School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

aint homeboy still in russia?

id stay quiet if I was him, better to wrong on the internet than dead

I get that. Mentioned it earlier. But it’s a reason that HES in Russia. All this is intentional.

He didn’t just end up there just because :lol:. And him and his folk the main one claiming they’re “brave” and always speak truth to power, regardless of the situation….

Yet….Reality Winner & Chelsea Manning even were 10x more brave than these folks.

Again, I understand why he’s quiet. But let’s really
Start to poke at what he is, and what he did.

Those white libertarian dude bros….hold him and Assange up as untouchable hero’s because they “exposed” American surveillance on its citizens.

But it’s always funny to me, that it took until 2013 for them to realize that America has BEEN doing this. And most of the time to black civil rights folks. Which they care non for. *****s been talking bout the feds watching for generations. They never even give lip Service to it tho. Straight frauds

All these dudes care about is Chomsky and holding themselves up as hero’s of freedom. When it’s never been them. They’ve been pawns the whole time.

Referring to Putin blood & soil speech, pre invasion…and this was his last tweet on the subject

Snowden played himself

He should have come home under Obama. He would have probably gotten a decent deal, or gotten his sentence commuted at the end of Beezy's term

Mans would have a poppin Subtack blog and Spotify podcast by now

But he is full of himself and wants a hero's welcome

So now he is stuck in Russia, making hot takes about the US, hoping that Putin doesn't decide to cut off his wifi, or you know, poison his entire family
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Snowden played himself

He should have come home under Obama. He would have probably gotten a decent deal, or gotten his sentence commuted at the end of his term

But he is full of himself and wants a hero's welcome

And now he is stuck in Russia, making hot takes about the US, hoping that Putin doesn't decide to cut off his wifi, or you know, poison his entire family

He really did play himself.

Moron :lol:
It’s interesting to see European wars on American television right now, in my time (90’s) European wars were only shown on the Vietnamese speaking channels, it was Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Montenegro, and North Macedonia going ham against each other. The American news referenced it but didn’t show it in detail like now.
There's even accounts of outright dissertation by Russian troops. I don't think Russian troops thought that they'd be facing fierce resistance maybe some deemed that it wasn't worth it.

How else has sport responded to Russia's invasion of Ukraine?​

Many sports governing bodies, clubs and players have reacted to the Russian invasion of Ukraine by cancelling or postponing events due to be held in the region.

  • The 2022 Champions League final will be played in Paris after Uefa - European football's governing body - moved the match away from St Petersburg
  • Uefa also ordered Russian and Ukrainian clubs and national teams to play their home matches away from the region "until further notice"
  • Uefa is looking to end its major £30m-a-year sponsorship deal with Russian state-run gas giant Gazprom
  • Russia's Formula 1 Grand Prix, due to take place in Sochi in September, has been cancelled
  • International sports federations were urged to move or cancel events currently planned in Russia or Belarus by the International Olympic Committee
  • The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) has postponed World Cup 2023 qualifiers involving Netherlands v Russia on 27 February and Great Britain v Belarus on 28 February
  • Manchester United have terminated their sponsorship deal with Russia's national airline Aeroflot
  • On Thursday, football clubs, players and fans showed their support for Ukraine with anti-war T-shirts and banners
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