***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump is going to prove the 'both ppl are the same, what is our vote going to do' ppl wrong, unfortunately.
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Even if you didn't want to vote FOR Hilary, you could have used your vote to vote AGAINST Trump


Hillary was not suppose to be a savior or great champion of the progressive left, she was suppose to be the firewall.

And the liberal left allowed the firewall to be dropped.

How the far right is has the power to **** tons of **** up
Even if you didn't want to vote FOR Hilary, you could have used your vote to vote AGAINST Trump
That was Hilary's whole gameplan bro
which is why she lost. She tried to play off this kinda mentality which ultimately backfired on her. 
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Ok, got it. It's just every 4 years it's the same **** "We gotta vote (insert party here) we can think about change next election.

IDK, every time I think about the current political climate, I see old *** boomers w/ the Herman Cain smirk :lol:

Took me nearly 1.5 hours to get home yesterday due to these dumb *** protestors. People were vandalizing cars and local businesses. I hate Trump as much as the next guy but dudes need to chill.


What were they protesting? And why are they considered dumb, if they're protesting something that will have a negative effect on their lives, why is that dumb?
Even if you didn't want to vote FOR Hilary, you could have used your vote to vote AGAINST Trump

That was Hilary's whole gameplan bro :lol: which is why she lost. She tried to play off this kinda mentality which ultimately backfired on her. 
A non vote is essentially a vote for the victor who happens to be Trump

It was the non voters that doomed America
Ok, got it. It's just every 4 years it's the same **** "We gotta vote (insert party here) we can think about change next election.

IDK, every time I think about the current political climate, I see old *** boomers w/ the Herman Cain smirk :lol:

Took me nearly 1.5 hours to get home yesterday due to these dumb *** protestors. People were vandalizing cars and local businesses. I hate Trump as much as the next guy but dudes need to chill.


What were they protesting? And why are they considered dumb, if they're protesting something that will have a negative effect on their lives, why is that dumb?

Brah, the 2004, 2008, and 2012 election were not like that for Dems.

Dems main problem too is that their base believes they only need to show up every 4 years, and not in midterms. If Liberals, Dems, black people want change, then show up then to vote in midterms. Midterms and special elections is what stripped Obama of all his political power and killed any chance or bigger change happening. I know you know this, but some many other don't

I got friends and coworkers worried about Trump and I tell them "just be ready to vote Dem in 2 years" and their response is "Hold up, I thought elections were every 4 years?"


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I hope all those protesters actually went out and voted.. that's the way to be heard not vandalizing local businesses 
Media been telling everyone its gonna be a landslide fir Hilary yet go ahead and take time out your day to stand in line and vite for the other person you dont want.

This goes on the Democrats.
Even if you didn't want to vote FOR Hilary, you could have used your vote to vote AGAINST Trump
I just don't get this logic.
The logic is that Trump will be objectively worse than a Clinton presidency would have been. @Rexanglorum  I believe put it like this in football terms. Sometimes its best to take the 3 points instead of going for it on 4th down and be risky.
Ari Berman

Voter turnout in Wisconsin at lowest level in 20 years & down 15% in Milwaukee, where 70% black voters live
11:54 AM - 10 Nov 2016


The Clinton campaign was an epic fail.
Brah, the 2004, 2008, and 2012 election were not like that for Dems.

Dems main problem too is that their base believes they only need to show up every 4 years, and not in midterms. Liberals, dems, black people want change, then show up then to vote. Midterms and special elections is what stripped Obama of all his political power and killed any chance or bigger change happening. I know you know this, but some many other don't

I got friends and coworkers worried about Trump and I tell them "just be ready to vote Dem in 2 years" and their response is "Hold up, I thought elections were every 4 years?"


Lord bless their heart. This is the crap I was talking about in my class today like people really do not understand these things. The ignorance is baffling
Even if you didn't want to vote FOR Hilary, you could have used your vote to vote AGAINST Trump

I just don't get this logic.

The logic is that Trump will be objectively worse than a Clinton presidency would have been. @Rexanglorum
 I believe put it like this in football terms. Sometimes its best to take the 3 points instead of going for it on 4th down and be risky.

I believe the saying was for progressive: "Bernie was a touchdown, Hillary is a field goal, Trump would be a pick 6"

So progressive that are mad they didn't get Bernie should just take the points and work to make the DNC more progressive for the future.
Even if you didn't want to vote FOR Hilary, you could have used your vote to vote AGAINST Trump

I just don't get this logic.

The logic is that Trump will be objectively worse than a Clinton presidency would have been. @Rexanglorum
 I believe put it like this in football terms. Sometimes its best to take the 3 points instead of going for it on 4th down and be risky.

I believe the saying was for progressive: "Bernie was a touchdown, Hillary is a field goal, Trump would be a pick 6"

So progressive that are mad they didn't get Bernie should just take the points and work to make the DNC more progressive for the future.

But when your down 50 in the 4th, whats the difference?
Even if you didn't want to vote FOR Hilary, you could have used your vote to vote AGAINST Trump

I just don't get this logic.
The logic is that Trump will be objectively worse than a Clinton presidency would have been. @Rexanglorum
 I believe put it like this in football terms. Sometimes its best to take the 3 points instead of going for it on 4th down and be risky.
I believe the saying was for progressive: "Bernie was a touchdown, Hillary is a field goal, Trump would be a pick 6"

So progressive that are mad they didn't get Bernie should just take the points and work to make the DNC more progressive for the future.
Yeah thats what he said. Both analogies apply but that was the OG one 
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