***Official Political Discussion Thread***

My thing is, if you’re going pretend to be a Bible thumper would think you’d start with the 10 commandments

Yep, and the way they worship their orange god they should probably start with the first one.
UK just called a general election - on the 4th of July.

(We have a system that when you are in power you have a maximum term but can then call an election any time up to that limit - so there’s some strategy in calling it when your popularity is up - but hopefully the conservatives are going to get the shellacking they deserve after what they’ve done for too many years.)
Biden tryna get the Jewish vote. Wont happen, nor will it really matter. Too small of a population.

Florida is red. NY will stay blue.
Biden tryna get the Jewish vote. Wont happen, nor will it really matter. Too small of a population.

Florida is red. NY will stay blue.
Eh, I don’t think he’s trying to get Jewish vote. This is popular with donors and Israel is the U.S. biggest ally in a region that has been really important to U.S. foreign policy.

Jewish people vote overwhelming Democrat already.
He really outta stop letting his wife put up all these flags. People are gonna think it’s actually him that is up to no good…>D
How it started...

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 9.31.12 AM.png

How it's going...

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 9.29.18 AM.png

Both Thomas and Alito are getting up there in age. There's a decent chance they'll need replacing in the next few years. We could turn the Supreme Court right back around, but first things first though. Of course, everything could go completely to hell cause "Genocide Joe" or "he needs to do more to earn my vote"!!!!

This was a good look at how the courts work under Biden and Trump.

Biden’s judges include many former civil rights lawyers, labor lawyers and public defenders, breaking from the mold of prosecutors and corporate lawyers that previous presidents tended to lean on. More than 60% of Biden’s judges are women, and more than 60% are nonwhite, said the White House. It said he has put more Black women on circuit courts than all previous presidents combined and more Hispanic and Asian American judges than any other president.


I’m reminded of the fact that Bolsanaro won the Brazilian presidency, in part, because middle class Brazilians increasingly could no longer afford low-wage domestic help.

Lula’s economic policies created so many better paying jobs and other economic opportunities for poor Brazilians, especially poor Black women, that the supply of domestic labor shrunk. As a result, wealthier (often times white) Brazilians either were priced out of having domestic help, or they had to scale down their household staff. And household who retained staff had to pay them better and generally treat them much better.

Brazilians, who supported Bolsanaro, often times voiced their frustration over a lack of cheap, hyper exploitatable, domestic labor, by talking about corruption. Obstensible, their issue was with bribery and rent seeking minor political parties. But more often than not, they were really mad that lost access to very affordable domestic help, which they saw as their birth right.

Middle-upper class Brazilians were actually mad that the social order had been upset. In addition, the most visible symbol of being middle class in Brazil became out of reach for people in the lowest rungs of the middle class.

The American equivalent is low restaurant prices. Moreover, they see the minimum wage workers in those places as both overpaid and the sole cause of lost access to what had been an almost free perk of being middle class. As a result, "Bidennomics" actually means "my social inferiors have too much money and power since Biden took office."

Bolsanaro, more or less, told Brazilians that he’d put the maids back in their natural place and Trump promises to do the same to lower wage workers and therefore making burgers very cheap again.
Both Thomas and Alito are getting up there in age. There's a decent chance they'll need replacing in the next few years. We could turn the Supreme Court right back around, but first things first though. Of course, everything could go completely to hell cause "Genocide Joe" or "he needs to do more to earn my vote"!!!!

This was a good look at how the courts work under Biden and Trump.

With Louisiana classifying abortion medication as controlled substances, I hope folks can open their eyes about how much of a mistake it was to sit out 2016.

There's always something to vote for, even if it's not immediately obvious.
I sat down and at yesterday, two burgers and fries was 35 bucks before tip.

You’re a complete moron if you’re still going to McDonald and paying 15 bucks for a meal. Go support a real place to eat that isn’t scum.

Unless you just like paying too much then whatever.
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