Official Warriors Off Season Thread

I think Brandon Roy has more of that "leadership quality", so I think in that regard Portland does kind of have a leader (although, he's definitely not a veteran). So, that's why Portland will be fine without one, IMO. I don't see that in Ellis, or anyone on our team outside of Jackson.

I agree though-we should throw him on the trading block quietly and see what offers come up. But, don't just trade him just to get rid of him. If there's a nice deal where we get 1st rounders and some young talent, then sure, the Warriors have to consider it. But trading him for something like Wally and Damon Jones?
....I just think it's better for us to keep him, but that's IMO. If Harrington can net us a 1st rounder/young talent that would be much more ideal
Originally Posted by acidicality

But trading him for something like Wally and Damon Jones?
....I just think it's better for us to keep him, but that's IMO.
I never said that
Just picks and young players.

If Harrington can net us a 1st rounder/young talent that would be much more ideal

I'm sure you can sucker some !*$$*$$ organization(Cavs?) for Harrington/Jax for a 1st round pick + filler
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Sorry dude I would not want you as the W's GM. Throwing in the towel even before any basketball has been played cmon now. We are in a better position than a lot of teams in the league. The W's are in a position to make some good moves to get next season going.

I'm going to have to agree here with LiveMyReality. We still are in a better position than a lot of teams inthe league. We can make moves still. We anticipate the Warriors going in a different direction next year because it's going to be Nellie's last year.But just in case if we're still going to be a running team after Nellie, then ehh... we'd better have the personnel to be one damn effective one... Onethat can fill in the void that we had in the Boom Dizzle Era -- rebounding, defense, and have better/more consistent shooters.

Either way, this team is going to go through change. It's been a given that we were going to go through change since we traded J-Rich. We knew this daywas going to come. No need to overhaul the whole roster SoHi. We still have a good young core that we envisioned ofbuilding around (Monta, Andris, Marco, Brandan, and now Randolph and Hendrix). We knew that Baron wasn't going to be apart of it because of his age. Ifhandled correctly, we are still in a good position. Like I said, we're a year ahead of schedule now that Baron has left via opting out a year earlier.
I never said that

[ska] i never said you said that.

Where did I say "SoHi, you said it was a good idea to trade Stephen for Wally/Jones?"

I only said that I wouldn't want to trade Jackson just to trade him away.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

I'm not saying blow it up in the sense that we should trade everybody.
I'm saying follow the Blazers way, rebuild through the draft, give your young players pt

We already have built through the draft. We got Monta Ellis (a second round pick), Andris Biedrins (a first round pick), Marco Belinelli (a first roundpick), Brandan Wright (a first round pick), and now Anthony Randolph (a first round pick) and Richard Hendrix (a second round pick). By my count, that's 6players through the draft. It's yet to be seen if Randolph and Hendrix can play in this league but we're really optomistic about them. If that'snot building through the draft, then what is?
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

No need to overhaul the whole roster SoHi. . Like I said, we're a year ahead of schedule now that Baron has left via opting out a year earlier.

I don't want to overhaul the roster
I just want to trade Harrington ASAP, and TRY and trade Jackson
We still have a good young core that we envisioned of building around (Monta, Andris, Marco, Brandan, and now Randolph and Hendrix).

If handled correctly, we are still in a good position
This is what it comes down to.
Will Mullin $!#* it up.


Like I said, we're a year ahead of schedule now that Baron has left via opting out a year earlier
On point.

I never said that

[ska] i never said you said that.

I know, but you were implying I just wanted to trade Jackson for the sake of trading him.
If the right deals come along, it would be stupid to keep him around for "leadership" sake IMO
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

I'm not saying blow it up in the sense that we should trade everybody.
I'm saying follow the Blazers way, rebuild through the draft, give your young players pt

We already have built through the draft. We got Monta Ellis (a second round pick), Andris Biedrins (a first round pick), Marco Belinelli (a first round pick), Brandan Wright (a first round pick), and now Anthony Randolph (a first round pick) and Richard Hendrix (a second round pick). By my count, that's 6 players through the draft. It's yet to be seen if Randolph and Hendrix can play in this league but we're really optomistic about them. If that's not building through the draft, then what is?
That's the point.
Don't ruin it by overpaying via free agency.
Let your players get pt, Wright and Marco
, continue to draft well.
Let your players get some damn pt for crying out load word to POB.

This team can be a playoff team in 2-3 years if handled correctly
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

No need to overhaul the whole roster SoHi. . Like I said, we're a year ahead of schedule now that Baron has left via opting out a year earlier.

I don't want to overhaul the roster
I just want to trade Harrington ASAP, and TRY and trade Jackson
Oops, I just overreacted when you posted that "blowing up picture"
. My bad.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

1st. Re-sign Biedrins and Monta. Do not, I reapeat DO NOT overpay. I guess you can justify Monta, but don't over do it with Beadrins.
2nd. Trade Al and SJax. These are proven vets who will be an asset for some team out there. Try and get a young pg or something. Memphis is overcrowded. Try and grab Crit, Conley, or Lowry. I don't think Monta is the future pg
. Other YOUNG talent is fine. Maybe a 4 or a 5. Maxiel anyone? I'm sure you can do something like SJax for Maxiel and a pick and Hinrich for Al. That may not happen but you get the idea. P.S.
at the thought of SJax playing in Utah

3. PLAY YOUR PLAYERS. Yes, Randolph, Wright, Belli, Monta, Biedrins. They should be playing ALL THE TIME. You don't know what you have with these guys, lord knows I don't want to see another POB
4. Rebuild through the lottery. Don't take the Knicks route and overpay for free agents who don't deserve the money.
5. Hire a defensive minded coach. Defense wins chips. Period. The ultimate goal is not to make the playoffs, not the WCF, it's to win a CHIP. These players can learn how to play D.
they're not stupid. Also, look at the draft for young Defensive talent.
6. Take the Portland Trailblazer route. PLEASE. Don't be like the Knicks and try and trade for players(and then overpay them with extensions) or overpay through free agency.
The Blazers will be legit title contenders in 2-3 years. They rebuilt through the draft. Once again DON'T TAKE THE KNICKS ROUTE

I should be a gm
Nah, I wasn't implying you wanted to trade Jackson for the sake of trading him; maybe the first post you made, but not after that.
I'm still in the boat of keeping Jackson and trading Harrington. I don't know how others feel. I'm only open to trading Jackson if we really canget young talent/1st round picks or someone who will improve us/fill some gaps, and as I said, I don't think that kind of deal would be in place-but whoknows? the Cavs are the only team super-desperate. You're implying that kind of deal is likely to be available-I just don't see it happening but I doagree we should see what offers we get.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

I'm not saying blow it up in the sense that we should trade everybody.
I'm saying follow the Blazers way, rebuild through the draft, give your young players pt

We already have built through the draft. We got Monta Ellis (a second round pick), Andris Biedrins (a first round pick), Marco Belinelli (a first round pick), Brandan Wright (a first round pick), and now Anthony Randolph (a first round pick) and Richard Hendrix (a second round pick). By my count, that's 6 players through the draft. It's yet to be seen if Randolph and Hendrix can play in this league but we're really optomistic about them. If that's not building through the draft, then what is?
That's the point.
Don't ruin it by overpaying via free agency.
Let your players get pt, Wright and Marco
, continue to draft well.
Let your players get some damn pt for crying out load word to POB.

This team can be a playoff team in 2-3 years if handled correctly

If that's the point, then why repeat the Blazers every line
? I'm sorry, but you gave me the impression that the Blazers are doing everythingright and the Warriors aren't
. Reading it again, I agree. The damn rooks need playing time. They should have had some experience under their belts butit's going to be like another rookie season for Marco maybe for Wright. That's where Nellie eff'ed up. I trust Mullin and the front office whenthey interjected and said that the rookies better play in the 2008-2009 season. I just hope Nellie doesn't give up coaching knowing he's a lame duckcoach
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

If that's the point, then why repeat the Blazers every line
? I'm sorry, but you gave me the impression that the Blazers are doing everything right and the Warriors aren't

Naw, that's not what I'm saying.
I don't the Warriors to do something stupid and overpay for Josh Smith or something
and to not overpay for Biedrins
The Blazers to me is the perfect model of how you should rebuild a franchise.
The Warriors are following that path, as long as they don't mess it up.

I hear what you're saying Acid, we share the same opinion on the matter
I'm sure you can do something like SJax for Maxiel and a pick and Hinrich for Al. That may not happen but you get the idea. P.S.
at the thought of SJax playing in Utah

this is from your GM application...

if SJax for Maxiell is REALLY on the table-of course I'd have to consider it. But, if you wanna talk about giving minutes to the young players, Wright willprobably get shafted of some PT. But, I'd probably do it, but Detroit won't. But hey, if it's on the table-yeah I think we'd be foolish not totake it.

and Hinrich is good-but his contract is terrible. If you wanna talk about overpaying for someone-that's a contract right there that is a living example ofit. I was also on the Hinrich wagon (even before Baron left, as a possible replacement/backup), but after knowing his contract #s, I'm not gonna go there.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

2nd. Trade Al and SJax. These are proven vets who will be an asset for some team out there. Try and get a young pg or something. Memphis is overcrowded. Try and grab Crit, Conley, or Lowry. I don't think Monta is the future pg
. Other YOUNG talent is fine. Maybe a 4 or a 5. Maxiel anyone? I'm sure you can do something like SJax for Maxiel and a pick and Hinrich for Al. That may not happen but you get the idea. P.S.
at the thought of SJax playing in Utah
Ehh, Hinrich can't shoot. He's a career 41.8% from the field
. He's definitely not worth his contract. I'd hate it if theWarriors actually got him. And SoHi, talk about not overpaying players... Hinrich has a little over $11 mil owed tohim next season and still has 5 years left on his contract.
Originally Posted by acidicality

I'm sure you can do something like SJax for Maxiel and a pick and Hinrich for Al. That may not happen but you get the idea. P.S.
at the thought of SJax playing in Utah
this is from your GM application...

if SJax for Maxiell is REALLY on the table-of course I'd have to consider it. But, if you wanna talk about giving minutes to the young players, Wright will probably get shafted of some PT. But, I'd probably do it, but Detroit won't. But hey, if it's on the table-yeah I think we'd be foolish not to take it.

and Hinrich is good-but his contract is terrible. If you wanna talk about overpaying for someone-that's a contract right there that is a living example of it. I was also on the Hinrich wagon (even before Baron left, as a possible replacement/backup), but after knowing his contract #s, I'm not gonna go there.

I was just trying to get a message across of what I would do with SJax.
I meant Millsap instead of Maxiel but he works too

As for Harrington, his time in the bay is over.
You exchange contracts, pg is a position of need.
Also, the Warriors need to clear out the forward position for Randolph and Wright to get pt.
I'm not big on Kirk, but the Warriors need a legit 1 and Harrington needs to go. So ehhh
EDIT - COT DAMN, I didn't know Kirk wasgetting paid like that

disregard it, but the Warriors still need a pg and Memphis is crowded at that position
Yeah, to continue on what Paul said, if signing a guy like Josh Smith or Andre Iguodala will take at most 15 mil/yr, if we were to take on a contract thatsucks, I want one of those two guys instead of Hinrich.

I do agree with you that Al's days are done. I think we all do.

And Memphis does have a logjam at point guard and I agree that we should look hard at trying to get Crittendon. Or whichever ones they are shopping...
Thinking about how the team is constructed now, and their potential style in the future, does anyone else see them benefiting by turning into a pro-version ofthe University of Memphis? I mean with all the long, athletic, versatile players the warriors are stockpiling and lack of shooters, i think that might by anidea of how this team could play in a couple years. Just a thought.
hmmm, i duno why yall warriors fan in panic mode...didnt the warriors do just fine when baron went down for a couple weeks a few years back? Nellie beengrooming Monta to run the PG for couple years now, im sure he's gonna do fine and Marco has some PG experience...yah we wont have as good as last year buti think were still gonna be doing fine.

Also i think Mullin did the right thing, he been saying his goal all season is to resign Monta + Andris first, and worry about baron later, cuz come on17-18million is alot of money to opt out from...Baron just did us dirty and wanna go back to L.A. he's not worry about winning a championship anymore, hemore worry about begin hollywood, but whatever.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

How close is Arenas to resigning with the Wizards?

he'll most likely sign with the Wizards after his 2 week Adidas promotional tour in Asia

hate on Gil that he doesn't deserve the max, but he is still effective and productive when fully healthy. bet it
I don't know why anyone (writers) talk about "possible suitors" for Monta. He's not going anywhere. It'd have to be a ridiculous dealheavily favored for the Warriors to move him.

Especially with Baron gone now, its his time so I'm sure the organization will act accordingly.

I just pray we don't blow our wad in a panic move (ie the Gilbert talk). Lets go active, fill some holes but nothing long term unless its someone like JoshSmith.

Joe Johnson is a FA next year, the Hawks need room.

Some of you guys crack me up...I expect the season thread to be lighter.
First off, if Big Gay Al could have netted us young talent and a first rounder I think he would have been moved already. The problem with getting young talentis that Al's contract is so large( due nearly $20mil for the next 2 years) is that we'd have to take back another big $ player to make the contractsmatch. What you are going to get for Al is players to deepen our bench.
I used the trade checker on realgm and came up with several deals for Al:
To Charlotte for Ray Felton and Nazr Mohomad
To NJ for Josh Boone, Marcus Williams, Trenton Hassell/Stromile Swift
To Orlando for Keith Bogans, JJ Reddick, Brian Cook

Those trades would help solidify our bench and still give us cap room. It seems like EVERY team is trying to generate cap room for summer 2010, thats whenLebron, Wade, etc are free agents. That is why I am a proponent of keeping stephan jackson as our captain, leader, vet. He relished that position last year. Ifhe isn't in for a bit of a rebuild then we quietly shop him. For everyone worrying, don't. I think the Warriors are in a position that they want to bein. We have a team that will be competitive and fight for the 8 spot. If you remember Monta did most of the pg/ball handling toward the end of last year.Don't panic it is going to be okay.
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