***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Infinity Biscuit Gauntlet.
The black panther cookie looking like a goon. I don’t know why but I wouldn’t eat that one. Looks poisoned
The president of the united states actually admitted he knew of the virus and it's impact and tried to downplay it because he didn't want people to panic, and his supporters aren't even flinching.

Our government lied to us, knew it was lying to us, and somehow is now trying to take credit for it "only being 190k deaths because it could have been much worse".
He supports a racist administration daily. Getting a benefit of the doubt because he didn’t give someone a rep on a website? I mean, I guess.
Yeah, he supports a racist administration, but the Black community has never been monolithic. I personally think that his reasoning for doing so lies in his being american, and then a capitalist. While I thrive in a capitalist country, I also do not consider myself american, I consider myself Black. I simply live in america. Dwalk is on the other side of the fence with that, and I see it. Do I excuse it? No. But it is his choice. That is what freedom means, to be able to have, then executing that choice.

However, there are many people on this site that love to claim liberal democratic ideals, yet still wanting to silence the voice of Black people here as well. They want peace on earth, good will to all men, just as long as Black people do not talk about what it means to be Black. I've never seen Dwalk try and stop anyone Black from being conscious, but I have seen Ninjahood do it, I've seen Jrepp23 do it, and there are several others who love to press the troll/report button, whenever Black people on this site get too far out of hand.

They are the racists on this site, then even more intellectually dishonest than Dwalk, IMO.
Yeah, he supports a racist administration, but the Black community has never been monolithic.
So we handwave him supporting an administration that harms our people daily? Emboldening racists who incite violence against us, try to strip away healthcare from, make it easier for COVID to disproportionately affect, and vow return of law and order against?...Under the guise that Black people aren't a monolith?

I think you're putting a bit more emphasis on trolls, reports, and likes versus harm that is being carried out against Black bodies on a daily at the hands of an administration that he'll be voting for and supporting twice now. Meanwhile, amongst everything that is happening with this admin, he's posting articles about Trump being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
So we handwave him supporting an administration that harms our people daily? Emboldening racists who incite violence against us, try to strip away healthcare from, make it easier for COVID to disproportionately affect, and vow return of law and order against?...Under the guise that Black people aren't a monolith?

I think you're putting a bit more emphasis on trolls, reports, and likes versus harm that is being carried out against Black bodies on a daily at the hands of an administration that he'll be voting for and supporting twice now. Meanwhile, amongst everything that is happening with this admin, he's posting articles about Trump being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Never did I suggest giving him a pass, I am not defending him, but I am defending his right to BE him.

BTW, I believe the entire system to be one of white supremacy. If it weren't? We would not need a Joe Biden to get Trump out of there.
Meanwhile, amongst everything that is happening with this admin, he's posting articles about Trump being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

You are acting as if all of the other stuff isn’t posted and discussed, at length, in here.

I re-posted an article, without commentary.

The Hill originally posted the article about the noble prize, today, despite all of the other things happening with this admin.

Seems that your feelings re: inappropriateness would be properly aimed at them.
Never did I suggest giving him a pass, I am not defending him, but I am defending his right to BE him.

BTW, I believe the entire system to be one of white supremacy. If it weren't? We would not need a Joe Biden to get Trump out of there.
The whole system is broken. It was never built for us. But he supports someone who is brazenly calling back for a regression to even worse times for Black people. Stirring the pot with dog whistles daily and actively seeking to harm us. Putting people like AG Barr in power to do his bidding. I don’t think defending his right to be him is worth it, but that’s just me. He’s no less harmful than the other people who you called out in your post.
The whole system is broken. It was never built for us. But he supports someone who is brazenly calling back for a regression to even worse times for Black people. Stirring the pot with dog whistles daily and actively seeking to harm us. I don’t think defending his right to be him is worth it, but that’s just mean. He’s no less harmful than the other people who you called out in your post.
I am willing to bet that if the if the racists ever felt froggish? dwalk31 dwalk31 would be throwing hands, and whatever else, against them. Therein lies the difference.
Saying Delk is slightly better than the worse scum on NT isn't really a compelling endorsement.

He openly supports white supremacy, and has peddled racist argument about black people.

He acts like a scumbag, the fact Ninja is a better scumbag doesn't really redeem Delk in anyway.
You are acting as if all of the other stuff isn’t posted and discussed, at length, in here.

I re-posted an article, without commentary.

The Hill originally posted the article about the noble prize, today, despite all of the other things happening with this admin.

Seems that your feelings re: inappropriateness would be properly aimed at them.
Again, you don’t know how to operate in good faith. It’s quite sickening. The Hill is a publication that covers tons of different things that are happening in the news. The front page headline on the site is about Trump’s downplaying of the virus publicly and his comments to Woodward. So I have no issues with The Hill. You’re the troll here who ignores all of the discussion being had about the various scandals in the administration and chooses to post a Nobel prize article. Hilarious to see you try and flip it a different way.
This Bob Woodward thing is a huge SELF-OWN by the libs :rofl:

What libs are basically saying is that they have proof that Donald Trump knew as early as February that coronavirus would be bad. At a time when all the experts were saying not to worry, go fly around and cough on people, only Trump was smart enough to know that maybe we should worry.

Give him the Nobel Prize ASAP. And put him on the Supreme Court. Kick off all the other justices.
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