School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Moldovan, Bosnians, Albanians, Hungarians, Romanians, Serbians, Hungarians, Macedonians, Croatians, Slovakian, and Slovanians all have a tumultuous history against each one another marred with ethnic/religious genocides and territorial disputes so alot of them(not all of them, but they have history of violence) developed this extreme nationalistic identity and lean on some preserve the culture purity BS which in turn makes them closed-minded against their neighbors and everyone else. It sucks because their lineage is closely tied too from a common ancestry.
The only place where this mentality isn't an accepted part of life is the Americas, and that's because very few of us living here can claim this land as our ancestral home.

You will find the same kind of perspective in Africa and Asia, where people's ties to the land they inhabit are much deeper than here.
I think he means that if he comes out of this, hopefully something doesn't tarnish his image. So far the only complaints that I've read about him is that he's supposedly turning a blind eye towards corruption and of course people were making fun of him for being the main actor(before he was elected) on a TV show in which he plays a history teacher that becomes a president unexpectedly.
His decision to stay in the country tremendously helped his image. Prior to the invasion, his minister of war criticized him on NPR because he felt Zelenskyy wasn't taking the situation as seriously as he should have.
Yeah I don't see Russia conquering their old territory back. Even their Eastern European allies want to keep their anonymity to a certain extent. I agree with you and I think it stops at Ukraine. Like you said, it's surprising that Russia(Putin) is even attempting an invasion giving their current economic struggles, not to mention that every country is fresh off their markets being limited by Covid. Putin's decision was absurdly misguided. Now they're going to spend more money on a war in which a the enemy country will fight tooth and nail for each inch of their homeland WHILE dealing with some of the biggest saunctions in recent history. It's essentially a lose-lose situation for Putin and unfortunately the Russian citizens(from the richest to the poorest) will suffer along with the soldiers dying for nothing.

Yeah Viktor kinda enabled this by being a fence sitter and Zelenskyy inherited this precarious predicament. Putin was 100% dumb to think that this would be another Georgian situation kinda like how the a crippled Afghanistan would be easy to pacify, except that the Ukrainians has an exponentially more capable military.

Right and then to top it all off Putin makes a statement saying

“Why do we need a world if Russia is not in it”

This some blow the whole world up nonsense Putin saying if we cant have it no one can sheesh.

Russia is ready for annihilation

And to think %90 of nukes are held by the USA and Russia and Russia looking hella desperate with the whole world choosing Ukraine and trying to put a choke hold on Putin only going to push him closer to the button.
Ukraine full of Nazi?!?!?


Give me somebody to root for please!
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The only place where this mentality isn't an accepted part of life is the Americas, and that's because very few of us living here can claim this land as our ancestral home.

You will find the same kind of perspective in Africa and Asia, where people's ties to the land they inhabit are much deeper than here.
That's true for the most part, I would also include Western Europeans(presently) aren't nearly as extreme as Eastern Europeans since they're alot more exposed to different ethnicities(especially England and France). Also Asia can vary in nationalistic views too, Philippines being along more ethnically diverse(different Asians) compared to Japan which is alot more xenophobic.

My point was trying to explain why they're alot more extreme with nationalism compared to their Western counterparts. Unfortunately, like you've mentioned, some African nations are hostile to neighboring countries for similar reasons.
Ukrainians are getting played and they don't realize it.

Weapons being handed out like candy = an inevitable civil war
I’ve been watching a lot of videos of soldier interviews and soldier social media accounts from both sides since I can speak both languages. So far my understanding is most Russian soldiers don’t even want to be there and are just acting on orders. One guy went as far as saying that he rather shoot himself to get treatment and avoid going into a battle he doesn’t want to fight.

If you were to compare Russian and Ukrainian would you say it’s like like 80-90 percent the same linguistically? Or is it basically n the same just different dialects?

Azov Special Operations Detachment, often known as Azov Detachment, Azov Regiment, or Azov Battalion, is a right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi unit of the National Guard of Ukraine, based in Mariupol, in the Azov Sea coastal region. The logo of the Azov Battalion had Nazi undertones, comprising of two emblems — the Wolfsangel and the Sonnenrad — characterised as neo-Nazi symbols by the Anti-Defamation League. Both these symbols—Wolfsangel and Sonnebrad—have been used extensively by hate groups in different parts of the United States, signifying the Ukrainian group’s impact in motivating supremacist and bigoted organisations around the world.

This is who Putin is after ^^^

Seems Ukraine is where all the Aryans and Nazis fled and are fleeing to crazy they building a whole nazi regime right under our eyes and we suppose to recruit them into NATO and go fight alongside them because we have a enemy in common which is Russia? Better yet sending weapons into the area like any good can come from this. The only sensible NATO country right now is Germany last time I checked they only sent helmets there. No weapons and were not in support of this.

This unit needs to be dismantled

Im not sure why this is so shocking and controversial...

Like I said many times, whats happening in Ukrain is nothing new and nothing that has not been happening ..... i guess the world is more in tune because the color of their skin and because it's Russia.

America has done this time and time again and some of our biggest conflicts have been with countries we supplied military aid and through those actions a dictator arised an took power.


So yeah, this is not shocking at all.
If you were to compare Russian and Ukrainian would you say it’s like like 80-90 percent the same linguistically? Or is it basically n the same just different dialects?

Depends. Western Ukrainian is closer to Polish while the eastern side the dialect is closer to Russian but it’s still their own version.
Depends. Western Ukrainian is closer to Polish while the eastern side the dialect is closer to Russian but it’s still their own version.

Yea they’re all Slavic languages. It just always intrigued me just how different they are.

I was chillen with a Croatian-American dude in college who could understand this Russian-American. They were speaking to each other.

Azov Special Operations Detachment, often known as Azov Detachment, Azov Regiment, or Azov Battalion, is a right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi unit of the National Guard of Ukraine, based in Mariupol, in the Azov Sea coastal region. The logo of the Azov Battalion had Nazi undertones, comprising of two emblems — the Wolfsangel and the Sonnenrad — characterised as neo-Nazi symbols by the Anti-Defamation League. Both these symbols—Wolfsangel and Sonnebrad—have been used extensively by hate groups in different parts of the United States, signifying the Ukrainian group’s impact in motivating supremacist and bigoted organisations around the world.

This is who Putin is after ^^^

Seems Ukraine is where all the Aryans and Nazis fled and are fleeing to crazy they building a whole nazi regime right under our eyes and we suppose to recruit them into NATO and go fight alongside them because we have a enemy in common which is Russia? Better yet sending weapons into the area like any good can come from this.
The only sensible NATO country right now is Germany last time I checked they only sent helmets there. No weapons and were not in support of this.

This unit needs to be dismantled

You're grossly misreading the situation here. First, the battalion was formed after Crimea and the eastern territories were taken.

Azov Battalion (until September 2014), is a right-wing extremist[1] and neo-Nazi[2][3][4] unit of the National Guard of Ukraine,[5][6][7] based in Mariupol, in the Azov Sea coastal region.[8] It saw its first combat experience recapturing Mariupol from pro-Russian separatists forces in June 2014.[5] Azov initially formed as a volunteer militia on 5 May 2014 during the Odessa clashes.[9] On 12 November 2014, Azov was incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine, and since then all members are contract soldiers serving in the National Guard of Ukraine.

(Map references below):

Here's the thing (and that's not me excusing or condoning the ideology of the group):

Anyone willing to stand up to Russia will be welcomed by the Ukrainian government. ANYONE. They cannot afford to implement a morality filter to their troops beyond "who's willing to die" against their very powerful neighbor.

If Mexico were more powerful than us and started claiming some parts of TX and California, you'd see the same dynamic where preserving national sovereignty takes precedence over controversial ideologies.

Now, the reason I say your take is off has to do with the fact that it is Putin who is accusing Ukrainians of racism and nazism, when he has become the darling of the American extreme right and all it's affiliated white nationalists for the things he says and the policies he signs into law at home. His propaganda has become very sloppy, and anyone who's paid attention to Russia's internal politics over the last decade can see right through it.

That's the French spelling of his name :lol:

Since we're on the discussion of Black people in Ukraine:

And this is why you don't let civilians, no matter how rich they are, get involved in such things.

Musk's contribution sounded great, but imagine any of these dudes picking sides and openly dropping billions into international conflicts with absolutely no input from the countries they're citizens of.

He could have paid his taxes, and that money would've still gone to Ukraine :lol:

Just saying...
Looks they the Russian defence minister has warned residents in Kyiv to evacuate as there will be precision strikes in the capital today...gonna be a rough one tonight.
This is who Putin is after ^^^

Seems Ukraine is where all the Aryans and Nazis fled and are fleeing to crazy they building a whole nazi regime right under our eyes and we suppose to recruit them into NATO and go fight alongside them because we have a enemy in common which is Russia?

Oh yeah, Putin's #1 and lifelong goal is ridding the world of Nazis

I guess some of us were quick to say Putin's propaganda wasn't working
I wonder what the US and EU will do about Crypto ... you can't destroy a nations economy via sanctions if they are all switching to Crypto with no regulations.

So yeah...
That walkout is beyond corny and very telling of the mindset and lack of maturity our leaders have nowadays. I'm sure the majority love it though smh.
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