Official Warriors Off Season Thread

Alba is going to be a Clipper fan now.
Well you could take Andris's salary off since it's going to be re-done. So we are only $26 million into the cap
Monta and Beans are about to be overpayed something fierce

This better not turn into Murphy, JRich signings from years back.

SJax needs to be traded while his value is still high.
You could go after Iggy, but he's probably going to get overpayed by the 6ers

and Josh Smith?
NO He is not the answer.

I'd rather see Bellineli starting
Knowing the Warriors have this much cap space, not surprised Monta and Biedrins' agents will do their best trying to milk as much as they can.
Davis opts for Clippers
By Geoff Lepper
Staff writer
Article Launched: 07/01/2008 10:39:59 PM PDT

OAKLAND - In the span of 14 months, the Warriors have gone from being the toast of the league to just another NBA club in search of an identity.

Golden State was left in such a state Tuesday after point guard Baron Davis - the heart and soul of a squad that in May 2007 became the first No. 8 playoff seed to knock off a No. 1 in a seven-game series - agreed in principle to a five-year contract worth a reported $65 million with the Los Angeles Clippers.

Davis will leave the Warriors after 31/2 seasons in which he helped return the Warriors to relevance and led them to that stunning playoff victory over the Dallas Mavericks but ultimately was unable to push Golden State into the Western Conference's upper echelon.

"It's tough, but you have to do what's best," Davis said Tuesday evening at a movie screening in San Francisco. "You just have to do what's fair. I'm happy with where I'm going."

Talks about a contract extension between Davis and the Warriors never went very far this offseason, with the two sides most deeply divided over the length of any potential deal. Davis played all 82 games last season but missed a combined total of 47 games in the two years before that, apparently prompting fears on the team's part about the 29-year-old's durability.

"All I ultimately wanted was to be here, long-term, and I wasn't lying about that," said Davis, who attended UCLA. "I just did what was best for me."

News of Davis' move - which can't became official until July 9, when the NBA's moratorium on player movement ends - broke almost exactly 24 hours after he unexpectedly opted out of the final year of his Warriors' contract, a decision that meant passing up on a guaranteed $17.8 million.

"It wasn't an easy decision from our end," Todd Ramasar, Davis' agent, said Tuesday. "(Opting out) ... was risky, and it paid off."

Ramasar denied talk that Davis, 29, had an under-the-table deal in place with the Clippers before terminating his deal with the Warriors. The Clippers came into cap space only after forwards Corey Maggette and Elton Brand opted out of their contracts Monday; Los Angeles is expected to re-sign Brand today, giving the Clippers a formidable 1-2 punch.

"If you had asked me yesterday, this was very unexpected," Ramasar said. "With Corey and Elton opting out, you could see the situation change by how much space they had under the salary cap."

The Warriors acquired Davis from the New Orleans Hornets for Speedy Claxton and Dale Davis on Feb. 24, 2005. Davis averaged 20.1 points and 8.1 assists in 227 regular-season games with the Warriors.

"I can't see the Warriors without B.D.," Warriors forward Al Harrington said. "It would make everybody's life tougher."

When Davis inks his Clippers contract, it will leave the Warriors with probably $17 million to $18 million under the salary cap to play with, plus an additional $12 million or so worth of room under the luxury-tax threshold. The exact figures for those limits will be determined next week.

That means the Warriors - who currently have 11 players under their control but only six under contract - will have plenty of cash to fill holes on their roster.

Coach Don Nelson, reached in the late afternoon Tuesday, said he was at a strategy session discussing various scenarios available to the team, but declined to comment on specifics. Executive vice president Chris Mullin did not return calls for comment, and other officials would neither confirm nor deny a Washington Post report that the team reacted immediately to Davis' unexpected move by reaching out to Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas and offering the former Warrior a five-year, $101 million blockbuster contract.

The Post said the Wizards responded by offering a maximum-level contract of six years and roughly $124 million and that Arenas is expected to remain in Washington.

If the Warriors, who chose raw 18-year-old forward Anthony Randolph with their first-round selection in last week's draft, want to look ahead to 2010 or beyond, the next targets would likely be Harrington and Stephen Jackson, the two remaining veterans under contract from last season's 48-win team.

Harrington said Tuesday he expected to meet with Mullin to discuss his future with the team. The 10-year NBA veteran has been said to be mulling over whether or not to request a trade.

Contact Geoff Lepper at [email protected].
According to that, we'll have about 30 mill to spend. but a good bulk of that will be to resign monta & biedrins.

at least we're pretty sure Al's gonna be gone. use his 10 mill to help spread a contract we'd take back. Al + filler for Iggy???
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

If you were in Baron's shoes, you would've done the same thing, because Warriors management didnt show him any loyalty he thought he deserved. No way I'm booing this guy for all he's done in little over 3 years time here. If your best player isn't worth an reasonable extension I don't know who does. 2 All Stars walked away for nothing, how can we be certain Monta won't be next? Because Mullin said so?

I know he did what he did to secure a long term contract but I'm mad because Baron didn't give an indication that he was opting out. He gave the impression that he was going to play out this season with the Warriors when all along he had a master plan. He just did it at the last minute and was hella quiet about it. It was more about how this whole thing went down rather than what he actually did.

I'm pretty sure Baron wanted to stay, but when Mullin and management didn't offer the extension he felt he deserved, he went to look for otheroptions. Mullin was probably thinking there is NO way in hell leaves 18 million on the table, but he was wrong. He put off the extension, possible tradeoptions to the last minute and ended up with absolutely nothing.

So, some of yall think BD intended to screw the Warriors up? I really find that hard to believe.
I'll see him at Oracle this upcoming season, andhopefully he will be welcomed back like JRich was.

The 2007 playoff team is slowly being dismantled. I wouldnt be surprised if Jackson is traded as well.
SJax has more value to us than other teams...I'd want him to stay unless we can get something crazy for him. Now that Baron's gone, he's theofficial leader/captain of our team. We will still need a guy like Jack who isn't soft and will stand up for his teammates. We can't afford to loseBOTH of our leaders. I think he could be a Warrior for the rest of his career...but I thought J-Rich would be too. But I just think that's pretty possible.
at least we're pretty sure Al's gonna be gone. use his 10 mill to help spread a contract we'd take back. Al + filler for Iggy???

Do it Chris!
I doubt he wanted to screw the W's up. He was looking into what was best for him. He's from L.A., his grandmother is a lot closer to him now, he wantsto be a producer...So what else could you do. If I was in the league and the W's gave me an offer to come back home, I would do it in a heartbeat. IMO.

I just don't like how he decided to announce his opt out late. Ahh well...Time to see some Bellinelli.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Sriracha Hot Sauce wrote:

If you were in Baron's shoes, you would've done the same thing, because Warriors management didnt show him any loyalty he thought he deserved. No way
I'm booing this guy for all he's done in little over 3 years time here. If your best player isn't worth an reasonable extension I don't know
who does. 2 All Stars walked away for nothing, how can we be certain Monta won't be next? Because Mullin said so?

I know he did what he did to secure a long term contract but I'm mad because Baron didn't give an indication that he was opting out. He gave the
impression that he was going to play out this season with the Warriors when all along he had a master plan. He just did it at the last minute and was hella
quiet about it. It was more about how this whole thing went down rather than what he actually did.

How do we know that Baron was planning to opt out this whole time?

Honestly, I think BDs whole train of thought changed once he knew the Warriors were actively shopping him and showed no initiative in securing a long-termdeal. Mullin traded JRich to Charlotte under the radar, I think Baron didn't want to get caught in a similar situation and dumped onto an albatross.

Although everyone said Baron wouldn't opt out because of the 17.8 Million he would be making, I don't recall seeing any interviews or reading anythingconcrete saying that Baron would indeed decide not to opt out. His agent was always posturing that BD could opt out until the last week or so - when it wasstill up in the air (and when the Baron to Detroit, Cleveland..etc rumors were popping up).

Imo Mullin's silence speaks more than Baron jumping ship.
Originally Posted by acidicality

SJax has more value to us than other teams...I'd want him to stay unless we can get something crazy for him. Now that Baron's gone, he's the official leader/captain of our team. We will still need a guy like Jack who isn't soft and will stand up for his teammates.

You can try and get picks and YOUNG talent for him
This is full on rebuilding mode, you have to


it up.

1st. Re-sign Biedrins and Monta. Do not, I reapeat DO NOT overpay. I guess you can justify Monta, but don't over do it with Beadrins.
2nd. Trade Al and SJax. These are proven vets who will be an asset for some team out there. Try and get a young pg or something. Memphis is overcrowded. Try and grab Crit, Conley, or Lowry. I don't think Monta is the future pg
. Other YOUNG talent is fine. Maybe a 4 or a 5. Maxiel anyone? I'm sure you can do something like SJax for Maxiel and a pick and Hinrichfor Al. That may not happen but you get the idea. P.S.
at the thoughtof SJax playing in Utah

3. PLAY YOUR PLAYERS. Yes, Randolph, Wright, Belli, Monta, Biedrins. They should be playing ALL THE TIME. You don't know what you have with these guys,lord knows I don't want to see another POB
4. Rebuild through the lottery. Don't take the Knicks route and overpay for free agents who don't deserve the money.
5. Hire a defensive minded coach. Defense wins chips. Period. The ultimate goal is not to make the playoffs, not the WCF, it's to win a CHIP. Theseplayers can learn how to play D.
they're not stupid. Also, look at the draft for young Defensive talent.
6. Take the Portland Trailblazer route. PLEASE. Don't be like the Knicks and try and trade for players(and then overpay them with extensions) or overpaythrough free agency.
The Blazers will be legit title contenders in 2-3 years. They rebuilt through the draft. Once again DON'T TAKE THE KNICKS ROUTE

I should be a gm
To be honest with all my fellow Bay Area/ Warriors fan brothers...... I'm worried.

I don't know anyone in this league that can play aside with Stephen Jackson. Other than Artest, J O'neal, & Baron...

However, I can see Brand in the mix... but right now... the future is looking hella dim.

Hyphy music is dead. The Niners, Raiders, & Giants suck. The once biggest star-athlete of the entire Bay Area is gone.

^ These 2 teams is all we have to somewhat "brag" about.
Andto be honest, I can't watch hockey nor Baseball as much as Football & hoops.

I wish I was a Boston native.
I should be a gm

We will NOT get young talent or anyone valuable for Jackson. I don't see that happening. So, we're better off keeping him rather thandumping him to Cleveland for Wally+co.

We do NOT need to blow up the roster. If we lose Jackson we have no true leader that has that type of heart that can carry a team...I don't see that yet inMonta/Andris or any of our young guys so far.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by acidicality

SJax has more value to us than other teams...I'd want him to stay unless we can get something crazy for him. Now that Baron's gone, he's the official leader/captain of our team. We will still need a guy like Jack who isn't soft and will stand up for his teammates.

You can try and get picks and YOUNG talent for him
This is full on rebuilding mode, you have to


it up.

1st. Re-sign Biedrins and Monta. Do not, I reapeat DO NOT overpay. I guess you can justify Monta, but don't over do it with Beadrins.
2nd. Trade Al and SJax. These are proven vets who will be an asset for some team out there. Try and get a young pg or something. Memphis is overcrowded. Try and grab Crit, Conley, or Lowry. I don't think Monta is the future pg
3. PLAY YOUR PLAYERS. Yes, Randolph, Wright, Belli, Monta, Biedrins. They should be playing ALL THE TIME. You don't know what you have with these guys, lord knows I don't want to see another POB
4. Rebuild through the lottery. Don't take the Knicks route and overpay for free agents who don't deserve the money.
5. Hire a defensive minded coach. Defense wins chips. Period. The ultimate goal is not to make the playoffs, not the WCF, it's to win a CHIP. These players can learn how to play D.
they're not stupid. Also, look at the draft for young Defensive talent.
6. Take the Portland Trailblazer route. PLEASE. Don't be like the Knicks and try and trade for players(and then overpay them with extensions) or overpay through free agency.
The Blazers will be legit title contenders in 2-3 years. They rebuilt through the draft. Once again DON'T TAKE THE KNICKS ROUTE

I should be a gm

Sorry dude I would not want you as the W's GM. Throwing in the towel even before any basketball has been played cmon now. We are in a better positionthan a lot of teams in the league. The W's are in a position to make some good moves to get next season going.
Originally Posted by GAS BREAK DIP

To be honest with all my fellow Bay Area/ Warriors fan brothers...... I'm worried.

I don't know anyone in this league that can play aside with Stephen Jackson. Other than Artest, J O'neal, & Baron...

However, I can see Brand in the mix... but right now... the future is looking hella dim.

Hyphy music is dead. The Niners, Raiders, & Giants suck. The once biggest star-athlete of the entire Bay Area is gone.

^ These 2 teams is all we have to somewhat "brag" about.
And to be honest, I can't watch hockey nor Baseball as much as Football & hoops.

I wish I was a Boston native.

Giants don't suck that bad. Tim Lincecum.

The ultimate goal of any team is to win a chip.
This roster cannot win a chip with it's style of play. That should be a given.

Sonics, Blazers show you how to do it.
Rebuild through the draft.
This team is still young.

DO NOT #$+% IT UP by overpaying in free agency
Yes that means Josh Smith.
Retool by trading for young talent and rebulding through the draft.
^You mean J-Rich traded to Charlotte. Mullin will speak soon enough.

* fixed. thanks!

I actually like SoHi's idea. Still on the fence on SJax for draft picks tho. He brings alot of toughness to our squad but he might go AWOL w/o Baron.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

This is full on rebuilding mode, you have to


it up.

I don't want the Warriors to "Re-build". We've been doing that since the start of the millenium until 2007 when we got J-Rich, Baron, S-Jax,Monta, Biedrins, Al, & Barnes all playing together. We became a playoff team after taking 12 years to rebuild. Quite frankly, I'm not ready for another12 years and the return of Free Chalupa night.
acidicality wrote:
We will NOT get young talent or anyone valuable for Jackson. I don't see that happening. So, we're better off keeping him rather than dumping him to Cleveland for Wally+co.

We do NOT need to blow up the roster. If we lose Jackson we have no true leader that has that type of heart that can carry a team...I don't see that yet in Monta/Andris or any of our young guys so far.

I'm going to disregard the gm crack

Anyway, the Blazers don't have a veteran leader and they're doing just fine.
What I'm saying is throw him on the trading block and see what offers come up.
Harrington needs to go ASAP though. He's just taking pt away from Randolph and Wright.

SJax averaged 20 points last year if I'm not mistaken.
You tell me a contender wouldn't want a player like that??

Harrington is a good role player. I like him,(no JapanAir) he grabs boards and can put up double digits.
Somebody will want him.

So I want a trade for a bunch of scrubs? No, trade for pics and young players

I'm not saying blow it up in the sense that we should trade everybody.
I'm saying follow the Blazers way, rebuild through the draft, give your young players pt
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