School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

If Italians move anything like a lot of Italian-Americans do, then I fully believe it.

Italy coming in at #1

There's also historically a Northern/Southern divide within Italy with Northern Italians viewing Southern Italians as not ethnically "pure"

Much like the US they've basically erased the African colonial period from the history books and paint the fascist Italian army in a much better light
I don't see Ukraine conceding too much anyways. I honestly don't think anything will come from this negotiations because I don't think rather side will be flexible. Hopefully the negotiations are successful though.

I’d give Russia some of the majority Russian populated land. That’s fair I think.

But I would absolutely not let Russia dictate whether or not the Ukraine can join NATO.
I hear you. But i been living in europe on and off for the last 10 years and im from the south,

american racism is far beyond european racist in todays climate. Where in america we got racist like the ones who got Ahmaud Arbery

You dont hear about stories like that are often in europe.

I would take my chances in europe over america especially with the cops.

Ukraine does not represent the EU that is Russia
It just depends where you live in America, because I'm in OC/LA, and I have not encountered direct racism, but I still don't hold my breath that it won't happen. But at least I feel more comfortable with racism in a country, state, or city Im familiar with, and people around me. If that makes sense? In Ukraine, or any other Eastern European country, I cannot say the same. I'm in their world, at their mercy. It would be me against the world if I try to hold my own, and the outcome would probably be death. RIP to dude above. SMH.
I’d give Russia some of the majority Russian populated land. That’s fair I think.

But I would absolutely not let Russia dictate whether or not the Ukraine can join NATO.
Yeah that's fair, Crimea is gone, also around the cities Kharkiv, Luhansk and Donetsk. But I just don't see Russia being satisfied with those area alone since some of them were already occupied by separatists since Crimea got occupied.

I wouldn't worry about Ukraine budging at all. You can't show any weakness to a person like Putin.
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Yeah that's fair, Crimea is gone, also the Kharkiv, Luhansk and Donetsk regions. But I just don't see Russia being satisfied with those area alone since some of them were already occupied by separatists since Crimea got occupied.

I wouldn't worry about Ukraine budging at all. You can't show any weakness to a person like Putin.

I legit don’t get how it’s possible to have modern warfare today. Aren’t weapons way too advanced to ever be able to actually use them.

If this escalated whats to stop someone from using a nuke.
I legit don’t get how it’s possible to have modern warfare today. Aren’t weapons way too advanced to ever be able to actually use them.

If this escalated whats to stop someone from using a nuke.
Agreed. That’s why there isn’t really any powerful nation battling each other. Russian is using antiquated techniques of personnel artillery supply chains and things like what we see now how they appear to be carpet bombing neighborhoods. That 17 mile long convey of troops and munitions headed to Kyiv would have been smoked with precision long ago had this been against a nation with US equipment and capabilities. I don’t put it past Putin to say **** the earth if he ever felt that his time was going to end due to an incursion of his creation. Plus the threats he is sending to the world. And most importantly he has made himself a war criminal. No democratic nation can do business with Russia again while he maintains power / is alive.
It just depends where you live in America, because I'm in OC/LA, and I have not encountered direct racism, but I still don't hold my breath that it won't happen. But at least I feel more comfortable with racism in a country, state, or city Im familiar with, and people around me. If that makes sense? In Ukraine, or any other Eastern European country, I cannot say the same. I'm in their world, at their mercy. It would be me against the world if I try to hold my own, and the outcome would probably be death. RIP to dude above. SMH.
Yeah usually most people don't travel east of Germany or Austria. Aside from maybe Prague, most eastern European are alot less diverse compared to their western counterparts, so minorities definitely stick out alot more. When I went to Prague, I never relaxed too much. It felt like going to an all-white city in Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, rather than an all-white city in the South. No hate, but definitely got some stares from the elderly. Except, it almost felt like the younger crowd went out of their way to make me feel welcome and were on me like a magnet. Most of the middle-aged crowd were giving me random smiles, I think that they liked that an outsider was admiring their country. But in cities like London, Paris, Athens, and Rome, I felt completely at ease.
I legit don’t get how it’s possible to have modern warfare today. Aren’t weapons way too advanced to ever be able to actually use them.

If this escalated whats to stop someone from using a nuke.
Combat is still carried out by soldiers. You still have to have troops carry out objectives like securing areas, making sure the enemy is neutralized, taking strategic points, setting up comms, etc. The more conventional guns, rockets, grenades, etc. are also more economical to use as opposed to smart bombs, artillery, aircraft, missiles, experimental weapons, etc. War costs money, every weapon being used has to be bought or manufactured and there's not an endless supply of it. Even Super Powers still turn to conventional warfare because it's cheaper and is still necessary to succeed. Wars aren't fought to decimate an enemy anymore. They're carried out to pacify a nation or area, so also need troops to work with the locals alot of the time to so you don't look like the senseless aggressor, even Putin is trying to deny that he's the bad guy through propaganda and misinformation.

I actually think Nukes prevented big conflicts from happening through the years. Once you start using Nukes, than the only viable response to it is another nuke. NO ONE in their right mind would want it to come to that. I think the only group of people that would even consider using a nuke is probably a terrorist organization or another extremist group. But I can tell you that there is a 0% chance that Putin will use a nuke as he knows that it will spell doom for everyone, which isn't his objective.
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So Ukraine doing a decent job defending their land, so whats stopping us or anyone again just sending all our **** there and really push Russia back again? Cause of Putin’s threat? Mans cant even take Ukraine and we expect him to be a threat? I mean obv if things go nuclear then ok we have a problem…
So Ukraine doing a decent job defending their land, so whats stopping us or anyone again just sending all our **** there and really push Russia back again? Cause of Putin’s threat? Mans cant even take Ukraine and we expect him to be a threat? I mean obv if things go nuclear then ok we have a problem…
Yeah, if we get it involved it would escalate exponentially. At that point, Kazakhstan, China, and North Korea might get involved and Russia will definitely feel backed into a corner. Sending troops in is not an option at all. It would turn into a world war.
Men and boys, who are able to fight for Ukraine are being taken and/or kidnapped. Sucks yo.

A large amount of Russian military personnel are conscriptions as well. So many people involved in this war who have no desire to be
A large amount of Russian military personnel are conscriptions as well. So many people involved in this war who have no desire to be
Because of this, Ukrainians are holding their own despite being outnumbered. Putin must've thought that they would be in shock after the first airstrikes forgetting that the Ukrainian soldiers are battle-hardened. They assumed that it would be similar to Georgia.
A large amount of Russian military personnel are conscriptions as well. So many people involved in this war who have no desire to be
That's pretty much every war man .....

Let's act like we didn't have a draft .....

Even when you sign up for war knowing it can be a possibility you aren't trying to go to war. At least most people. There are other that welcome it.
Yeah, if we get it involved it would escalate exponentially. At that point, Kazakhstan, China, and North Korea might get involved and Russia will definitely feel backed into a corner. Sending troops in is not an option at all. It would turn into a world war.

The US, China and NK aint enough to make be like aite we gotta chill?

Imagine going to a fight in the ring and prime Ali, Tyson and Holyfield is in the ring bout to gang up on you. But then I guess if we speaking metaphors, then thats when youd take the toolie out and **** hits the fan eh.
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