***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Cube came up with a plan. ( Biden said let's wait till after the election. Trump said let's do something now. ) Everybody getting played and they tryna make Cube out to be a **** for actually putting a plan out and negotiating with the power structure.

That’s not what actually happened tho......Cube got used by the Trump campaign. They didn’t even take anything from the CWBA, that Cube proposed :lol:. Just used his name as a flamethrower, to get a backlash feedback loop, and create confusion and dissension. Because people are lazy. And do not read. Just REACT.

And funny enough, ADOS, drafted the CWBA. And a lot of what is in the CWBA, is on Biden’s Black agenda. You can go read about it on his website. Actually detailed.
If trump said lets do something now there would be a bill to vote on in the senate and the house. Trump certainly is not doing something now. Trump is outlining a lesser summary of watered down policy that doesn't go far enough to try to save the sinking ship that is his campaign.
Trump Administration took parts of the CWBA and added it to the platinum plan.

Diddy will never not come off as an opportunist to me.
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Straight up opportunist. What's the point in starting a political party days before the election? I think he saw cube getting clout and Diddy tryna right ride the wave a rapper/artist started as usual. Cube came up with a plan. ( Biden said let's wait till after the election. Trump said let's do something now. ) Everybody getting played and they tryna make Cube out to be a **** for actually putting a plan out and negotiating with the power structure.

Trump Administration took parts of the CWBA and added it to the platinum plan.

trump said "lets do something now" to do something he doesn't have the authority to do himself and the GOP senate would block if he tried to anyways.

the platinum plan is the new "we'll replace the ACA with better healthcare". it's been 4 years and they don't have it because it was never part of the plan.
Trump Administration took parts of the CWBA and added it to the platinum plan.
Biden's plan for black America is still wat better than Trump's though.

Like Roland Martin pointed out, the Dems have passed tons of things to help black America, and McConnell refuses to have Senate floor votes. And Trump doesn't say a peep.

Cube didn't negotiate a concession from Trump, he got played.
Trump Administration took parts of the CWBA and added it to the platinum plan.

And that's great, but that's not doing something now. That's just posturing at this point for votes. After Floyd's death the political climate was pretty much ripe for some of these reform bills to pass but Trump decided that violence and riots were helpful to his campaign so he decided to do nothing. Now he is backtracking on that stance because he is well behind in the polls.
wr wr

I want you to take just 30 mins of your time...and watch this (starts at the 44:45)

Cube even kinda admits to being played. But then falls back onto “both sides”.

Anybody who honestly watches this exchange, can tell you what the real is.
And that's great, but that's not doing something now. That's just posturing at this point for votes. After Floyd's death the political climate was pretty much ripe for some of these reform bills to pass but Trump decided that violence and riots were helpful to his campaign so he decided to do nothing. Now he is backtracking on that stance because he is well behind in the polls.

I agree and I think it's clear that celebs need to stay in their lane. They can't talk about politics with the same conviction they can talk about entertainment.

Also let's talk about how realistic the platinum plan is. We don't even need to get into the specifics, let's just talk about the overall premise. A $500B infusion of cash into black communities. A republican congress would NEVER. Trump can't earmark that cash himself. He doesn't have the power. It's bs. You don't even need to read the plan or have an understanding of Trump's pathological lying to know it's bs from the overall premise. It's not happening. But go ahead. Keep voting for republicans because of their unique ability to pass republican legislation.
trump said "lets do something now" to do something he doesn't have the authority to do himself and the GOP senate would block if he tried to anyways.

the platinum plan is the new "we'll replace the ACA with better healthcare". it's been 4 years and they don't have it because it was never part of the plan.

still waiting on those middle class tax cuts...

or the health care plan he BEEN promising for 2 weeks whenever asked for monthssssss

or how about just releasing his taxes which he promised prior to the last presidential election

or how about just when his last negative test was prior to the debate
Trump Administration took parts of the CWBA and added it to the platinum plan.

Did he? Not really.

Cube & Roland Martin literally pull up both the “platinum plan” and CWBA....side by side....and Cube struggles To find any similarities between both proposals :lol:

Having the “conversation” isn’t the issue. Rolan points out how he and others have had dialogue and convos on black agenda with the admin. It’s having these things in good faith, and not being used as a damn photo opp, or your image being used to give validation to bs.
Also let's talk about how realistic the platinum plan is. We don't even need to get into the specifics, let's just talk about the overall premise. A $500B infusion of cash into black communities. A republican congress would NEVER. Trump can't earmark that cash himself. He doesn't have the power. It's bs. You don't even need to read the plan or have an understanding of Trump's pathological lying to know it's bs from the overall premise. It's not happening. But go ahead. Keep voting for republicans because of their unique ability to pass republican legislation.

Not to mention I'm not sure the federal reserve has the legal authority to initiate 0% loans so im guessing that would need some sort of approval from congress to create a vehicle create these loans.

Props for being 100 with your stance. Respect.

Others want to dance around the fact that they going harder on Cube than they’ve been going on Biden.

Biden himself has said parts of the Crime Bill were an absolute mistake. He said as much last night. In hindsight its easy to look at the effect bills had when you have 30 years of evidence, but in the moment, no one really knows what these things will do. The ACA sounded great on paper but was poorly implemented. No legislation is perfect, but I'll take the candidate who is willing to correct his mistakes with a comprehensive reform plan, albeit it will likely be less than perfect, than the candidate who will likely do very little to effectuate any real change.
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Also let's talk about how realistic the platinum plan is. We don't even need to get into the specifics, let's just talk about the overall premise. A $500B infusion of cash into black communities. A republican congress would NEVER. Trump can't earmark that cash himself. He doesn't have the power. It's bs. You don't even need to read the plan or have an understanding of Trump's pathological lying to know it's bs from the overall premise. It's not happening. But go ahead. Keep voting for republicans because of their unique ability to pass republican legislation.
It is not a 500B infusion. The 500B number is from them saying they will pass an infrastructure bill, which will make available 500B in government contracts. 500B is not going to black communities. He is basically saying the infrastructure bill he has been promising for 3.5 years will finally be passed, and it will help black people.

There is a 400B number, but that has to do with a smaller government investment leading to private entities lending up to 400B to black own business.

Trump didn't put 500B on the table as Cube suggested.
Also let's talk about how realistic the platinum plan is. We don't even need to get into the specifics, let's just talk about the overall premise. A $500B infusion of cash into black communities. A republican congress would NEVER. Trump can't earmark that cash himself. He doesn't have the power. It's bs. You don't even need to read the plan or have an understanding of Trump's pathological lying to know it's bs from the overall premise. It's not happening. But go ahead. Keep voting for republicans because of their unique ability to pass republican legislation.

theres a reason why the only time its brought up is when people are asking why Trump still isnt talking about it in detail. not even in the town hall. that reason is that it aint happening.
The man who handles trump with kids gloves complaining about others going hard on cube and not going hard enough on Biden...there’s a word for that starts with an I
The man refuses to go hard on Trump, the President of the United States, chooses his language carefully, then turn around and go at black NTers blaming them for Trump's ills. That is rich.
Wait.. a supposedly black person

expects us to hold a black person to the same standard as person born in 1942?

I hope that through experience white people will learn better, but I don’t expect it

however I expect my fellow people to have a level of empathy as it pertains to one another

but that man’s ego clearly ain’t going let him learn some lessons easily

but then again, I’m not American.. so what do I know about the southern black experience
The man who handles trump with kids gloves complaining about others going hard on cube and not going hard enough on Biden...there’s a word for that starts with an I

Not to mention the guy who "pulled his support" for Trump after the debate then reneged on it after his campaign released some extremely watered down statement that wasn't even an apology.

The guy who also said he would renounce his support for Trump if he said something racist on camera despite saying racist **** on twitter and camera almost every day and is still in here spreading his cheeks for him every day.
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