POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Everyone know my stance on this show.

This last episode had me going and then it took a ******* nose dive.

Good Lord ... If anyone wants to criticize the show, go ahead.

The Sterling angle ********.
The Kannan in the club in plain view, BS.
Tommy leaving as Ghost is out, BS.
The kidnapping of Tariq, come on ....

**** me.
y'all in here wanting perfection it's a freaking tv show! They don't have the budget or the time to go into detail every single scene. "Cameras would have been quickly fixed in my jail" news flash this jail isn't real or maybe you need a storyline to explain the budget cuts and how it affected the jails budget. I swear some people complain just to complain. If you liked the episode then cool but people gotta quit the nit picking. This thread in turning into a bish fest about minor details.

They could have wrote that Ghost choked him out or snapped his next. Not splatter his brain matter all over the elliptical.
I liked Sons better also, besides the Ireland kidnap son season. That was a horrible season and almost made me stop watching. That season was so dry and drawn out.

Sons is a comparable show. Something like Spartacus(also like it better) also. I just watch it for entertainment and because everyone else watches and talks about it. It's not must watch TV for me.
My only gripe this season so far is the Charlie Murphy scene :sick: They had to show his head :smh:

I was wondering why they casted him. He was sick and that wasn't the right role for him. It was forced the whole season, because he was so weak physically.

That fight scene :ohwell:

But for real, since he died they really should have edited the graphic nature of his death. It was in poor taste IMO and just for shock value.
This is a weekly episodic tv show designed to get you to tune in every week... with Ghost getting out of jail comes the real action... it's only so much that can be done with the main character being locked up... last 5 episodes will be the total opposite of the first 5 and all the questions about the happenings of this season will be answered by the last episode... BUT we will be left with several new questions unanswered and another year to wait and repeat the same process... I will say this tho... Kanan killed his own son and he is out for revenge after the attempt on his life so don't be shocked if he actually kills Tariq... he wants to teach Ghost a lesson remember... for sending him to jail all those years, having to kill his son and then the botched attempt on his life... I'm happy with the TV show so far because I take it for what it is... a TV show
Good episode, wt if terasi is holly dad an not Tommy's as we all are assuming??

Makes no sense, lol.

Unless your trying to say this is going to be a new issue for Ghost and Tommy because Holly's "Dad" is a big time mobster and he hasn't heard from her in months and thinks Tommy her boyfriend who she may or may not have told her dad about had something to do with it. So now Terasi wants to kill TOmmy and Ghost to avenge his daughter so he is now the new villan that GHost and Tommy have to kill like they do in every season. Maybe we should start writing for the show :wink:.

Anyone else hate when she speaks Spanish?

Jaime speaks better Spanish than the latinos on the show

Jaime is the worst of them all, Angie is really whitewashed. Julio and some of the other spanish speaking actors are much better. Paz definitely reminds me of a boriqua from NYC.

I can see Dre making a power play at Tommy's expense and all signs point to that important character dying being Tariq... looks like Ghost is going back under Stern's thumb... Second half of the season business is about to pick up!

Dre is in over his head, and I still don't get why he is being such a punk when it comes to Kanan. I don't understand the Ghost Stern situation. Granted Stern thought he could get over on Ghost since he is locked up and the FBI froze his assets, but now he is getting out and they will have to unfreeze his accounts and unlock the doors of the club no? Plus we've seen that the club patron's don't give a **** about that murder case. Just think how many people will come out once James is free.

There were cameras in the room where Ghost killed Charlie Murphy. Smh.

THey don't work bro. Charlie said that from the jump when he first started ******* with Ghost in the weight room.

I don't like the whole kidnap scheme coming back into play. His cousins character has always rubbed me the wrong way.

Got into many arguments last season about her....and still her character hasn't developed at all

Yeah, I don't get the point of it either. Especially since they getting hit off with 50k a week. What is up with this chick? You would think she was the one Ghost tried to kill and not Kanan. Did they even say how much they were going to ransom him for? If they expect to get Ms then I guess it makes sense to pursue it.

Well let me change up what I said earlier about the cameras. Just remembered how our K9 unit all got fired for beating up on inmates.

But still, Ghosts DNA should still be on Charlie.

lol exactly.. Watching Charlie choke Ghost with that bar was laughable. They just wanted us light skin dudes to look soft

If Ghost DNA was on Greg's hands from that little rub down he did, best believe Ghost DNA going to be all up on CO Charlie Murphy :rofl:

The irony of this if none of Ghost DNA is on him, :lol: Like some have already said, nobody is going to do a thorough investigation anyway. Perfect case for a lazy police officer.

Tariq has gotten kidnapped twice by the same ppl and watch his dumb*** still think they were playing :lol:::


Tasha is about to get the lawyer cat murked. At the end of the day, all the issues with the organization begin and end with Ghost. Son has to be the smartest dumb person on tv smh.

Sidneote, Canaan just said eff it and is no longer regulated to being in the shadows anymore? You would think somebody would've recognized him besides Julio at the party spot

What does this mean for GHost and TOmmy now moving forward? Will the FBI still be on their ***? Does Ghost stay legit? What happens when he finds out TOmmy is moving weight in the club?

THis ***** been moving around like he don't have a care in the world. Truth be told he doesnt. Nobody outside of Ghost, Tasha, and Tommy know they tried to kill Kanan. So I guess it wouldn't matter if people saw him out and about.

I picked up on that too but I was thinking because Sandavol was going into detail. Telling how it happened; obvious he did it but just the detail. Seem like Ghost picked up on that...

I really thought Ghost or Angie would pick on that the way he was going on that detail too, :smh:. Didn't seem to phase either of them though. At this point is Sandoval still just protecting himself, or is really turning into the monster they described in the season opener? Seems if Angie gets closer he will end up killing another colleague and not think twice about it.

whats SoS?

It's a distress call usually used by ships or shipwrecked people. :lol:
I'm not reading all that... LoL

I doubt Terisi is Hollys father, if so I for the life of me Will not understand why did Terisi had to make sure his friend saw him to make sure.

However, Terisi needs to die for Ghost to continue his secrets. He is a witness to Ghost killing the cop. BTW that frail dude pushed off Ghost like that? LoL in what world?

The Spanish is horrible... Like why do they have to talk in Spanish when they clearly don't speak fluent Spanish man.

The court scene was stupid as **** too .. Like Angela is there throwing everyone under the bus and then in retaliation the come back is to further complicate things by saying all this about stealing evidence and ******* Ghost? ***** you knew that too so it further proves what Angela is saying to be truth ... LoL

Anyways the kidnapping stern and Kannan ruin that episode for me. Now Tommy gone and Ghost is out. SMH
I hate Angela's mom more than I hate Angela. She's just a hater. She needs a man.

This was hilarious :rofl:
This ain't gonna end well for neither Tommy or Ghost at the end of it all. How many times are they going to continue getting lucky and getting off everything. Like Angela told Ghost at the end. maybe he didn't commit this crime but he will pay for his many crimes of the past and future down the line. They don't know how or when to stop
What if the old dude is hollys dad and he gets Tommy murked? That leaves ghost in a huge ****storm trying to avenge his death, getting his life back together at home and with the club, trying to get tariq back, and dealing with the drug biz that tommy was running. Not to mention whatever dre has up his sleeve, stern, and whatever happens to Angela.
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