School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Some terrible takes and language for the situation in here. Russia couldn’t even defeat the mujahideen. Talking about they got crushed. Different terrain as Afghanistan is better suited guerrilla warfare than Ukrainian which is just flat lands but no it won’t be easy or quick for them.
I dont know ... you fail to mention that Afghan was being supported by the US ... all the anti air artillery was given to them and like you said it was unconventional warfare. We went there and had a terrible time as well ... so.

It's much easier to fight a traditional battle than unconventional warfare ... in addition it looks like Russia could /will cut off a lot of supplies needed for Ukrain to continue the fight .. they attacked the UK from all sides and the seas is Russias .... this is not even remotely close to Afghan ... I think you have a terrible take.

Bruh. Behart worried about her vacay in Italy and ya know…. Not a whole country about to be nuked

If anybody didn't believe in white privilege, this video should do it.
All the best wishes to everybody suffering from this bs. As someone born in Taiwan and still has fams there - I worry about what the next 5-10 years holds for my hometown |l
I dont know ... you fail to mention that Afghan was being supported by the US ... all the anti air artillery was given to them and like you said it was unconventional warfare. We went there and had a terrible time as well ... so.

It's much easier to fight a traditional battle than unconventional warfare ... in addition it looks like Russia could /will cut off a lot of supplies needed for Ukrain to continue the fight .. they attacked the UK from all sides and the seas is Russias .... this is not even remotely close to Afghan ... I think you have a terrible take.
While not supported on the ground Ukrainian is and has been getting support with money, weapons, intel, supplies and training. This is not going to be a quick battle as some of ya think
Excuse my ignorance on the subject, but Do we think Putin even cares what Russians really think of the war? Also, with the media there being so controlled by the state, it seems unlikely a majority would be against the war.

Yes and no. He doesn't care so long as he can sufficiently quell the unrest. But it puts the pressure on him if it's significant. Russians have always had it tough but it's about to get worse for many of them

I don't have a good sense of what the general Russian sentiment is and I would it expect to change quite a bit in the coming months

Certainly a lot are propagandized but the younger and better educated are aware of what's happening
While not supported on the ground Ukrainian is and has been getting support with money, weapons, intel, supplies and training. This is not going to be a quick battle as some of ya think

It won’t be enough. Don’t let the little videos on Reddit fool you. This is as one sided as it gets. When your own political leaders have to suit up and leave families, thats a bad sign. It’s a move Putin has been wanting to do for a long time now, he had way longer time to prepare For this.

NATO is in a bad position right now. All these so called sanctions won’t help. The Ukranians are not prepared.
Some of you severely overestimate in Russia's ability to hold Ukraine in the aftermath. Ukranians are well armed and will fight

Russia wants Ukraine to be governable and they will have to commit force to prop it up. There will be nothing quick or easy about that process for either side
Snowden got a lot of egg on his face. He been real quiet, hasnt said one word about the invasion (somewhat understandably) but hypocritical since he’s recently downplayed Russian aggression and imperialism and invited people to dunk on him if wrong.

He’s a nefarious character and was a useful idiot at best. I think he’s waaay more sinister than his appearance and public facing goes tho. Dude is a fraud, with a carefully crafted image and story to elevate him. Assange too. That’s why that whole crowd rolls with each other and their interest always align. Which always serves the larger interests of Putin.
severely over rating russia’s army as well. This is not going to be some quick kerfuffle it’s gonna be long and drawn out
Russia wants Ukraine to be governable and they will have to commit force to prop it up. There will be nothing quick or easy about that process for either side

Getting in and decapitating Kiev is one thing; staying and propping up someone who will make the decision to turn Ukrainians away from the West will be very difficult.

At this point, the only way Putin succeeds at bringing back Ukraine in his fold is if NATO explicitly signals that Ukraine membership is no longer welcome. As long as that door stays open, Russia can expect resistance, and a Russia busy fighting rebel groups is a weakened Russia.


China said it wants Puting to resolve this politically .... that's a strong statement to Putin. CHINA is the only people Putin could possibly count on. Lets see.

The Capital is surrounded by Russia and it seems like they are resupplying to make a move ....
The capital might be taken over by the end of the weekend bro.

This is nuts.

US government won't supply the Ukrainian army with the supplies it needs because of the fear that Russia will retaliate. US, and to a certain degree NATO wants to help out Ukraine but not at the sacrifice of pulling their respective countries into a war with Russia. That is why, at least for now the US is only applying sanctions instead of either using our armed forces or supplying the Ukrainian Army with whatever weapons it needs to defend it self.

War is hell and 99% of the time the ones who suffer the most are innocent civilians. Yes, militaries suffer casualties but when you enlist or are forced to enlist you know that there could be a good chance you don't come home. Civilians, don't really have that option. They lose their homes, possessions, businesses and loss of lives with a snap of a finger when a rocket or bomb connects. Ugly, ugly stuff.

biggie62 biggie62
Has this been confirmed anywhere else?

Quick edit: just saw that the post was removed. It was a link to an article about Russian troops amassing on the Polish border.

biggie62 biggie62
Has this been confirmed anywhere else?

Quick edit: just saw that the post was removed. It was a link to an article about Russian troops amassing on the Polish border.

Not happening from what I understand. We have about 3k US soldiers on the border of Ukraine atm processing refuges and people fleeing.

My mom is out there now but we live just outside of Warsaw. But she said there has definitely been an influx in Ukrainians in Poland since she was there in the summer.

I mean most people who don’t read history don’t know but a good chunk of western Ukraine was Polish. Lviv for example was a Polish established city. So people still have extended family over the border like my stepdad for example since he’s from the south eastern region of Poland. Some Poles look at Ukrainians like Americans like looking at Mexicans, low skilled labor. But I mean at the end they are our neighbors and in some cases family. Can’t leave them in a ****** situation.
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