Paycheck to Paycheck or WealthBoyz?

i agree cutting them off completely is wild
could only see that happening in EXTREME circumstances
To me, you'd either have to really not give a **** about your kid's future or be really struggling yourself to cut them off completely at a young age.

I'm sure there are some extenuating circumstances there, but you'd also need to re-evaluate your parenting and/or your own decision making if it got to that point.
Lack of financial literacy and education also matters. Too many people make dumb decisions or have no idea what to do with the money they do have. Too many seeking instant gratification or trying to look cool on instagram. Too many people ignorant about how and why to invest. How many people on this site own Nike's and how many own shares of Nike ?

Brokerage account gang.
i would say
majority of the people
who come from
where i come from
and have the same color as me
wasnt taught that
our education system is lacking for black folks
nike stock is cool
ut forget that
i want to buy land
buy property
black folks had 2 generations
hell maybe even close to 3
wiped out and had to start over
cause of drugs and single parent homes
and systemic oppression
white folks dont have an excuse to be ignorant
but black folks are just getting on their feet wet
with this source of knowledge that was kept from us
To me, you'd either have to really not give a **** about your kid's future or be completely struggling yourself to cut them off completely at a young age.

I'm sure there are some extenuating circumstances there, but you'd also need to re-evaluate your parenting and/or your own decision making if it got to that point.
yes and no
i know plenty of no good folks
who parents
did everything they could for their child to do good in this world
but they just ****** it all over
just wanted to smoke and hang on the block
everything aint all black and white
life is VERY nuanced
everyone aint get to the finishline the same way
sometimes folks dont take a step back to realize
that not everyone had the same experiences as u
and not everyone can go through
what u went through with their head on straight
or held high
EVERYONE is different
and EVERY circumstance doesnt play out the same
yes and no
i know plenty of no good folks
who parents
did everything they could for their child to do good in this world
but they just ****** it all over
just wanted to smoke and hang on the block
everything aint all black and white
life is VERY nuanced
everyone aint get to the finishline the same way
sometimes folks dont take a step back to realize
that not everyone had the same experiences as u
and not everyone can go through
what u went through with their head on straight
or held high
EVERYONE is different
and EVERY circumstance doesnt play out the same
Remember when I said "extenuating circumstances"?
i know that
i was just expanding on our conversation
Of course. Having said that...I'll add my own personal anecdote.

Grew up with a kid named Joey that became a great friend of mine from elementary school to senior year.
We had a lot in common. Grew up skating together, both raised by single moms, and had similar sense of humor.

The main difference was in the way our moms raised us. My mom was as caring and dedicated as they come, but she ruled with an iron fist. She had the most finely-tuned ******** detector I've ever seen. I hated it when she would call me out, but I'm forever appreciative now. She always put hard work and education first and was quick to tell me about how my friends had dumb parents that were setting up their kids for failure. Fast forward I'm an RN on track to become a CRNA and my brother is finishing up a Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology.

Joey's mom seemed like she was more or less going through the motions of being a parent. She would constantly take the path of least resistance because it was easier to give him whatever he wanted than it would be to teach him any sort of life lesson. Spent way too many days at his house watching him curse out his mom because she wouldn't drive us to the indoor skatepark in the middle of a snowstorm. Started distancing myself with him when he started getting heavy into drugs. It became pretty clear that he was using drugs because he was never properly taught how to deal with life's hardships or how to tolerate being told "no." He's been in and out of rehab and has more or less become a Venice Beach bum because he had no guidance or discipline.

I used to criticize his mom's parenting back in my early 20s to my friends and I was met with collective outrage from my other friends because "she did everything she could for him." Nah, yo. She created a monster and she was dealing with the consequences.

We're all shaped by our upbringing, and I'm infinitely skeptical of the "they did everything they could" narrative because of this.
Of course. Having said that...I'll add my own personal anecdote.

Grew up with a kid named Joey that became a great friend of mine from elementary school to senior year.
We had a lot in common. Grew up skating together, both raised by single moms, and had similar sense of humor.

The main difference was in the way our moms raised us. My mom was as caring and dedicated as they come, but she ruled with an iron fist. She had the most finely-tuned bull**** detector I've ever seen. I hated it when she would call me out, but I'm forever appreciative now. She always put hard work and education first and was quick to tell me about how my friends had dumb parents that were setting up their kids for failure. Fast forward I'm an RN on track to become a CRNA and my brother is finishing up a Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology.

Joey's mom seemed like she was more or less going through the motions of being a parent. She would constantly take the path of least resistance because it was easier to give him whatever he wanted than it would be to teach him any sort of life lesson. Spent way too many days at his house watching him curse out his mom because she wouldn't drive us to the indoor skatepark in the middle of a snowstorm. Started distancing myself with him when he started getting heavy into drugs. It became pretty clear that he was using drugs because he was never properly taught how to deal with life's hardships or how to tolerate being told "no." He's been in and out of rehab and has more or less become a Venice Beach bum because he had no guidance or discipline.

I used to criticize his mom's parenting back in my early 20s to my friends and I was met with collective outrage from my other friends because "she did everything she could for him." Nah, yo. She created a monster and she was dealing with the consequences.

We're all shaped by our upbringing, and I'm infinitely skeptical of the "they did everything they could" narrative because of this.
see but flip side
is theres people who had parents
just like ur friend
but are on a path similar or even better than urs
and people who had parents like ur mom
and on the path like ur friend
see but flip side
is theres people who had parents
just like ur friend
but are on a path similar or even better than urs
and people who had parents like ur mom
and on the path like ur friend
I don't think either of us are in any position to evaluate family dynamics that we're not directly a part of. I speak on my experience because I saw it firsthand.

I'm sure there are great kids who don't need the constant guidance/oversight in order to be successful just as I'm sure there are total monsters where nothing would change their bad behavior.

@handullz would call this #NTExtremes

However, for the vast majority of people the way they're raised is the deciding factor.
I don't think either of us are in any position to evaluate family dynamics that we're not directly a part of. I speak on my experience because I saw it firsthand.

I'm sure there are great kids who don't need the constant guidance/oversight in order to be successful just as I'm sure there are total monsters where nothing would change their bad behavior.

@handullz would call this #NTExtremes

However, for the vast majority of people the way they're raised is the deciding factor.
u may not be
but i am
my family immediate and extended has been through some things
from crack addictions to alcoholics
to murderers to robbing folks
and some of us got through unscathed
some didnt
and some still bare the scars
but are doing great at life
if i ever have the pleasure of chilling with u
i got some stories
u may not be
but i am
my family immediate and extended has been through some things
from crack addictions to alcoholics
to murderers to robbing folks
and some of us got through unscathed
some didnt
and some still bare the scars
but are doing great at life
if i ever have the pleasure of chilling with u
i got some stories
So we're basically on the same page regardless of the technicalities.

Would love to talk about my imprisoned/deceased friends over a plate of my humblebragged food.

Consider this the olive branch.
I don’t have children and I don’t want to speak for the man but I’ve talked to folks with even one kid and good child care is exorbitant for a working couple. My one co-worker said something along the lines of “The bill for the year came and I thought ‘damn, this is 1.5 McDonald employees’ salary’” or something along those lines :lol: I also remember when my ex-gf’s sister-in-law had a baby, the couple did an analysi and it would pretty much even in earnings vs child care so she stayed home.

Childcare costs are ridiculous. They should seriously have some caps on it. My son’s daycare is more than our mortgage. You get what you pay for though. They provide catered meals and snacks and they teach him Spanish and provide diapers, wipes and milk. We couldn’t be happier with the exception of our pockets.

Also for those with kids or expecting , save for your kids future man. Don't allow your kids to have to navigate this world how we did financially. Even saving $50 per check goes a long way down the line. Two checks a month, that's $1200 a year. 21 years that's $25k. And that's without any savings accounts and potential interests. It doesn't take much to save, we just aren't taught to do it.

Absolutely. Every check a potion of that goes to my kids savings and trust.

We broke tho. Lol. Can’t wait to get my business going and chuck the deuce at the military
It's not 2009 anymore, Detroit costs are rising sharply. Was there last year for a conference and the condos were verging on Minneapolis prices.

That’s everywhere, developers everywhere are getting tax savings and loans out the *** to build a bunch of unaffordable housing. Not exactly sure who’s going to fill them considering the personal debt of Americans and stagnant salaries. We’re all in for a HUGE recession.
That’s everywhere, developers everywhere are getting tax savings and loans out the *** to build a bunch of unaffordable housing. Not exactly sure who’s going to fill them considering the personal debt of Americans and stagnant salaries. We’re all in for a HUGE recession.
I can't speak to every market, but they are filling them here, they literally can't meet the demand.

A recession is inevitable, sure, but in my opinion the severity of the next one is overblown.
whats minneapolis prices??? :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

The ever popular “luxury condo” is gonna set you back 300k to a million or more, it really depends where you live.

Before I bought my house I rented in the hood, Like my girlfriend found a dead body in the bushes and my dog pissed on it hood. :lol: yes that happened... anyways 10 year old condos were selling in that dump for 300k. 900sq ft.

I bought in St. Paul, way cheaper.

**** isn’t slowing down either. I was just in the boonies today an hour out of Minneapolis working on some big *** condos and mansions.
I can't speak to every market, but they are filling them here, they literally can't meet the demand.

A recession is inevitable, sure, but in my opinion the severity of the next one is overblown.

It’s not gonna be that bad, people are just moving to the metro from the country because there is no jobs out there.

How many people do you know from Minneapolis here? We’re all moving out and they are coming in. :lol:

Those condos and houses are selling. :lol: they aren’t building them for no reason.

I can’t really comment on the wages here unless you’re talking blue collar, entry level is 60k. 100k+ is easily doable once you got a few years in. All my friends are self employed or tradesmen. If you aren’t lazy you’ll be good.
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Good Thread. Good timing too. (ESPP Enrollment)

I think ultimately it comes down to discipline. I'm in a good position right now from experience. I don't think a course in High School would have saved me from those low periods but I'm all for it. SC had a Bill to make it a requirement and I hope it passes. I'll continue to try to reach my people with it regardless.

That’s everywhere, developers everywhere are getting tax savings and loans out the *** to build a bunch of unaffordable housing. Not exactly sure who’s going to fill them considering the personal debt of Americans and stagnant salaries. We’re all in for a HUGE recession.
For real. They throwing new apartments up and houses don't last a week. Like Brownstone Brownstone said, I don't think we see a 07/09 Recession again. But whatever happens I'm waiting in the wing. :nerd:
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