***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Delk is jammed in. Because there is no good reason for the DOJ to independently chose to make this move.

Delk stays tap dancing about Trump's life as a private citizen is separate than his life as a politician.

So why the hell would the DOJ choose to defend Trump's actions as a private citizen. How is it in the interest of American taxpayers.

He is gonna needs to rub some biscuits all over his phone and hope some butter residue gets on the screen, to slip outta this one.
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This is the sort of racism Delk supports


Delk is jammed in. Because there is no good reason for the DOJ to independently chose to make this move.

Delk says tap dancing about Trump's life as a private citizen is separate than his life as a politician.

So why the hell would the DOJ choose to defend Trump's actions as a private citizen. How is it in the interest of American taxpayers.

He is gonna needs to rub some biscuits all over his phone and hope some butter residue gets on the screen, to slip outta this one.
It's kinda crazy how many times he has rushed to Trump's defense just to have Trump prove him wrong.

This doesn't necessarily mean the vaccine is dangerous. Adverse reactions are expected and they need to be thoroughly investigated. Like Rusty mentioned a few days ago, Phase III trials need to be completed so that the data can be reviewed for safety and efficacy.

This is why Trump trying to put pressure on the FDA is reckless and dangerous, but we all know Republicans don't give a **** about people.

Still working through reading this, but I always make sure to peep if Serwer writes a piece.
I never miss one of his pieces. Dude is one of the best out there. Love this work.

Thanks for putting me on. I knew he had taken a break from the Atlantic and Twitter to work on his books, didn't know he was back.
nah theres a bunch of open white racist on here
they are the scum
lets not forget them
we even had a racist mod on staff
who knows how many others we have on staff feel the same way as jrose5
just dont say it publicly

Point out all of these white racists. I'm waiting...........

😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 You can't because they don't exist. They just respond to the Black Supremacy pedaled by FUFU, JAMELE AND YOURSELF (NO TIPS). jrose5 jrose5 is the greatest administrator this site has ever had. I agree with him and think his comments were in response to the racism he felt.
Point out all of these white racists. I'm waiting...........

😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 You can't because they don't exist. They just respond to the Black Supremacy pedaled by FUFU, JAMELE AND YOURSELF (NO TIPS). jrose5 jrose5 is the greatest administrator this site has ever had. I agree with him and think his comments were in response to the racism he felt.
I ran a thorough lie detector test on your post and I am happy to report that no lies were detected.

The only racists on here are the ones who keep using the "stra**** w**** m***" slur. Glad NT is finally censoring it.
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