***Official Political Discussion Thread***


you shouldn’t be that surprised lol

a fetus isn’t a “life” until it’s born. It can’t survive on its own. It’s a parasite.

if you ever wanna see a preachy pro lifer lose their **** call a fetus a parasite. :lol:
Yep, it should all be decriminalized.

meanwhile in mn we are finally opening liquor stores on Sunday. If you’re wondering what a liquor store is we have to have liquor stores because that’s the only place that can sell alcohol.

we’re never getting legal green in mn.

yalls liquor sales controlled by the state too? we have “ABC stores” here that sell liquor.

they wanna regulate the upcoming weed industry the same way here but citizens already pushing back on that. folks know better.
Washington was this way until 2012. Ballot initiative got rid of state liquor stores. Lots of controversy, but people were fed up with the limited hours (closed on Sundays and holidays until the mid-2000s), limited selection, etc. Also, Costco wanted to sell booze in their home state. Thanks, Costco!

Colorado and Washington had legal marijuana initiatives at the same time, and were the first two states to legalize. Washington still sucks because you can't grow your own plants at home, but the system has worked out great. I remember friends of mine being defiant, saying they'd never shop in a store. That changed real quick. Every weed shop is super clean and inviting. They are basically marijuana boutiques. It's a great experience. Street dealers probably still exist, but there's literally no reason to use them anymore.

it’s not worth anything anymore since half the states are legal. It’s not legal in mn but the prices are dirt cheap still. It’s not like it’s hard to get.

we can get anything a legal state has just tax free.

but yeah it’s just easy to go to the store and grab whatever as long as they are open. No more waiting for your boy to swing through or go over there to grab a bag.
I remember when my parents bought a small vacation home in PA in 2012 I was shocked how the liquor and beer stores didn’t sell on sundays. I was like how the **** am I supposed to get beers if I forgot on Saturday? And they were open short on saturdays too in the county we have the home (it’s a trump county FYI). They finally changed the blue laws like 2 years back. Like why even restrict it? People will find a way to get their ****. It just stop scalpers.

I ended up in Indiana on a Sunday many years ago, walked into a mini mart and wanted some beer. Dude was like "we don't have beer". First of all, that's insane. I asked where I could get a 6-pack. He pointed to a grocery store down the road. As I was walking out, he said "oh, it's Sunday, you can't even buy it there either". I said "So, I can go to a restaurant RIGHT NOW and order a beer, but I can't get a 6-pack at a grocery store?" He said "welcome to the Bible Belt, I don't make the rules". I went to the grocery store anyway, and told the clerk "here's $20. I'm gonna leave it on the floor, and you ring this in tomorrow". That didn't work. Also, beer can't be sold cold in Indiana, because that would encourage you to drink it immediately. You must chill it for later consumption. It has to be sold at room temp. Meanwhile, this is a state that hosts the Indy 500, which is basically hundreds of thousands of people getting drunk for the biggest race of the year.
yalls liquor sales controlled by the state too? we have “ABC stores” here that sell liquor.

they wanna regulate the upcoming weed industry the same way here but citizens already pushing back on that. folks know better.
You can own a liquor store here in some cities and other communist cities only let their cities own the liquor store.

either way they all have to play by the same rules and limited hours.

idk how legal weed would work here but it’s never happening. The people of mn aren’t allowed to put anything on the ballot because we’re dumb peasants.

that’s how conservative SD passed legal green. The people wanted it and got it on the ballot.
You can own a liquor store here in some cities and other communist cities only let their cities own the liquor store.

either way they all have to play by the same rules and limited hours.

idk how legal weed would work here but it’s never happening. The people of mn aren’t allowed to put anything on the ballot because we’re dumb peasants.

that’s how conservative SD passed legal green. The people wanted it and got it on the ballot.

As I said in a previous post (that I think you responded to), one of my close friends moved to St. Paul last year and had to bounce because it turns out "Minnesota Nice" is a lie. Her half-black son was ridiculed to no end. She was married, and her husband's family treated her son like crap, too. She got the hell out of that relationship and out of the state. I can only imagine how that state operates when it comes to ballot initiatives.
As I said in a previous post (that I think you responded to), one of my close friends moved to St. Paul last year and had to bounce because it turns out "Minnesota Nice" is a lie. Her half-black son was ridiculed to no end. She was married, and her husband's family treated her son like crap, too. She got the hell out of that relationship and out of the state. I can only imagine how that state operates when it comes to ballot initiatives.

mn nice is the biggest lie ever. It’s more like mn passive aggressive or mn fake. Like people will invite you to do stuff and have no intention of ever doing it etc.

My daughter is actually half black and I’ve made sure she’s always in diverse schools because I’m not dealing with that and won’t let her either.

mn is whatever, it’s trash af outside the cities. Mpls is expensive af for no reason so I live in St. Paul. I haven’t seen much racism here bud I’m also a white dude living in a Mexican neighborhood. It’s probably different in a rich white area.

my daughter goes to school in the burbs and her school is fine but I didn’t send her to the all white rich school.
Republicans will probably not embrace marijuana legislation naturally because they want the drug laws on the books to a) Help fill prisons b) To help disenfranchise black people

Plus, just a guess, Big Pharma is probably not a fan.

The fact that prisoners are counted in the census but are not allowed to vote, in most States, should be called the “five fifths compromise” and it should be popularized by any and all politicians who call themselves pro crime justice reform.

The idea that you can take a human being out of the city or its suburbs and transfer them to a usually rural area and they can’t vote but their body acts as extra votes for usually white and conservative districts is horrendous and is worse than the 3/5th compromise.

I think that New York State’s recalcitrant at adopting more progressive Marijuana laws is motivated largely by a need to service its prison-industrial complex for its deindustrialized hinterlands.

This also dovetails off of what you said earlier this week. The Federal government can and should keep its DC area headquarters where they are but spend more throughout economically depressed rural areas. That has many benefits and one of which is to create alternative employers in places where prisons are the largest employer and economic base.
mn nice is the biggest lie ever. It’s more like mn passive aggressive or mn fake. Like people will invite you to do stuff and have no intention of ever doing it etc.

My daughter is actually half black and I’ve made sure she’s always in diverse schools because I’m not dealing with that and won’t let her either.

mn is whatever, it’s trash af outside the cities. Mpls is expensive af for no reason so I live in St. Paul. I haven’t seen much racism here bud I’m also a white dude living in a Mexican neighborhood. It’s probably different in a rich white area.

my daughter goes to school in the burbs and her school is fine but I didn’t send her to the all white rich school.
Didn't think you were white.
So what is it about the white way of life in this country that you seem determined to avoid and don't want to introduce to your daughter?
Didn't think you were white.
So what is it about the white way of life in this country that you seem determined to avoid and don't want to introduce to your daughter?

thinking black pepper is spicy and putting grapes in potato salad :lol:

I’m not trying to avoid much except a lack of diversity. I don’t want her to feel like she’s alone. That’s all.

my daughter knows the white way of life. I just don’t only want her to know the white way of life. I don’t worry about it much anymore, she’s got a good group of friends and is 14. I was more worried when she was little.
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