School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

He probably uses the Jalevin anti-tank weapon.

I guess he learned on Russian anti tank weapons and said the American ones are basically the same.
The pessimistic me thinks Putin doesn't give a **** if the economy is already tanked, and if the people suffer because of it. If he gave an ounce about economics he wouldn't have done this
It seems like he doesn't even care about self-preservation because him tanking the Russian economy would spell doom for himself.
It seems like he doesn't even care about self-preservation because him tanking the Russian economy would spell doom for himself.

The Russian economy is and already was in the pits even before all of this started. Despite that I'm willing to bet Putin has millions of dollars in untouchable and untraceable off shore accounts. Like the article stated a few pages back Putin and his closest allies have been skimming off the top of the Russian economy for decades.
The Russian economy is and already was in the pits even before all of this started. Despite that I'm willing to bet Putin has millions of dollars in untouchable and untraceable off shore accounts. Like the article stated a few pages back Putin and his closest allies have been skimming off the top of the Russian economy for decades.
Thats true, but the point is that the Russia is going to be even more devastated and I believe it'll cause even more aggressive protests which in turn will put pressure on Putin. The difference between then and now is Putin is wasting even more money for an unnecessary invasion. The Russians will start getting even more fed up when bodies of soldiers start getting sent home.

There's a gut wrenching story./video circulating on reddit of a girl who went shopping in Kharkiv with her mother. Russian soldiers suddenly began firing at them without warning. The women were forced to flee down an alleyway and that's when another Russian soldier intervened and instructed the others to stand down as the women did not pose a threat. They opened fire killing the solider standing in their way as well as the mother. The young woman only survived as she played dead while hiding under their corpses. WTF :frown:

"We went to the city to withdraw money and buy food, returning home at the exit from Kharkiv, Russian tanks blocked the road, they fired at our car, we turned into a dead end and jumped out of the car, two guys jumped out to meet us, Russian soldiers, young, 18-20 years old .. who could barely held their weapons. .... We stayed there for 15 minutes, then they started shooting at us .. My mother was wounded in the arm, I heard her scream in pain .. And at that time a soldier threw me to the ground and shouted many times do not shoot ... They are ours ... He yelled at the Russian soldiers, don't shoot.. Heavy shooting began.. A dead soldier fell on me.. The second one was also shot... But my mother was silent... I got up and understood that she was dead.. She was hit in the head. .. I was left alone. They were shooting all around me, I grabbed my papers, etc. I hiding behind an iron booth."
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The truth that the western media isn't telling is the US played a role in the overthrow of a democraticaly elected president and replaced him with a puppet. This all started back in 2014.

Russia is protecting its interests from American aggression

The truth according to whom? Putin?

The half a million Ukranians in the streets in 2014 would tell you otherwise
This sounds promising and all but Russians resources are THAT much greater than Ukraines. Did a little homework and them dudes aint to be messed with from a firepower standpoint.
On paper, they are definitely superior. But alot of their troops lack discipline or inadequately trained, alot of their military equipment aren't well maintained, and insurgency can hamper any modern military no matter how high-tech they are. This is why the Ukrainians are currently holding their own against them in Kiev.
On paper, they are definitely superior. But alot of their troops lack discipline or inadequately trained, alot of their military equipment aren't well maintained, and insurgency can hamper any modern military no matter how high-tech they are. This is why the Ukrainians are currently holding their own against them in Kiev.

Idk man, maybe im putting more weight on the resources as opposed to will power and the conscious mind but..
Idk man, maybe im putting more weight on the resources as opposed to will power and the conscious mind but..
Logically, it's smart to favor the superior military. There's just alot of variables that go against Russia too. One thing is for sure, the Ukrainians won't fold. I think it'll be a situation where Russia takes part of the eastern half of the country and will continuously face ongoing insurgency.
Ukraine will be washed. This mini war will over sooner than later. They’ll surrender as they should.

NATO should be ok with losing this one, it’s ok to lose the battle. Sadly, might need time prepare for what might be an eventual larger war when if this snowballs outta control with the whole China/Taiwan situation.

Putin and Russia been flexing for years without much action. He’s got tunnel vision now, this is just the first domino. I do think though that him taking back Latvia Lithuania etc is a bit of a reach. Ukraine was just too close to home. He didnt want NATO bases by the sea. Russia has crazy sea surveillance in that area, aint no way were they about to let Ukraine join NATO.

The more important story here is how Putin has been unable to create a plausible reason for the invasion (the whole spiel about liberating the separatist regions because they are full of Russian speakers) and still went through with it.

He couldn't accomplish the goal of keeping Ukraine pro-Russia through covert means, and he decided he was going to use force to make that happen (basically, kill/exile Zelenskyy and replace him with a puppet like in Belarus). The thing is, his willingness to use force has guaranteed that he will be surrounded by NATO forces unless he manages to escalate territory disputes with all other border states that are not yet part of NATO.

That was a desperate and stupid move IMO. Putin had twenty years to make the economic case for an Eastern European alliance that could rival the EU, but if all you promise to your neighbors is a stick bigger the one you're currently beating them with, they're going to go where the carrot is.

Russia is not going after Latvia, Lithuania or Poland.

NATO should NEVER have even suggested that one of the most corrupt countries in Europe like Ukraine join them - no reasonable superpower (especially the largest country in the world) is letting their enemies build bases and put missile systems in a very strategic location like the Black Sea. Imagine if the CCP/PLA and/or Russia wanted to do the same in Canada or Mexico - the reaction from the US would be swift and devastating. They (Russia) warned them repeatedly over the past few years not to do this.

I feel for the people of Ukraine and I hope this conflict is resolved quickly but their leadership should've avoided this entirely.

Despite China and Russia having a communist, their relationship with each other has always been rocky. Though they have alot of business deals and cooperation, the Russians started to resent China for stealing their military technology recently. Furthermore, China's priority is controlling the Pacific and bolstering their Naval capabities: the South China, East China sea, Philippine sea and Taiwan.
Bro idk how much you remember about social media during the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, but there was some absolutely indescribable **** floating thru the social media that did exist. Really wish I hadn't seen the stuff I saw.
True it wasnt as easy to access as Twitter, but man, facebook and other video sites back then had like no rules whatsoever.

Yeah I'm in no way inferring it didn't exist, it just wasn't nearly as prominent as it is now with the multitude of platforms that exist. It was easier to avoid back then. But yeah I did absolutely see some horrible things from that time period as well.
Russia is not going after Latvia, Lithuania or Poland.

NATO should NEVER have even suggested that one of the most corrupt countries in Europe like Ukraine join them - no reasonable superpower (especially the largest country in the world) is letting their enemies build bases and put missile systems in a very strategic location like the Black Sea. Imagine if the CCP/PLA and/or Russia wanted to do the same in Canada or Mexico - the reaction from the US would be swift and devastating. They (Russia) warned them repeatedly over the past few years not to do this.

I feel for the people of Ukraine and I hope this conflict is resolved quickly but their leadership should've avoided this entirely.

Yea its wild how no one seems to grasp this. Everyone thinks hes an egotistical madman thats trying to restore the ussr, thats literally all you will hear watching coverage of these events. It may be true but thats not what happening here. He doesn't even want ukraine, hes willing to let them chill as long as they dont have military powers and/or a western backed govt right on his doorstep.
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