Originally Posted by sherwin100s

Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Stood in line for 2 hours. Not to bad in GA. It was 3-4 hours before.

Dude behind me was stinkin. He had a roach crawl out of his pants. SMH but his dirty @%% voted.
Lol....I think the color thing works both ways but like I said in my 1st post u put a blk face on the ballot, and #*#$*% will come out to vote...doesn'treally matter what he is sayin....oh well its about time our color works in our favor...
Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Stood in line for 2 hours. Not to bad in GA. It was 3-4 hours before.

Dude behind me was stinkin. He had a roach crawl out of his pants. SMH but his dirty @%% voted.
I waited 2 hours sat morning to cast my vote and judging from the calls I'm getting from my people, its was a smart move. Obama gonna have VA on lock.

Moms went to vote before work, called me at 6:55 tellin me its a line. Jumped in wit her and waited 20 minutes.
Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Stood in line for 2 hours. Not to bad in GA. It was 3-4 hours before.

Dude behind me was stinkin. He had a roach crawl out of his pants. SMH but his dirty @%% voted.

i pictured that dude from the first men in black
YES! I straight voted on these suckers mayne!


My voting story:

I went to vote at the elementary school next to my house which is that same one I went to from first grade on and the same one my mom took me whenever she wentto go vote.

I got there at about 7:30ish and got online for the 39th Election district. Like most of Queens my district contains a lot of immigrants and there are a lot ofelderly in my neighborhood. Combine this with a rather ineffectual polling staff and you'll understand that they'll be some difficulties to arise.

Each district has two machines (the old school switch-and-lever that NY will be using for the last time in this election) to it and the No.2 machine eitherbroke down or people needed assistance with at least five times. At least two separate people started arguments with the volunteers. It seemed to take a lotlonger than it actually did but I ended up getting in and out in about a half hour and luckily was only about 20 minutes late to class.

Didn't get an I Voted sticker so that sucked but I have my voter card to commemorate my first ballot ever cast. I think next time I'lltry volunteering at the polling place.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Someone stuck an Obama sticker on me, smh. Assuming FTL


It was this

I am seeing a lot of McCain signs for the first time in my area of Orlando.
It's been ALL Obama thus far.
Originally Posted by FedExciter

no obama shirts at the polls, i just seen a group of people get turned away because of their obama shirts,didnt hear the specific reason but i heard something about no campaigning at the polls or somethin like that
ima have to call ducktales...thats not campaigning and you def dont lose your right to vote b/c of it- do like highschool when you wore an offenseshirt and the principle mad eyou turn it inside in your in no shirt....but who gets turned away and just leaves?? doesnt makesense-

anyways my joint was str8 - waited in a line for like 10mins only to find out i didn't have to cause it was separated by i walked over to theother section and was outta there in 5 mins-

if your having line issues go during non peak times- obv right before work, lunch time and right after work are gonna be the busiest...think of it like theregistry-

and im sure most employers/teachers are being lenient today-
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

Poll opened 45 mins ago...,me and moms thought we was gettin the drop on everyone goin this early, damn line is at least 120 deep...
....line down the block, around the corner, and up the next mom says its never this long this early.....and it moving slow as hell.....jus goes to show...u put a blk face on that damn ballot and the *#+$#@ will come out to vote...don't matter really what they sayin, *#+$#@ will come out to vote....



Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

We ran into my mom's friend and she said she was in line at 5...
....and wasn't even 1st in line....
smh.gif some j's is droppin...


Hopefully I'll be able to make it back in time after class..what time does the voting close?
Soo I went around line...I was done in about 10min
Living in a small town FTW
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by FedExciter

no obama shirts at the polls, i just seen a group of people get turned away because of their obama shirts,didnt hear the specific reason but i heard something about no campaigning at the polls or somethin like that
ima have to call ducktales...thats not campaigning and you def dont lose your right to vote b/c of it- do like highschool when you wore an offense shirt and the principle mad eyou turn it inside in your in no shirt....but who gets turned away and just leaves?? doesnt make sense-

anyways my joint was str8 - waited in a line for like 10mins only to find out i didn't have to cause it was separated by i walked over to the other section and was outta there in 5 mins-

if your having line issues go during non peak times- obv right before work, lunch time and right after work are gonna be the busiest...think of it like the registry-

and im sure most employers/teachers are being lenient today-
"Wearing campaign paraphernalia-a button, a sticker and, of course, a T-shirt-in support of any candidate is seen as passive electioneering.Some states are more lenient. In Kentucky, Maryland and Florida, election officials most often make no fuss about voter attire. The only thing banned there isthe display of excessive campaign garb (i.e. head-to-toe Obama gear) or outright solicitation. Wearing campaign paraphernalia and lingering in the pollingstation is also a no-no in those states.
Other states, such as Pennsylvania and New York, maintain laws on passive electioneering while remaining lax in enforcement. In New York, for example,refusing to comply with the request of election officials to remove an item is considered a misdemeanor, but arrests have rarely-if ever-been made."
At the polls right now, listening to the audio book of "The Audacity of Hope" while posting on the kick

Time to show and prove!
Originally Posted by SoLeSuPrEmE

Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by FedExciter

no obama shirts at the polls, i just seen a group of people get turned away because of their obama shirts,didnt hear the specific reason but i heard something about no campaigning at the polls or somethin like that
ima have to call ducktales...thats not campaigning and you def dont lose your right to vote b/c of it- do like highschool when you wore an offense shirt and the principle mad eyou turn it inside in your in no shirt....but who gets turned away and just leaves?? doesnt make sense-

anyways my joint was str8 - waited in a line for like 10mins only to find out i didn't have to cause it was separated by i walked over to the other section and was outta there in 5 mins-

if your having line issues go during non peak times- obv right before work, lunch time and right after work are gonna be the busiest...think of it like the registry-

and im sure most employers/teachers are being lenient today-
"Wearing campaign paraphernalia-a button, a sticker and, of course, a T-shirt-in support of any candidate is seen as passive electioneering. Some states are more lenient. In Kentucky, Maryland and Florida, election officials most often make no fuss about voter attire. The only thing banned there is the display of excessive campaign garb (i.e. head-to-toe Obama gear) or outright solicitation. Wearing campaign paraphernalia and lingering in the polling station is also a no-no in those states.
Other states, such as Pennsylvania and New York, maintain laws on passive electioneering while remaining lax in enforcement. In New York, for example, refusing to comply with the request of election officials to remove an item is considered a misdemeanor, but arrests have rarely-if ever-been made."
i understand that and have heard of it but that doesnt say anything to my point- its not "campaigning" and if your state is one thatchooses to enforce this "passive electioneering" then ok BUT that still doesn't take away your i said turn it inside out, take it off,change it- your there and you still can vote
I stood in line for 3 hours to vote, while the old dude in front of me was trying to convince me that all diseases were caused by a vitamin deficiency, evenebola.

some lady from Acorn was passing out "ACORN'S political alignment flyers, to sway undecided voters at the last minute. I think this was illegal, butwhatever...

and they were turning away people with Obama/Mccain shirts, but most just took it off and threw it in the car, no biggie...
I voted early smh @ all u procrasinators lol

I kid doesn't matter as long as you vote...Barack the Vote Yall
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