***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It is 110 outside, so it is safe for us to open....checks notes....casinos that keep temps in the low 70s, and have industrial HVAC systems that circulate air all over the building.

This lady is a certified idiot.
What could go wrong with industrial HCAV systems that circulate air all over the building?
What could go wrong with industrial HCAV systems that circulate air all over the building?
No prob.

I heard that there are gonna start serving yard long Clorox margaritas on Fremont St....
Brad Pitt did a great job with the voice.

This a preview of the 2021 Olympic sport...... Choreographed Funeral 6 man team. The 2 man team is more hands on.


America has promised to supply most of the needed equipment......
Weeknd at Bernie's 2020: Russian bots and twitter trolls enlist the help of Abel to try to rejuvenate Bernie Sanders's nomination for the presidency even though he is all but eliminated from contention.

Things take a turn for the worse when a global pandemic hits. Hilarity ensues.
The supposed call or the allegation as a whole?
I'll summarize some of the information I've found.

-One of Reade's friends told newspapers that Reade told her contemporaneously. That's very significant, assuming it is true.
-If the Larry King call was indeed Reade's mother, that would corroborate her assertion that she told her mother contemporaneously

-Reade's brother told newspapers he was also told contemporaneously but the details he provided to different newspapers differed over time
-Reade's own story has changed over time, as well as the circumstances of how she came to lose that Senate job

-Biden denies it (technically those kind of statements are considered exculpatory but really just ignore them)
-Some of her friends told newspapers that she was likely lying. This should likewise be taken with a grain of salt.
-Reade's female coworkers at her job where the alleged incident took place claimed they never observed inappropriate behavior.
-The 3 superior coworkers Reade claimed to have told about the incident at the time claim they have no recollection of that.
-Across several years, including 2017, Reade lavishly praised Biden specifically for his work on behalf of women and sexual assault awareness

Very, very, very strange:
-Around 2018, Reade became a Vladimir Putin stan. Honestly the word stan doesn't even begin to describe her fullblown cultish devotion.
In 2016 and early 2017 she frequently attacked Putin, however she went on to do a complete 180 and started publicly defending Putin against any and all criticism.
She described him with such admiration it would probably even creep out the Kremlin. I'll post an excerpt below and you'll see what I mean.
Most absurdly, she praised how supposedly amazing Putin was for women.

Excerpt: (By the way, there are a lot of these absurd writings she posted online)




Didn't know about the Biden praise on sexual awareness, but the timeline of the allegations seem to line up. I could see this being swept under the rug, but interesting nonetheless.
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