Posters 25 and up...Drop some lesson's you've learned about life for the younger NTer's

Originally Posted by TheTruthHurts74

Don't think you're going from an hourly gig into "ultimate hustler" mode, clocking major bread. Every high profile person you see in any industry has some sort of background history, and has likely worked in it from the bottom to the top. It's a long process.

If you're looking for a career with high visibility (media, music, apparel... lifestyle stuff), you'll never make it outside of a major market. Go to where the action is, and get out of your city that doesn't matter. It's easy to shine in a city of losers.

Enjoy every minute of life when you have the opportunity to live frivolously (high schoo, college for some). Once you get into the "real world," you never can go back.

Realize that working in any capacity, with any job is admirable. Whether you're a garbage man, or high level exec; as long as you're supporting yourself and anyone you're committed to- you're doing a good job. Don't be above work. There's a reason why the US is no longer a powerhouse when it comes to many industries.

Race is arbitrary. We all (for the most part) come from cultures that were impoverished at one time. We're all trying to do better. Stop concentrating on the differences, but focus on our similarities.

Travel as much as you can. It's the most life-altering experience in your life, the absolute BEST way you can spend your money. Tangible, material items eventually weather and go away, or get lost. Travel creates life changing moments and memories you'll never forget.

Learn to save young. You know those people in your family aged 40+ that still can't make ends meet? They didn't learn money management young (most likely). Set aside $100 from each check, throw it into an account, a ROTH IRA if you're focused. You'll thank me in 20 years.

LISTEN UP YA'LL. this is the best advice in this thread

Originally Posted by TheTruthHurts74

Don't think you're going from an hourly gig into "ultimate hustler" mode, clocking major bread. Every high profile person you see in any industry has some sort of background history, and has likely worked in it from the bottom to the top. It's a long process.

If you're looking for a career with high visibility (media, music, apparel... lifestyle stuff), you'll never make it outside of a major market. Go to where the action is, and get out of your city that doesn't matter. It's easy to shine in a city of losers.

Enjoy every minute of life when you have the opportunity to live frivolously (high schoo, college for some). Once you get into the "real world," you never can go back.

Realize that working in any capacity, with any job is admirable. Whether you're a garbage man, or high level exec; as long as you're supporting yourself and anyone you're committed to- you're doing a good job. Don't be above work. There's a reason why the US is no longer a powerhouse when it comes to many industries.

Race is arbitrary. We all (for the most part) come from cultures that were impoverished at one time. We're all trying to do better. Stop concentrating on the differences, but focus on our similarities.

Travel as much as you can. It's the most life-altering experience in your life, the absolute BEST way you can spend your money. Tangible, material items eventually weather and go away, or get lost. Travel creates life changing moments and memories you'll never forget.

Learn to save young. You know those people in your family aged 40+ that still can't make ends meet? They didn't learn money management young (most likely). Set aside $100 from each check, throw it into an account, a ROTH IRA if you're focused. You'll thank me in 20 years.

LISTEN UP YA'LL. this is the best advice in this thread

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Procrastination is the first step to a missed opportunity

Everyone is an expert about things they haven't tried themselves, follow your heart

There isn't one second of your life that is meaningless, observe life as a classroom with a constant flow of experiences in which you evolve knowingly even if it hurts

Everything gets old of material and as your back account ballons this fact doesnt change and it's all relative

Ignore the girl that throws herself at you because she saw you driving a ferrari, yea you can smash but she doesn't deserve it

Perfect the art of words and become fluent in the English language, you'd be surprised with how many people you can fool with a silver tongue

Doors will be slammed continuously and you will be told your ideas or talents aren't good enough, this is lifes way of testing whether or not you really want it

God isn't a seperate entity outside of you judging and watching your every move, the greatest human error is our mistake of demeaning God into a self absorbed Egotist with human faults

Love is never as good as the first time, enjoy being naive because once you know better the magic loses its luster

Don't assume people are what they present themselves to be

Wisdom trumps intelligence

The difference between success and failure is action

Try a psychoactive or psychedelic substance atleast once in your life you might have a life altering trip, there are bad trips though........

Don't become a slave to your legacy despite your illusions of grandeur no one will fully appreciate you

Everyone you know is going to die, some horribly and most peacefully, please don't forget that

Don't try to figure life out, that's not the point

You wouldn't know that you were alive if you hadn't been dead before *really think about that*
this is why i mess with NT 
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Procrastination is the first step to a missed opportunity

Everyone is an expert about things they haven't tried themselves, follow your heart

There isn't one second of your life that is meaningless, observe life as a classroom with a constant flow of experiences in which you evolve knowingly even if it hurts

Everything gets old of material and as your back account ballons this fact doesnt change and it's all relative

Ignore the girl that throws herself at you because she saw you driving a ferrari, yea you can smash but she doesn't deserve it

Perfect the art of words and become fluent in the English language, you'd be surprised with how many people you can fool with a silver tongue

Doors will be slammed continuously and you will be told your ideas or talents aren't good enough, this is lifes way of testing whether or not you really want it

God isn't a seperate entity outside of you judging and watching your every move, the greatest human error is our mistake of demeaning God into a self absorbed Egotist with human faults

Love is never as good as the first time, enjoy being naive because once you know better the magic loses its luster

Don't assume people are what they present themselves to be

Wisdom trumps intelligence

The difference between success and failure is action

Try a psychoactive or psychedelic substance atleast once in your life you might have a life altering trip, there are bad trips though........

Don't become a slave to your legacy despite your illusions of grandeur no one will fully appreciate you

Everyone you know is going to die, some horribly and most peacefully, please don't forget that

Don't try to figure life out, that's not the point

You wouldn't know that you were alive if you hadn't been dead before *really think about that*
this is why i mess with NT 
Never Levae The One You Love The One You Like, Because The One You Like May Leave You For The One They Love...Real Talk..

Stay Discipline (with ur money and with ur morals and values in life) itll take you a long way.

If u have a problem remembering things or are scared to look someone in there eyes while they are talking to you. Look at there mouth (lips) and u wont forget a word they said.... works great in class with professors
Never Levae The One You Love The One You Like, Because The One You Like May Leave You For The One They Love...Real Talk..

Stay Discipline (with ur money and with ur morals and values in life) itll take you a long way.

If u have a problem remembering things or are scared to look someone in there eyes while they are talking to you. Look at there mouth (lips) and u wont forget a word they said.... works great in class with professors
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Procrastination is the first step to a missed opportunity

Everyone is an expert about things they haven't tried themselves, follow your heart

There isn't one second of your life that is meaningless, observe life as a classroom with a constant flow of experiences in which you evolve knowingly even if it hurts

Everything gets old of material and as your back account ballons this fact doesnt change and it's all relative

Ignore the girl that throws herself at you because she saw you driving a ferrari, yea you can smash but she doesn't deserve it

Perfect the art of words and become fluent in the English language, you'd be surprised with how many people you can fool with a silver tongue

Doors will be slammed continuously and you will be told your ideas or talents aren't good enough, this is lifes way of testing whether or not you really want it

God isn't a seperate entity outside of you judging and watching your every move, the greatest human error is our mistake of demeaning God into a self absorbed Egotist with human faults

Love is never as good as the first time, enjoy being naive because once you know better the magic loses its luster

Don't assume people are what they present themselves to be

Wisdom trumps intelligence

The difference between success and failure is action

Try a psychoactive or psychedelic substance atleast once in your life you might have a life altering trip, there are bad trips though........

Don't become a slave to your legacy despite your illusions of grandeur no one will fully appreciate you

Everyone you know is going to die, some horribly and most peacefully, please don't forget that

Don't try to figure life out, that's not the point

You wouldn't know that you were alive if you hadn't been dead before *really think about that*
this is why i mess with NT 
 Very well written.  I'll add a few.
Control your actions, not your emotions.

Approval seeking is the quickest route to self loathing.  Nervous laughter will make the people around you comfortable and you gain short term approval.  Communicating with intent will create respect.  It is better to be respected than liked.  If you seek approval and show a desire to please you are opening yourself up to be a doormat.  

Habits are the core of your existence. Choose them wisely.  Success is a habit.  Failure is too.

Credit card debt.  Don't get in it.  If you can't pay off that balance EVERY single month, no exceptions you are living above your means.  
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Procrastination is the first step to a missed opportunity

Everyone is an expert about things they haven't tried themselves, follow your heart

There isn't one second of your life that is meaningless, observe life as a classroom with a constant flow of experiences in which you evolve knowingly even if it hurts

Everything gets old of material and as your back account ballons this fact doesnt change and it's all relative

Ignore the girl that throws herself at you because she saw you driving a ferrari, yea you can smash but she doesn't deserve it

Perfect the art of words and become fluent in the English language, you'd be surprised with how many people you can fool with a silver tongue

Doors will be slammed continuously and you will be told your ideas or talents aren't good enough, this is lifes way of testing whether or not you really want it

God isn't a seperate entity outside of you judging and watching your every move, the greatest human error is our mistake of demeaning God into a self absorbed Egotist with human faults

Love is never as good as the first time, enjoy being naive because once you know better the magic loses its luster

Don't assume people are what they present themselves to be

Wisdom trumps intelligence

The difference between success and failure is action

Try a psychoactive or psychedelic substance atleast once in your life you might have a life altering trip, there are bad trips though........

Don't become a slave to your legacy despite your illusions of grandeur no one will fully appreciate you

Everyone you know is going to die, some horribly and most peacefully, please don't forget that

Don't try to figure life out, that's not the point

You wouldn't know that you were alive if you hadn't been dead before *really think about that*
this is why i mess with NT 
 Very well written.  I'll add a few.
Control your actions, not your emotions.

Approval seeking is the quickest route to self loathing.  Nervous laughter will make the people around you comfortable and you gain short term approval.  Communicating with intent will create respect.  It is better to be respected than liked.  If you seek approval and show a desire to please you are opening yourself up to be a doormat.  

Habits are the core of your existence. Choose them wisely.  Success is a habit.  Failure is too.

Credit card debt.  Don't get in it.  If you can't pay off that balance EVERY single month, no exceptions you are living above your means.  
Dont trust anyone to the fullest, everyone can f you over given the opportunity
Travel as much as you can, its the only experience you will treasure forever
Dont spend every $ or whatever currency you get so fast
Dont buy stuff you really dont need
Never put p*ss* on a pedestal
Never allow yourself to get overweight
Never gamble, dont ever start gambling. Trust me its a vicious cycle and in the end you wont have more money than you put in. Trust me
Try not to eat out often be its fast food or restaurant dining. Cook/make your food at home. See how much money you save every month.
My most important advice would be to have respect for money. You will regret blowing it on stupid stuff.
If you save it you will be grateful one day you did.
Dont trust anyone to the fullest, everyone can f you over given the opportunity
Travel as much as you can, its the only experience you will treasure forever
Dont spend every $ or whatever currency you get so fast
Dont buy stuff you really dont need
Never put p*ss* on a pedestal
Never allow yourself to get overweight
Never gamble, dont ever start gambling. Trust me its a vicious cycle and in the end you wont have more money than you put in. Trust me
Try not to eat out often be its fast food or restaurant dining. Cook/make your food at home. See how much money you save every month.
My most important advice would be to have respect for money. You will regret blowing it on stupid stuff.
If you save it you will be grateful one day you did.
never put your trust in in family friends will always be let down or disappointed.

cherish your time it is very valuable and limited

make the best out of every situation

always let your loved ones know you love them

never give out money and actually expect it back
never put your trust in in family friends will always be let down or disappointed.

cherish your time it is very valuable and limited

make the best out of every situation

always let your loved ones know you love them

never give out money and actually expect it back
Originally Posted by TheTruthHurts74

Don't think you're going from an hourly gig into "ultimate hustler" mode, clocking major bread. Every high profile person you see in any industry has some sort of background history, and has likely worked in it from the bottom to the top. It's a long process.

If you're looking for a career with high visibility (media, music, apparel... lifestyle stuff), you'll never make it outside of a major market. Go to where the action is, and get out of your city that doesn't matter. It's easy to shine in a city of losers.

Enjoy every minute of life when you have the opportunity to live frivolously (high schoo, college for some). Once you get into the "real world," you never can go back.

Realize that working in any capacity, with any job is admirable. Whether you're a garbage man, or high level exec; as long as you're supporting yourself and anyone you're committed to- you're doing a good job. Don't be above work. There's a reason why the US is no longer a powerhouse when it comes to many industries.

Race is arbitrary. We all (for the most part) come from cultures that were impoverished at one time. We're all trying to do better. Stop concentrating on the differences, but focus on our similarities.

Travel as much as you can. It's the most life-altering experience in your life, the absolute BEST way you can spend your money. Tangible, material items eventually weather and go away, or get lost. Travel creates life changing moments and memories you'll never forget.

Learn to save young. You know those people in your family aged 40+ that still can't make ends meet? They didn't learn money management young (most likely). Set aside $100 from each check, throw it into an account, a ROTH IRA if you're focused. You'll thank me in 20 years.

Two reasons why I'm contemplating putting off a job offer for at least a year.  Graduating from college in 3 weeks and still questioning the direction in which I want my life to go.  I appreciate this thread for giving me some perspective at a time when I need it most
Originally Posted by TheTruthHurts74

Don't think you're going from an hourly gig into "ultimate hustler" mode, clocking major bread. Every high profile person you see in any industry has some sort of background history, and has likely worked in it from the bottom to the top. It's a long process.

If you're looking for a career with high visibility (media, music, apparel... lifestyle stuff), you'll never make it outside of a major market. Go to where the action is, and get out of your city that doesn't matter. It's easy to shine in a city of losers.

Enjoy every minute of life when you have the opportunity to live frivolously (high schoo, college for some). Once you get into the "real world," you never can go back.

Realize that working in any capacity, with any job is admirable. Whether you're a garbage man, or high level exec; as long as you're supporting yourself and anyone you're committed to- you're doing a good job. Don't be above work. There's a reason why the US is no longer a powerhouse when it comes to many industries.

Race is arbitrary. We all (for the most part) come from cultures that were impoverished at one time. We're all trying to do better. Stop concentrating on the differences, but focus on our similarities.

Travel as much as you can. It's the most life-altering experience in your life, the absolute BEST way you can spend your money. Tangible, material items eventually weather and go away, or get lost. Travel creates life changing moments and memories you'll never forget.

Learn to save young. You know those people in your family aged 40+ that still can't make ends meet? They didn't learn money management young (most likely). Set aside $100 from each check, throw it into an account, a ROTH IRA if you're focused. You'll thank me in 20 years.

Two reasons why I'm contemplating putting off a job offer for at least a year.  Graduating from college in 3 weeks and still questioning the direction in which I want my life to go.  I appreciate this thread for giving me some perspective at a time when I need it most
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