***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Who put the ****ing Ayatollahs in power in the first place?
The easy answer is themselves/their supporters. It wasnt a military takeover. It was a peaceful revolution born through protest. The ruler of Iran, Mohammad Reza was too busy dying from cancer to really stop them, but he also helped create the situation. It's a really interesting story.
White Privilege IQ Test: 5 Questions

If you’re able to answer all of the questions correctly, congratulations. That means you have, at some point in your life, stepped outside of the bubble of white privilege that protects its homogeneous population from having their blissful days dampened with news about the external struggles of nonwhites.
Note: You did not create the environment in which you live. You are a beneficiary of the transparent bubble of privilege created generations ago. Its purpose is to prevent as much information about nonwhites as possible from piercing the pristine tranquility of a white Utopian lifestyle. You do, however, have the ability to effect change, if you choose to exercise it.

The easy answer is themselves/their supporters. It wasnt a military takeover. It was a peaceful revolution born through protest. The ruler of Iran, Mohammad Reza was too busy dying from cancer to really stop them, but he also helped create the situation. It's a really interesting story.
Also, I feel like many people don't know or forget that 1953 was arguably the most consequential year in US-Iran relationships.
The CIA orchestrated not just 1 but 2 coups against Iran that year.
How delusional can you get?

When he was indicted, Rep. Hunter first blamed his son for some of the charges, claiming his son misused his credit card. When that didn't work, he blamed his wife for the charges, which included using campaign funds for several mistresses, and insisted she handled all the finances. His wife then pleaded guilty and flipped on him.
Rep. Hunter was the first congressman to endorse Trump.
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Oh boy

Yea it's really about to pop all the way off if these early estimates and the casualty reports are anywhere close to being true...:smh::smh:
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John Bolton must be having the time of his life right now :smh:
He's probably ecstatic,him and his neocon cronies have made it there life's mission to provoke a direct armed confrontation/conflict wkth Iran for the last 2 decades at least.

Just hoping with all my heart that the casualty numbers are false cause you already know how that madman is going to react to confirmed reports of dead US troops on his hands regardless of their possible deaths being a direct result of his own reckless and incredibly shortsighted/senseless actions...

Some more context in relation to international law/rules of engagement

In order words, the non-binding resolution adopted by the Iraqi government green-lighted the attack. Looks like US troops are sitting in very hostile territory. They can't even retreat/redeploy to Kurdistan because of what the 5th dimension Chess Master pulled off a few weeks ago.

I'm sure we'll get a well measured and strategic response aimed at de-escalating and preventing further bloodshed from these lunatics...:smh:
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