap back at Trump just as quickly as he can throw out his insults. Push him to the edge of making a blantanly racist comment against the person he's running against. The worst thing the dems could do would be to bring out some boring *** wanna-be centrist white man just to get washed in the general election. They have a better chance running a candidate who can increase voter turnout among young people and minorities than they do pushing a candidate that will appeal to Joe the Plumber from West-Nowhere, Ohio.
All jokes aside, Libs probably had their worst week ever. Cohen was exposed as a liar. Tariffs are working BEAUTIFULLY. Coal Gang was invited Back to Mother Russia. Tomi gave Rusty the Ultimatum to stop posting lib talking points or they're done. Rudolph Giuliani lisp is getting stronger each day. AMAZING
After fasting and meditating in the one handed tree pose for the last 72 hours, it have been revealed to me, that Eric Holder running for president in 2020 is marginally better than Hillary Clinton running again, but only if he makes an appearance on the Ellen show and does the dab to show young people, that he is one of them and truly understands them.
After fasting and meditating in the one handed tree pose for the last 72 hours, it have been revealed to me, that Eric Holder running for president in 2020 is marginally better than Hillary Clinton running again, but only if he makes an appearance on the Ellen show and does the dab to show young people, that he is one of them and truly understands them.
Yea I’m not feeling Holder. We need new blood.
After fasting and meditating in the one handed tree pose for the last 72 hours, it have been revealed to me, that Eric Holder running for president in 2020 is marginally better than Hillary Clinton running again, but only if he makes an appearance on the Ellen show and does the dab to show young people, that he is one of them and truly understands them.
Hillary Clinton has more street cred with the hip hop intelligenctisaia than Eric Holder.

the one handed tree pose
There will be over a dozen candidates running for the Dem nomination in 2020.

If Holder can build a coalition that can take down Bernie, Harris, Warren, Booker, and all the other folk, then he deserves it. I doubt he will be able to pull that off.

The Democratic Establishment had little effect on the final outcome in 2016, with such a wide open field and voter energy they will have even less in 2020.

Every left-leaning voter should just wait until the primary is in full swing, pick their preferred choice, support them as much as they can, and be ready and willing to vote for whomever the primary voters choose for the general.
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