I've been waiting in line for like 15 minues. Its 8:15 on the west coast. Line was about 200 deep but its moving quickly. Living in a predominately whitesocal suburb ftw
Just out of curiosity because I wasn't on this board 4 years ago but was there this much talk about voting in the last election?
GO OUT AND VOTE PEEPS! I don't care who you vote for, just go out and exercise your God given rights. Pretty long lines here in Sacramento ... I didn'tmind the wait!

[h3]GO VOTE![/h3]
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Just out of curiosity because I wasn't on this board 4 years ago but was there this much talk about voting in the last election?
hell no-

this election is could have had the first black president, first woman president (clinton), the oldest president/1st female VP

the downfall of the country under bush...the wars...the economic collapse, celebrity endorsements etc all made this election MUCH bigger than the last-

racism, sexism all that is coming out...young people coming out...its craziness

GO OUT AND VOTE PEEPS! I don't care who you vote for, just go out and exercise your God given rights. Pretty long lines here in Sacramento ... I didn't mind the wait!
really? God?
lets see......ima try to keep this as short as possible....i know ima fail tho

i filled out a form to get an absentee never came. but i AM REGISTERED TO VOTE IN NEWPORT NEWS...

my aunt said, well.....i might can come pick you up and bring down to newport news....
in my head i was thinking..." that is a great idea!!!, but you are not gonna do it, and the next time i get a phone call from you, you are gonna say, in avery stressed inquisitive voice.."now, explain to me one more time, why u cant vote in richmond?"
hours pass and my dad calls,

"she not coming, now, explain to me one more time, why u cant vote in richmond?"

i told him, he gives me these numbers to make complaints...i get the answering machine...then he said "well, go online and google "vote", or"obama", or "election" and see if u can vote online, yea yea, do that and hit me back"

i do, just to appease his %+%. and i found nothing. so i go to the VA voter registration site, and they have nothing on me voting for Richmond. but they saythat i can vote back home.

me and my roomate went outside, on his way out he starts talkin to the dorm security guard, he starts talkin about her doin a provisional ballot cuz she aintsure where she's registered to vote. so im like
ima rock with that.

i go to the voter spot here in richmond,and i see a 2 lines one of about 30 people. and one with 3.

the lady at the door was like "whats your last name," i told her "dickerson" and she said here, she put me in the line with 3 people

but then a girl came to her and was tellin her about how she might need help with a provisonal ballot, and she pulls out a paper that PROVES SHE CAN VOTE. thelady ask me if i have any proof i can vote, and i said no, she said thats fine. i write down my info and we and ol girl take a seat.....

then i see my buddy from my english class that looks like Beauty Dior workin the polls (
). she took ol girl first. took her info and called some people. they told her that she couldnt vote..........AT ALL.

im like
. but she had paperwork!!!. im thinking im doomed then cuz i aint got a damn thing. i dont know ol girl situation so i cant speak on it too much.

so then Ms Dior takes me. she called some people and they aint answer. she tried again and she told me that i couldnt vote here. im like
. she told me she got paid 100+ for workin the polls.

then the lady from the door came back to me. she told me that i cant do a provisional ballot cuz i am registered to vote in NN, and i can still go down thereto vote...

me: huh? u want me to walk my %+% down to newport news to vote"
her: "you gotta find someway to get down there hunny"

so what if i was registered in Cali, or Hawaii?

so i asked her why i aint get my absentee thing in the mail

she says that they didnt update my info.


so i asked her again. she said that is my responsib......

once she said that i just tuned her out. cuz that sounded like a plea the govt be coppin just to keep them from being faulted from wrongdoing
like "oh, yea, you can file for an absentee ballot, but if something goes wrong, we are not responsible, you are"

yo, i dont make the absentee ballots, i dont send them through the mail. so do u want me and all my +%%@#! to run up in the absentee spot and MAKE them do itright? cuz thats the only way i can make sure that they do what they are suppose to do. cuz me just havin faith that they are gonna do it right is not working.the govt keep tellin me to do this and to do that, but that +#*+ NEVER works. never.
so i bounce and walk in the cold %+% rain back to my dorm.

im bout to get kicked outta school cuz some IRS *%*@%%%% and the IRS dont even know whats goin on. and i did everything they wanted.

!%$* 'EM.

theres nothing more i can do



Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Just out of curiosity because I wasn't on this board 4 years ago but was there this much talk about voting in the last election?
hell no-

this election is could have had the first black president, first woman president (clinton), the oldest president/1st female VP

the downfall of the country under bush...the wars...the economic collapse, celebrity endorsements etc all made this election MUCH bigger than the last-

racism, sexism all that is coming out...young people coming out...its craziness
Yup. That abut sums it up.
I showed up at 7. Big L. Long line is too long.

I plan on going later on. Next time, absentee for sure.
Just voted.

My polling station was like 4 blocks from my house in the basement of a church. Stood in line on the inside for maybe 10 minutes with 3 people ahead of me.

Obama/Biden '08

Feeling great about it too! I almost didn't get to vote (moved states, registered in new state before I left all to get a bogus letter saying I wasn'tregistered) but all that was worth it. Got up early, stood in line for a while and voted. It's going to be a great day!
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Just out of curiosity because I wasn't on this board 4 years ago but was there this much talk about voting in the last election?
hell no-

this election is could have had the first black president, first woman president (clinton), the oldest president/1st female VP

the downfall of the country under bush...the wars...the economic collapse, celebrity endorsements etc all made this election MUCH bigger than the last-

racism, sexism all that is coming out...young people coming out...its craziness

Got back about 30 minutes ago from my Polling place. Waited about 5 minutes, voted then I was out. Between 10-4 is really the best time to vote. My mom wentabout 5am and the polls open at 6, and she had about a 45 minute wait. So if your on NT right now and haven't voted.

I just got through voting about 20 minutes ago.
I was so excited.
Can't wait for the results later on tonight.
I got to the polls around 7:35 or so, I had to park all the way down the street. I got lucky cause my parents were line at the front so I jumped in with them. Right before we entered in the school my brother came up to where we were so we were there collectively as a family
. We took a picture of course, my father felt very proud
. Sig check!!
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