***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I will try and make it through that article but I gave up on reading the Jacobin as my source of leftist viewpoints a while back because they are so intellectually dishonest about some of the arguments they make. It is tough to get through their pieces when I know that they are feeding me so many half-truths.

I now recommend Current Events over them as a socialist leaning leftist magazine.

But I will definitely give it a read.

Edit: Read it, some good points that I am inclined to be sympathetic to, but it is covered in usual Jacobin bull**** that weakens the overall argument.
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I don't think Jacobin should be read as a definitive source per se but they have some good articles. Usually they bring in some good black writers like Lester Spence and Keeyanga Yamatha-Taylor to do pieces on Black politics.They def got their issues though.

Are you referring to Current Affairs? I've never heard of Current Events. Usually I got to sites like Black Agenda Report, WSWS, Current Affairs, or Non Site to just name a few. But you def got a beef with Jacobin :lol:

With "Socialist" mags I've found it's better to read multiple than just one due to the many differing views within that exist within it.
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I don't think Jacobin should be read as a definitive source per se but they have some good articles. Usually they bring in some good black writers like Lester Spence to do some pieces on Black politics.

Are you referring to Current Affairs? I've never heard of Current Events. Usually I got to sites like Black Agenda Report, WSWS, Current Affairs, or Non Site to just name a few. But you def got a beef with Jacobin :lol:
Sorry, I meant Current Affairs :lol:

Yeah I got beef with them. :lol: They were soooo good when they started, I actually paid for price for a subscription to them. In the 2010s, I was coming out my pocket full price for a magazine :lol:

Then they went downhill and started sprinkle in **** I know is half-truths into their articles which undercuts their whole argument. I don't know if it was out of laziness or pettiness, but they seem not to care. They believe themselves to be right, so who cares if they argue against strawmen. It is sad to me that I will roll my eyes just as much as an article in the Jacobin as a would something written by David French.

Also if your schtick is gonna be shading liberals, at least be better at pushing policy proposals, and out debating liberals with good faith arguments. I mean all far left sites are guilty of it in some way but Jacobin takes it to another level sometimes.

Let me stop though, so much squandered potential with that place :lol:
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Sorry, I meant Current Affairs :lol:

Yeah I got beef with them. :lol: They were soooo good when they started, I actually paid for price for a subscription to them. In the 2010s, I was coming out my pocket full price for a magazine :lol:

Then they went downhill and started sprinkle in **** I know is half-truths into their articles which undercuts their whole argument. I don't know if it was out of laziness or pettiness, but they seem not to care. They believe themselves to be right, so who cares if they argue against strawmen. It is sad to me that I will roll my eyes just as much as an article in the Jacobin as a would something written by David French.

Also if your schtick is gonna be shading liberals, at least be better at pushing policy proposals, and out debating liberals with good faith arguments. I mean all far left sites are guilty of it in some way but Jacobin takes it to another level sometimes.

I hope you ain't cop that lifetime package :sick: Those subscriptions ain't never been cheap bruh:lol:

There was a story that came out awhile back that the founder wasn't paying writers for their articles but was still posting their work on the site. From what I've been told their catalyst Journal is much better than the main site. I've read some solid pieces off of there from Lester Spence,Adolph Reed, and Cedric Johnson. And those are serious academic writers. You'll read pieces like this https://catalyst-journal.com/vol1/no1/panthers-cant-save-us-cedric-johnson and then run into some nonsense on their main site. The BS can undermine the good work they have done no doubt (Like downplaying the role of slavery in the Haitian Revolution).

Alot of sites are ideologically driven which can cloud their ability to perform real sound analysis at times. And it doesn't make it any better that alot of solid writers reside more in academic and activist spaces than they do in News so their work isn't particularly covered like that ( Gerald Horne comes to mind).

Only subscriptions I've come out of pocket for have been The Economist, NYT, The Nation, and The Atlantic. Other places I've donated to because they don't have a physical magazine and delivery service like your mainstream outlets.
I hope you ain't cop that lifetime package :sick: Those subscriptions ain't never been cheap bruh:lol:

There was a story that came out awhile back that the founder wasn't paying writers for their articles but was still posting their work on the site. From what I've been told their catalyst Journal is much better than the main site. I've read some solid pieces off of there from Lester Spence,Adolph Reed, and Cedric Johnson. And those are serious academic writers. You'll read pieces like this https://catalyst-journal.com/vol1/no1/panthers-cant-save-us-cedric-johnson and then run into some nonsense on their main site. The BS can undermine the good work they have done no doubt (Like downplaying the role of slavery in the Haitian Revolution).

Alot of sites are ideologically driven which can cloud their ability to perform real sound analysis at times. And it doesn't make it any better that alot of solid writers reside more in academic and activist spaces than they do in News so their work isn't particularly covered like that ( Gerald Horne comes to mind).

Only subscriptions I've come out of pocket for have been The Economist, NYT, The Nation, and The Atlantic. Other places I've donated to because they don't have a physical magazine and delivery service like your mainstream outlets.
They almost got me for the lifetime joint :lol: . Chase declined the payment because my account was a flag for some fraudulent purchases (I didn't know that at the time). Can't believe I am saying this, but praise Jah for identity theft. :lol:

Yeah, the way some of their articles handles race issues are very problematic. It almost like they acknowledge racism and race issues only for them to downplay its overall role in something.

For example the article you posted. They praise Richard Ojeda for the massive swing he was able to achieve in his very red district. They argue that this was a result of his solidly leftist class politics, but that is a half-truth. Ojeda voted for Trump in 2016, he refuses to sign onto the civil rights platform of the Democratic party, he signals to his white voting base that he is not against white supremacy and the only economic justice he is interested in, is for of white people. He didn't beat the national average for Dems in the midterms in West Virginia just by being a left-wing economic populist, he did it by tacitly letting white voters know he was not a threat to the system of white supremacy. Stuff like that irks the hell out of me.
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Clearly these private firefighters are paid by insurance companies who cover very expensive properties as it's cheaper to pay them than to rebuild the home after the event. And I'm not sure I have any problem with that. As long as they are providing the insurance they can spend what they want to reduce their risk exposure.

The part I find interesting is that they are criticised for that - why is this a problem but people dying because of lack of healthcare isn't? That doesn't make sense to me. Capitalism is bad in some scenarios but healthcare is somehow different? Firefighters and cops should be funded by taxes but why should I pay for doctors and nurses to look after my neighbour too?

I agree that healthcare is different - but not in the way they make out. It should be a fundamental right in modern society - not something only for those who can afford it.

Just like the fire department.
Maybe we'll learn our lesson about jobs soon.

We obsess (both Republicans and Democrats) about the jobs report, economic growth, "it's the economy, stupid," blacks just need employment and everything will be fine, etc. Sure, these are all important, but just as important and even more important are all the other things in life. And, even within the economy, it's more complex than just maximizing one number or metric.

Maybe some will learn this lesson with the Amazon HQ2 bull****.

Not a conflict of interest though right?? Before someone complains about welfare or government handing out ANYTHING remember that every time Ivanka goes on a business trip WE are paying for it. When trump goes to golf and sell more resort time shares WE pay for it
Maybe we'll learn our lesson about jobs soon.

We obsess (both Republicans and Democrats) about the jobs report, economic growth, "it's the economy, stupid," blacks just need employment and everything will be fine, etc. Sure, these are all important, but just as important and even more important are all the other things in life. And, even within the economy, it's more complex than just maximizing one number or metric.

Maybe some will learn this lesson with the Amazon HQ2 bull****.
Won’t happen. It’s American culture to believe the quality of life is a battle for the top and sold to the highest bidder and not something shared. It’s also American to assume someone’s job is their only worth
Maybe we'll learn our lesson about jobs soon.

We obsess (both Republicans and Democrats) about the jobs report, economic growth, "it's the economy, stupid," blacks just need employment and everything will be fine, etc. Sure, these are all important, but just as important and even more important are all the other things in life. And, even within the economy, it's more complex than just maximizing one number or metric.

Maybe some will learn this lesson with the Amazon HQ2 bull****.

Well said comrade. Da coffers are overflowing B. I have 6 months saved up and Black lung acquisition is within reach.
Ma boy Jim Acosta bout to be back trolling Pigabee Sanders and Dump.
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