School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Ive heard plenty of stories of Italian cities (the touristy ones are a bit better but the less frequented cities hah) being lowkey racist. Now, they wont be rude, disrespectful or anything like that, more so service will suck, they wont be as nice etc. So indirectly youre getting hit with the racist stick, not enough to spoil a trip or make you go damn im never going to Italy again. Of course this isnt everyone, alot of Italians are super hospitable, and of course you are going to be friendlier and whatnot with your own people thats normal but bad service, couple of side eyes when you arent Italian is enough to make you think twice. And this isnt even just towards black people, im Filipino and ive had aunts and fam go there and even they felt like they were a bit on the rude end of the stick. My friend whos Dominican went there and said she was about to go NY on an Italian lady in a gift shop when she felt like she was getting followed around. :lol:

Paris is alot friendlier, the French arent known to be friendly but they arent so discriminating wither from my experience and stories ive heard. Even Germany and Amsterdam ive heard is quite fine. Its more so Italy and those Eastern European countries. Curious how Greece is, I wanna say they are Italian esque with that but havent heard so many stories. If anything they just want their children to be with other Greeks when it comes to dating and marriage and whatnot.
The French are racist as hell. You probably don't speak French which is why you missed many of their comments. Hell, they will speak English, but will still ignore you cause they believe you should speak French in their country in order to visit.

Greece is racist as hell too. Black designer went there a few years to do shoots for his brand. He went to a lounge and one of the waitresses was feeling him and asked for a selfie. A group of white guys said "why are you taking pictures with a black guy". Words were exchanged and they punched him and he swung back and a group number in the teens beat him to death. Only 6 were charged and they initially got off with a light sentence. Now the case is being retried.

You can also add Spain to that list as well.
If Belarus helps russia by sending troops in then it’s a wrap.

WW3 by the summer. There goes my vacation plans
Yah man, its bad in the US, but at least people will fight for rights and sometimes succeed and make changes. At least there is a chance to get people to think differently

In parts of Europe , its a normal way of life to be openly racist against any black people. And they stay set in their ways no matter what.
WW3 isnt going to happen, no one wants to actually destroy the world and then themselves.
Satellite images show 40 mile long Russian troops / armor vehicles / etc. **** is nuts.

Ukrain meeds to just bomb all that ****.

They need "Dracarys" that **** ASAP

The French are racist as hell. You probably don't speak French which is why you missed many of their comments. Hell, they will speak English, but will still ignore you cause they believe you should speak French in their country in order to visit.

Greece is racist as hell too. Black designer went there a few years to do shoots for his brand. He went to a lounge and one of the waitresses was feeling him and asked for a selfie. A group of white guys said "why are you taking pictures with a black guy". Words were exchanged and they punched him and he swung back and a group number in the teens beat him to death. Only 6 were charged and they initially got off with a light sentence. Now the case is being retried.

You can also add Spain to that list as well.

Damn whos the designer? Thats wild.

Ive always been with a French speaker in Paris, but I guess that deters people from saying anything but I never got bad body language in Paris that seemed off.
Satellite images show 40 mile long Russian troops / armor vehicles / etc. **** is nuts.

Ukrain meeds to just bomb all that ****.
Most of their airfields got bombed on Russia's first strike. And even if they were to send a squadron, Russian fighter jets would just blow them out of the sky soon after take off. Russia has near complete air superiority everywhere except the bigger cities not conquered.
What they're saying: Ukraine's defense minister Oleksii Reznikov wrote in a Facebook post, "We offer Russian soldiers a choice: to die in an unjust war or full amnesty and 5 million rubles of compensation if they put down their guns and voluntarily surrender to prison."

The insult...
Most of their airfields got bombed on Russia's first strike. And even if they were to send a squadron, Russian fighter jets would just blow them out of the sky soon after take off. Russia has near complete air superiority everywhere except the bigger cities not conquered.
The have been successful destroying convoys, how they did that? Im sure they have weapons that can reach those armor vehicles.
The have been successful destroying convoys, how they did that? Im sure they have weapons that can reach those armor vehicles.
They had ground units carry that out. They're using something like a Javelin(anti-vehicle) rocket system donated by the US/UK to take out the vehicles. They would need long distance artillery to bombard that supply line. And also you would need the exact coordinates to carry it out which usually come from drones, espionage, satellite photo, spy aircraft etc., which the Ukranians don't have. You can imagine the artillery shoots the projectile like an arc across hundreds of miles so to even be one inch off could mean you miss the target by a few dozen yards. Also, the Russians probably took out alot of the artillery in the first airstrikes too. The only reason Kyiv, Lyiv, and the other major Western cities haven't taken out is because we sent them alot of anti-aircraft weaponry so now they can protect their positions now, but at first the Russians rush the country with airstrikes with minimal resistance so most of the Ukranian air force is destroyed.
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Can I buy a property in Moscow online?

Real answer: probably not. At least based on what my Russian friend described to me about the sale of her family's house. She's lived in the US with her family for most of her life (she's in her 20s), but they're finally selling their house back home. The entire family is required to fly to Russia (two sisters, brother, parents) to complete the sale in person, apparently. It's weird as hell.
Real answer: probably not. At least based on what my Russian friend described to me about the sale of her family's house. She's lived in the US with her family for most of her life (she's in her 20s), but they're finally selling their house back home. The entire family is required to fly to Russia (two sisters, brother, parents) to complete the sale in person, apparently. It's weird as hell.

Figured that out during the Russian Dating site thread:lol:
7 Serbians
2 Greeks

Serbians, Albanians, nah them boys is nuts. 15 of them will come out of nowhere and join the action. Just seen the video smh. Was trying to run probably seeing hes outnumbered and then he gets speared into a car then hits the ground and by then its over. Few kicks to the head is all it takes.
Moldovan, Bosnians, Albanians, Hungarians, Romanians, Serbians, Hungarians, Macedonians, Croatians, Slovakian, and Slovanians all have a tumultuous history against each one another marred with ethnic/religious genocides and territorial disputes so alot of them(not all of them, but they have history of violence) developed this extreme nationalistic identity and lean on some preserve the culture purity BS which in turn makes them closed-minded against their neighbors and everyone else. It sucks because their lineage is closely tied too from a common ancestry.
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