School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle


Miss Grand Ukraine 2015



Pray for Ukraine?? Ha! Cant make this stuff up.

We're supposed to care about them tho?

Racism doesn't take vacations.

I'm minding my business with what's gone on over though.

I see im late. Yea im neutral on this. Hate to be a both sider but i see problems on both sides that lead to this.
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Did Putin really think this through? Sounds like a complete cluster F. No intelligence. No public campaign in Russia for the country to get behind his actions. Outdated military and supplies. He just thought he was going to march into the Ukraine and they would just lay down their weapons?

What a big dummy.
Pray for Ukraine?? Ha! Cant make this stuff up.

I see im late. Yea im neutral on this. Hate to be a both sider but i see problems on both sides that lead to this.

So messed up. Been to Europe once and never need to go back there again. The history and architecture are mindblowing, but easily the most direct racism I've encountered ever. The U.S. got its problems but it ain't even close, Europe is largely a one-race continent (U.K. and tourists aside). I'm good right here in Murica.

Russians in several cities, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Samara, have taken to the streets again to protest Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Demonstrators chanting “No to war!" marched in city centers on February 27.

According to OVD-Info, a nonprofit that monitors police arrests nationwide, by nightfall police had detained more than 1,400 people at anti-war protests that occurred in 45 Russian cities.
So messed up. Been to Europe once and never need to go back there again. The history and architecture are mindblowing, but easily the most direct racism I've encountered ever. The U.S. got its problems but it ain't even close, Europe is largely a one-race continent (U.K. aside). I'm good right here in Murica.

I hear you. But i been living in europe on and off for the last 10 years and im from the south,

american racism is far beyond european racist in todays climate. Where in america we got racist like the ones who got Ahmaud Arbery

You dont hear about stories like that are often in europe.

I would take my chances in europe over america especially with the cops.

Ukraine does not represent the EU that is Russia
So messed up. Been to Europe once and never need to go back there again. The history and architecture are mindblowing, but easily the most direct racism I've encountered ever. The U.S. got its problems but it ain't even close, Europe is largely a one-race continent (U.K. and tourists aside). I'm good right here in Murica.

UK :pimp:

Paris is alright too, but Italy? Heard them boys there racist af. Wont show it super directly, more indirectly than anything but still. It wont spoil your experience, but will have you questioning stuff at times.
UK :pimp:

Paris is alright too, but Italy? Heard them boys there racist af. Wont show it super directly, more indirectly than anything but still. It wont spoil your experience, but will have you questioning stuff at times.

Heard? You cant let some rumors deter you from living life. If thats the case us black folks should never leave the house.

But ive been to 5 Italian cities and havent experienced that.

But when i do find people giving me that weird look i like to look them in the eyes and say Hi is there something wrong lol
If Italians move anything like a lot of Italian-Americans do, then I fully believe it.

Ive heard plenty of stories of Italian cities (the touristy ones are a bit better but the less frequented cities hah) being lowkey racist. Now, they wont be rude, disrespectful or anything like that, more so service will suck, they wont be as nice etc. So indirectly youre getting hit with the racist stick, not enough to spoil a trip or make you go damn im never going to Italy again. Of course this isnt everyone, alot of Italians are super hospitable, and of course you are going to be friendlier and whatnot with your own people thats normal but bad service, couple of side eyes when you arent Italian is enough to make you think twice. And this isnt even just towards black people, im Filipino and ive had aunts and fam go there and even they felt like they were a bit on the rude end of the stick. My friend whos Dominican went there and said she was about to go NY on an Italian lady in a gift shop when she felt like she was getting followed around. :lol:

Paris is alot friendlier, the French arent known to be friendly but they arent so discriminating wither from my experience and stories ive heard. Even Germany and Amsterdam ive heard is quite fine. Its more so Italy and those Eastern European countries. Curious how Greece is, I wanna say they are Italian esque with that but havent heard so many stories. If anything they just want their children to be with other Greeks when it comes to dating and marriage and whatnot.
Heard? You cant let some rumors deter you from living life. If thats the case us black folks should never leave the house.

But ive been to 5 Italian cities and havent experienced that.

But when i do find people giving me that weird look i like to look them in the eyes and say Hi is there something wrong lol

I never said deter you but you should also be a bit informed on how the locals are. Dont wanna go in there blind.

I did that to someone once when I used to work retail, I was a cash wrap supervisor and this one European dude, forgot what ethnicity was looking at me weird when he was payin with one of my cashiers and I was standing right there, it was to the point where I just said how you doing and smiled and he went off on me. :lol:
I hear you. But i been living in europe on and off for the last 10 years and im from the south,

american racism is far beyond european racist in todays climate. Where in america we got racist like the ones who got Ahmaud Arbery

You dont hear about stories like that are often in europe.

I would take my chances in europe over america especially with the cops.

Ukraine does not represent the EU that is Russia
That's fair, I live on the East Coast so I don't have any good perspective on what it's like in the South.
I have been to Italy, France, Spain and Germany. Encountered racism in every spot, with Italy being the most egregious of them all.
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