School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

If this causes Putin to retaliate on those eu countries , this is definitively the start of world war 3.
Russia doesn't have enough power to take on the whole EU. They wouldn't make that mistake anyways because it'll be financial suicide and inner country conflict would intensify.
That's my reading as well. He didn't expect this level of resistance from Ukrainian Babushka and her gang.

I think Russia will win the war, but it will lose so much more:

1. Internal resistance to Putin will only grow. Remember, a lot of Russians have family and friends in Ukraine.

2. Ukrainians will forever resist an occupation.

3. The West ain't ****ing with them anymore.

4. The Oligarchs will eventually abandon Putin because there is no honor among thieves. When is gets real, they'll choose their money and the comfort it buys them in the West than go down with Putin's burning ship. In the age of globalization, only class identity matters. These oligarchs are more bound to the global elite than their poor brethren in Russia.

5. And Russia is about to lose its future to China. Putin's imperial desires will eventually clash with China's own imperialist goals. Also, with the West turning it's back on Russia, Putin now more than ever will need the backing and support of China, and knowing this, China will eventually start to put the squeeze on them. Think of the recent relationship between Russia and Belarus for a like comparison.

Putin is an idiot, their economy is already struggling and the Russian military isn't no where as powerful as the Red Army. They don't have the capability or economic backing to run multiple campaigns back to back through Eastern Europe. Also, like you've mentioned, he has no serious allies. China has their own conflicts to deal with.
I feel like NATO providing defense is a miscalculated move. Putin is gonna panic and press that button if the tides turn.
Nuclear weapons won't get used, trust me. The only way Russia would use one is if they're threatened by one themselves or if they got invaded and started losing. No country really wants to use nukes because everyone knows that the only answer to a Nuclear strike is another nuclear strike.

"Filip Novokment, Thomas Piketty and Gabriel Zucman have pointed out that Russia has run huge trade surpluses every year since the early 1990s, which should have led to a large accumulation of overseas assets. Yet official statistics show Russia with only moderately more assets than liabilities abroad. How is that possible? The obvious explanation is that wealthy Russians have been skimming off large sums and parking them abroad.

The sums involved are mind-boggling. Novokment et al estimate that in 2015 the hidden foreign wealth of rich Russians amounted to around 85 percent of Russia’s G.D.P. To give you some perspective, this is as if a U.S. president’s cronies had managed to hide $20 trillion in overseas accounts. Another paper co-written by Zucman found that in Russia, “the vast majority of wealth at the top is held offshore.” As far as I can tell, the overseas exposure of Russia’s elite has no precedent in history — and it creates a huge vulnerability that the West can exploit."
what happens if ukraine can actually hold off russia? putin gonna be big mad.
More like big over .. probably the only time he decided to take military action and couldnt take over Ukraine would definitely get him overthrown and probably murked.
This shi wild. Russian tank runs over car

He survived


Imagine wearing a mask bcuz of COVID and getting your car smashed by a tank while youre still in it bcuz of Putin all at the same time!!

That is too ******* much

Like WTF are we doing???
And here we go, I knew some people who russia f’ed over would jump in. Dude is built different.
The truth that the western media isn't telling is the US played a role in the overthrow of a democraticaly elected president and replaced him with a puppet. This all started back in 2014.

Russia is protecting its interests from American aggression

He probably uses the Jalevin anti-tank weapon.
The pessimistic me thinks Putin doesn't give a **** if the economy is already tanked, and if the people suffer because of it. If he gave an ounce about economics he wouldn't have done this
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