School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Interesting I keep hearing the Russian don’t want to give up Ukraine to the west and NATO.

Informative videos from a few years back.

I think someone already mentioned it, the west mistakenly wanted to set up military fortification on the bordering countries next to Russia which made them feel threatened, belittled, and isolated, especially since we used to be their #1 adversary. It must have humiliating and I consider it too extreme.
This is what you’re worried about? Not the fact that he’s got the Russian military at his neck and a bounty literally on his head?

Weird. :lol:
I think he means that if he comes out of this, hopefully something doesn't tarnish his image. So far the only complaints that I've read about him is that he's supposedly turning a blind eye towards corruption and of course people were making fun of him for being the main actor(before he was elected) on a TV show in which he plays a history teacher that becomes a president unexpectedly.
I think someone already mentioned it, the west mistakenly wanted to set up military fortification on the bordering countries next to Russia which made them feel threatened, belittled, and isolated, especially since we used to be their #1 adversary. It must have humiliating and I consider it too extreme.
I forget where I read or heard but I recall that Putins greatest fear is going out like Gaddafi and what happened to him scarred him deeply.

I think he feels paranoia.
I forget where I read or heard but I recall that Putins greatest fear is going out like Gaddafi and what happened to him scarred him deeply.

I think he feels paranoia.
Crazy, because everyone hates him even more now, even a sizeable number of Russians.

Azov Special Operations Detachment, often known as Azov Detachment, Azov Regiment, or Azov Battalion, is a right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi unit of the National Guard of Ukraine, based in Mariupol, in the Azov Sea coastal region. The logo of the Azov Battalion had Nazi undertones, comprising of two emblems — the Wolfsangel and the Sonnenrad — characterised as neo-Nazi symbols by the Anti-Defamation League. Both these symbols—Wolfsangel and Sonnebrad—have been used extensively by hate groups in different parts of the United States, signifying the Ukrainian group’s impact in motivating supremacist and bigoted organisations around the world.

This is who Putin is after ^^^

Seems Ukraine is where all the Aryans and Nazis fled and are fleeing to crazy they building a whole nazi regime right under our eyes and we suppose to recruit them into NATO and go fight alongside them because we have a enemy in common which is Russia? Better yet sending weapons into the area like any good can come from this. The only sensible NATO country right now is Germany last time I checked they only sent helmets there. No weapons and were not in support of this.

This unit needs to be dismantled
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Azov Special Operations Detachment, often known as Azov Detachment, Azov Regiment, or Azov Battalion, is a right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi unit of the National Guard of Ukraine, based in Mariupol, in the Azov Sea coastal region. The logo of the Azov Battalion had Nazi undertones, comprising of two emblems — the Wolfsangel and the Sonnenrad — characterised as neo-Nazi symbols by the Anti-Defamation League. Both these symbols—Wolfsangel and Sonnebrad—have been used extensively by hate groups in different parts of the United States, signifying the Ukrainian group’s impact in motivating supremacist and bigoted organisations around the world.

This is who Putin is after ^^^

let the tiki torch holders go die on that hill. Seems Ukraine is where all the Aryans and Nazis fled to crazy they building a whole nazi regime right under our eyes and we suppose to recruit them into NATO.

While I do agree that's it's concerning that Azov is allowed to exist so prominently, that's fair from Putin's primary reason to take Ukraine. First of all, Zelenskyy is Jewish, second of all, Nazi thought Slavic people were sub-human too and exterminated them too so I'm sure most people still hates anything even associated with Nazis, and third, every nation in Europe has a certain segment of Neo-Nazis including Western European nations, and fourth, Russia is probably the central hub for Neo-Nazi's in Europe. That "deNazification" is lazy propaganda ********.

Also, that racist ******* unit needs to be dismantled and imprisoned. And if Ukraine does come out victorious, I'm going to monitor the **** out of it and whether NATO presses them about it.
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While I do agree that's it's concerning that Azov is allowed to exist so prominently, that's fair from Putin's primary reason to take Ukraine. First of all, Zelenskyy is Jewish, second of all, Nazi thought Slavic people were sub-human too and exterminated them too so I'm sure most people still hates anything even associated with Nazis, and third, every nation in Europe has a certain segment of Neo-Nazis including Western European nations, and fourth, Russia is probably the central hub for Neo-Nazi's in Europe. That "deNazification" is lazy propaganda bull****.

I had to revise my post after reading about this unit after seeing that grease bullet video,

but even if they are on the wrong side of history they are being used by the USA as a pawn move to attack Russia. The whole Neo Nazi thing is full idiocracy and bigotry in display to know those who think like that are easily manipulated and will go die on that hill.

instead of the nato nations trying to dismantle this lost unit they are turning a blind eye to it and using it to their advantage. What is it with Russia that America feels so compelled to attack them?

and wasn't zelensky is like Obama becoming president every one saying look racism is over because Obama is now president and we got trump. If that makes sense to you
Also, that racist ****ing unit needs to be dismantled and imprisoned. And if Ukraine does come out victorious, I'm going to monitor the **** out of it and whether NATO presses them about it.

me too im going to be following this unit very closely for now on. Because if they do nothing about it what will stop this unit from becoming even more of a threat to where they can carry out a coup.

here is there motto for recruitment

"foreign Azov volunteers are motivated by the call of the “Reconquista”—a pursuit to place the eastern European nations under the rule of a white supremacist dictatorship, drawing inspiration from the Nazi Reichskommissariat rule that controlled Ukraine at the time of World War II. A raft of Azov volunteers in Ukraine harbour this dream of reestablishing Ukraine as a white supremacist nation that has under its control large tracts of land from neighbouring European nations."


The nerve of them to have a NATO flag as well but we have been supplying them indirectly if not directly.

Send this whole unit to Putin and the war ends

Several Jewish groups, including the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry, Yad Vashem, and the World Jewish Congress, are among prominent organisations that have condemned Kyiv for rehabilitating Nazi collaborators—a distinct characteristic of the far-right movements in Europe. "
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I had to revise my post after reading about this unit after seeing that grease bullet video,

but even if they are on the wrong side of history they are being used by the USA as a pawn move to attack Russia. The whole Neo Nazi thing is full idiocracy and bigotry in display to know those who think like that are easily manipulated and will go die on that hill.

instead of the nato nations trying to dismantle this lost unit they are turning a blind eye to it and using it to their advantage. What is it with Russia that America feels so compelled to attack them?

and wasn't zelensky is like Obama becoming president every one saying look racism is over because Obama is now president and we got trump. If that makes sense to you
Yeah I edited my post after reading your revised post.

I think it's alot more complexed than the US using Ukraine as a pawn. A NTer mentioned that he has some roots in that region so maybe he can shed more light and correct me, but this goes back to a bunch of the former Eastern Bloc countries wanting to be liberated from the former Soviet Union. Ukraine sees this as a pure power move impeding on their civil liberty of being independent. And plus if you look at Putin's history as Prime Minister/President, it's marred with abuse of power, censorship, corruption, blackmail, disappearances, etc. It's one thing to hear it from one of the western countries, but even Russians are concerned with him and alot of the public are even afraid to speak against him. It's long been known that he's been slowly chipping away at their rights with a goal to revert it back to the old regime and it has multiple neighbors around him nervous including most of the former Soviet Union countries maybe aside from Kazakhstan, Belarus, and a few other countries. So of course the US will take any opportunity to take pot shots at Putin and paint him as the bad guy in front of everyone for strategic reasons, but he is really a bad leader that has the world nervous. Like I can understand if it's just Americans talking ****, but THE WHOLE WORLD INCLUDING SOME OF HIS LONGTIME FRIENDS AND ALLIES(oligarchs, CCP, Kazakhstan, other foreign allies, etc.) pretty much disagrees with his invasion of Ukraine.

Also, NATO better address the Aroz regiment ASAP.
me too im going to be following this unit very closely for now on. Because if they do nothing about it what will stop this unit from becoming even more of a threat to where they can carry out a coup.

here is there motto for recruitment

"foreign Azov volunteers are motivated by the call of the “Reconquista”—a pursuit to place the eastern European nations under the rule of a white supremacist dictatorship, drawing inspiration from the Nazi Reichskommissariat rule that controlled Ukraine at the time of World War II. A raft of Azov volunteers in Ukraine harbour this dream of reestablishing Ukraine as a white supremacist nation that has under its control large tracts of land from neighbouring European nations."


The nerve of them to have a NATO flag as well but we have been supplying them indirectly if not directly.

Send this whole unit to Putin and the war ends

Several Jewish groups, including the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry, Yad Vashem, and the World Jewish Congress, are among prominent organisations that have condemned Kyiv for rehabilitating Nazi collaborators—a distinct characteristic of the far-right movements in Europe. "
That's completely sick and I'm glad you shown a light towards this. Dumb-asses would have been rounded up and sent to concentration camps during WW2. :smh:
Yeah I edited my post after reading your revised post.

I think it's alot more complexed than the US using Ukraine as a pawn. A NTer mentioned that he has some roots in that region so maybe he can shed more light and correct me, but this goes back to a bunch of the former Eastern Bloc countries wanting to be liberated from the former Soviet Union. Ukraine sees this as a pure power move impeding on their civil liberty of being independent. And plus if you look at Putin's history as Prime Minister/President, it's marred with abuse of power, censorship, corruption, blackmail, disappearances, etc. It's one thing to hear it from one of the western countries, but even Russians are concerned with him and alot of the public are even afraid to speak against him. It's long been known that he's been slowly chipping away at their rights with a goal to revert it back to the old regime and it has multiple neighbors around him nervous including most of the former Soviet Union countries maybe aside from Kazakhstan, Belarus, and a few other countries. So of course the US will take any opportunity to take pot shots at Putin and paint him as the bad guy in front of everyone for strategic reasons, but he is really a bad leader that has the world nervous. Like I can understand if it's just Americans talking ****, but THE WHOLE WORLD INCLUDING SOME OF HIS LONGTIME FRIENDS AND ALLIES(oligarchs, CCP, Kazakhstan, other foreign allies, etc.) pretty much disagrees with his invasion of Ukraine.

Also, NATO better address the Aroz regiment ASAP.

Bet. I know Putin aint no Angel im hip on him. But sounds we either going to get the Soviet Union back or some Azov unit will be the next threat. People saying that Putin will not stop at Ukraine but I don't see it going any further than Ukraine, had we not escalated to where we at now there were plenty of ways to keep Russia from invading by segregating the country.

But did Ukraine also agree sometime in 2010 when a dude named Viktor stated they would not join NATO?

but over the last few years they been entertaining the idea they would join NATO that lead up to the Russian buildup on the border. I think it was dumb to think a whole country would just lay down and go peacefully back into the SU. Viktor playing it safe trying to keep the country unaligned was to please both sides tho.
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Bet. I know Putin aint no Angel im hip on him. But sounds we either going to get the Soviet Union back or some Azov unit will be the next threat. People saying that Putin will not stop at Ukraine but I don't see it going any further than Ukraine, had we not escalated to where we at now there were plenty of ways to keep Russia from invading by segregating the country.

But did Ukraine also agree sometime in 2010 when a dude named Viktor stated they would not join NATO?

but over the last few years they been entertaining the idea they would join NATO that lead up to the Russian buildup on the border. I think it was dumb to think a whole country would just lay down and go peacefully back into the SU. Viktor playing it safe trying to keep the country unaligned was to please both sides tho.
Yeah I don't see Russia conquering their old territory back. Even their Eastern European allies want to keep their anonymity to a certain extent. I agree with you and I think it stops at Ukraine. Like you said, it's surprising that Russia(Putin) is even attempting an invasion giving their current economic struggles, not to mention that every country is fresh off their markets being limited by Covid. Putin's decision was absurdly misguided. Now they're going to spend more money on a war in which a the enemy country will fight tooth and nail for each inch of their homeland WHILE dealing with some of the biggest saunctions in recent history. It's essentially a lose-lose situation for Putin and unfortunately the Russian citizens(from the richest to the poorest) will suffer along with the soldiers dying for nothing.

Yeah Viktor kinda enabled this by being a fence sitter and Zelenskyy inherited this precarious predicament. Putin was 100% dumb to think that this would be another Georgian situation kinda like how the a crippled Afghanistan would be easy to pacify, except that the Ukrainians has an exponentially more capable military.
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