School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

The US, China and NK aint enough to make be like aite we gotta chill?

Imagine going to a fight in the ring and prime Ali, Tyson and Holyfield is in the ring bout to gang up on you. But then I guess if we speaking metaphors, then thats when youd take the toolie out and **** hits the fan eh.
No doubt we can take all of those countries at once, but if you factor in logistics, coordination between our allies, amassing troops to match the scale of the conflict(China has by far the most troops), positioning, preparation, etc., it would take time to get ready for a big conflict of that magnitude. Hell, if Russia poured all of their troops into Ukraine, NATO would be already at a disadvantage since it would take time for them to transport all of their equipment and troops across multiple countries. Militaries can't just magically appear in an area ready to act on a whim. You have to account for multiple battle groups traveling in different speeds to position themselves at multiple strategic points to carry out an offensive, and that's not even factoring in the units already in place that have to deal with the enemy until the main force arrives. So essentially, if we were going to send in our troops from east Germany to take on Russia, they would have a big numerical advantage in EVERY UNIT until more battle groups get there. And by the time that happens, China and Kazakhstan would already be waiting for us dug in with North Korea sending more troops while more of ours are coming from western Europe. On paper, we are the superior military tactically, technologically, effectively, intelligently, etc. But in reality, variables can play a big part in taking advantage of battlefields(taking up high point positions, securing towns/cities, setting up supply lines, knowing the environment, intelligence in the ground, air superiority, setting up defensive positions, etc.) It would be a drawn out ugly conflict that would cost countless amount of lives and it will all stem from a conflict that never necessarily required our direct intervention. We could absolutely carry it out, but we'd be playing catch up until for a while until we could transport everything we needed to the battlefield. The US doesn't carry out wars like that, we usually overwhelm the enemy and use "Shock and awe" to confuse our them while cutting of communication, surveillance, and supplies keeping them unbalanced, blind, and disorganized(see Desert Storm).
No doubt we can take all of those countries at once, but if you factor in logistics, coordination between our allies, amassing troops to match the scale of the conflict(China has by far the most troops), positioning, preparation, etc., it would take time to get ready for a big conflict of that magnitude. Hell, if Russia poured all of their troops into Ukraine, NATO would be already at a disadvantage since it would take time for them to transport all of their equipment and troops across multiple countries. Militaries can't just magically appear in an area ready to act on a whim. You have to account for multiple battle groups traveling in different speeds to position themselves at multiple strategic points to carry out an offensive, and that's not even factoring in the units already in place that have to deal with the enemy until the main force arrives. So essentially, if we were going to send in our troops from east Germany to take on Russia, they would have a big numerical advantage in EVERY UNIT until more battle groups get there. And by the time that happens, China and Kazakhstan would already be waiting for us dug in with North Korea sending more troops while more of ours are coming from western Europe. On paper, we are the superior military tactically, technologically, effectively, intelligently, etc. But in reality, variables can play a big part in taking advantage of battlefields(taking up high point positions, securing towns/cities, setting up supply lines, knowing the environment, intelligence in the ground, air superiority, setting up defensive positions, etc.) It would be a drawn out ugly conflict that would cost countless amount of lives and it will all stem from a conflict that never necessarily required our direct intervention. We could absolutely carry it out, but we'd be playing catch up until for a while until we could transport everything we needed to the battlefield. The US doesn't carry out wars like that, we usually overwhelm the enemy and use "Shock and awe" to confuse our them while cutting of communication, surveillance, and supplies keeping them unbalanced, blind, and disorganized(see Desert Storm).

Oh youre wording made it sound as if those countries were on our side of this whole thing. Had me confused at NK but now it makes sense. :lol:
I really wish one of his cabinet members calmly walk behind him and crack him one with a heavy object. Just get it over with so peace can be restored.

That’s what i mean tho^

I don’t even get how it’s okay to be doing what he’s doing. It’s so easy nowadays to get completely obliterated. Why would he start even this sort of small war. The end result is nukes.
Putin on record saying he'll whip out the nukes is why we don't move in:

I hate this guy, all this **** is unnecessary. If he really wanted to influence Ukraine, you'd think he'd be buddy-buddy with them by handing out loans and resources like China, especially given they're all of Slavic ancestry.
That’s what i mean tho^

I don’t even get how it’s okay to be doing what he’s doing. It’s so easy nowadays to get completely obliterated. Why would he start even this sort of small war. The end result is nukes.

I don’t know, seems like he’s threatened all his peers into following his will/word. You saw how that one guy responded to his questions with fear in his eyes. Bad spot to be in and even worse for those living in that country.
I’ve been watching a lot of videos of soldier interviews and soldier social media accounts from both sides since I can speak both languages. So far my understanding is most Russian soldiers don’t even want to be there and are just acting on orders. One guy went as far as saying that he rather shoot himself to get treatment and avoid going into a battle he doesn’t want to fight.
I hate this guy, all this **** is unnecessary. If he really wanted to influence Ukraine, you'd think he'd be buddy-buddy with them by handing out loans and resources like China, especially given they're all of Slavic ancestry.

You don’t understand the hate that Slavs have towards Russia. We absolutely despise them because they called themselves the “protector of the Slavs” while all they were were colonizers who just exploited the population and local resources. It’s the way many Asian people look at the Chinese and Japanese when they were under their control.
You don’t understand the hate that Slavs have towards Russia. We absolutely despise them because they called themselves the “protector of the Slavs” while all they were were colonizers who just exploited the population and local resources. It’s the way many Asian people look at the Chinese and Japanese when they were under their control.
I see and now understand. I'm half Filipino and alot of my older relatives over there still detest the Japanese and more of the younger ones around my age resent the CCP.

A Russian convoy stretching, which analysts estimate stretches over 40 miles, comprises hundreds of armored vehicles, tanks, towed artillery and logistics support vehicles — continues to move toward Kyiv from the north, according to satellite imagery from Maxar.

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