School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Time out. This is a potential life-threatening issue for regular Russians.

Am I the only one who sees the breadth of these sanctions as excessive? You can't be talking about "the problem is Putin" and hurt regular Russians this much.

Remember that Hitler's hatred for the winners of WWI had to do with the very punitive financial measures that were applied to Germany (since they lost the conflict), which left the whole palace destitute.

If the EU doesn't have significant financial packages to help rebuild the Russian economy after Putin is gone, they (we) are gonna have very real problems in the future.

The only way to squeeze Putin financially is to squeeze Russia as a whole. The only chance to stop him is from within and you don’t do that by sitting by allowing the elite to maintain their lifestyle. The whole country must suffer and force change from the bottom up. Because the oligarchs won’t do it with their lifestyles. Your analogy of Hitler isnt exact. That may be part of Hitler’s excuse was post WWI sanctions. But during WWII all of the Nazi cronies and socialites were still living the high life. And they had no qualms looking past the genocide of Jews. Based on what we see the Russians doing to Ukraine citizens the last 24 hours, **** them. Russians are lucky they are only getting sanctions. Russian troops are committing genocide and war crimes as we speak against normal people. They are fully committed to attacking non-military targets. Schools, hospitals, apartment, etc. I’m sure all the dead Ukrainians would take sanctions over what is being forced upon them. they are trying to force Zelensky to give up. As long as Zelensky is alive or staying in Ukrainian then Russia cannot impose their puppet government(s). Four of them if that picture is legit and not propaganda/dis-information. I have more to say but I’m extremely busy with work.
It's essentially a modern day seige if you think about it. All resources are cut off to Russia(limited travel, limited money coming in, limited money going out, businesses halted across the board, limited imports and exports coming up and going out, freezes on finances, etc.). The goal is to get Russia(Putin) to essentially tap out of a choke-hold. That or force action by either Putin's subordinates or by the Russian public.
idk why people aren’t offering Russians somewhere new to call home along with Ukrainians.

Think about how many people are going to be f’ed over for life because of this. You just graduate from college and Putin does this bs killing all your hopes and dreams.

Both Russian and Ukrainians deserve to live a life without war and nutcase dictators.
idk why people aren’t offering Russians somewhere new to call home along with Ukrainians.

Think about how many people are going to be f’ed over for life because of this. You just graduate from college and Putin does this bs killing all your hopes and dreams.

Both Russian and Ukrainians deserve to live a life without war and nutcase dictators.
Right, world leaders should start to talk to the Russian public directly too and include them in their speeches. The disrespect would enrage Putin. :lol:
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Right, world leaders should start to talk to the Russian public directly too amd include them in their speeches. The disrespect would enrage Putin. :lol:

Not to mention it would solve the “worker shortage” which is debatable more like good job shortage.

Anyways half the engineers at my company are Russian and a bunch of equipment operators too. I love working with those dudes.
Yea let’s cut off money supply, electronics, basic needs in todays world that’ll sure teach Putin to not try to conquer Ukraine!

Its a dumb strategy. Won’t work. Will actually ruin more lives.

I get NATO countries are clearly choosing their sides for the media to see but this isn’t the way.
He’s already rich and doesn’t care about his people. No skin off his back.

At least offer an escape for people.
Right, world leaders should start to talk to the Russian public directly too amd include them in their speeches. The disrespect would enrage Putin. :lol:

What the world is doing to Russia is really some BS.

If only we did this or every other invading or corrupt country. Powers just pick and choose when it benefits them.

It’s true and no one will admit it because the majority tells them not to. They are pretending to take the high road by way of sanctions when it‘s a gentleman’s way to conduct warfare By way of economics.

Forgive me if it’s already been discussed ....Wether it’s true or not, no one find it’s at least a little interesting that considering what was reported to be on Hunter Biden’s laptop, Joe Biden is right there to answer the call for Ukraine?
Like someone already mentioned, the west is trying to force civil unrest, but if I know anything about Russians is they know how to suck it up through hardship and have a history of dealing with living in somewhat extreme conditions. Also, the state controlled media still have a influence on controlling the spread information, I wouldn't even be surprised if they're suppressing news about Anti-war protests and the devastation inflicted on Ukraine right now. probably even making the Russian have complete control of the situation. Putin got rid of powerful opposition through the years, bent laws to favor his, and strengthened his foothold being the de factor authoritarian leader. He essentially turned a democracy into a dictatorship and made it hard to oppose him with his inner circle being his most trusted confidants. I think we underestimated how big of a choke-hold Putin's has on Russia.
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Yea let’s cut off money supply, electronics, basic needs in todays world that’ll sure teach Putin to not try to conquer Ukraine!

Its a dumb strategy. Won’t work. Will actually ruin more lives.

I get NATO countries are clearly choosing their sides for the media to see but this isn’t the way.
Easy to criticize without an actual solution that could be rolled out quickly.

Money supply is what fuels the confidence to make an attack like this happen. You cut that resource off you send a subliminal message to people in power that they have to care and in turn apply pressure from within.

You really think the impoverished are out here buying products made abroad? This is going to directly impact the people who would normally get to ignore this situation.

What's better option?
monstar monstar wish I knew a better strategy. This is modern day warfare I guess.

There won’t be a WW3. Russias own allies aren’t even helping them right now. For a reason too.
I hate to say it, but I think now the REAL onslaught will begin. Russian military are starting to get properly equipped for the long-haul, more units will be committed to specific objectives, and more of coordinated/focused offense will be carried out since there are more ground units present, more supplies, more strategic points taken, and more military garrisons. With Kherson taken and Kyiv surrounded with more battle groups bearing down on the city, it will be extremely difficult for Ukraine to come out of this. Hopefully they utilize their newly gifted military equipment effectively.
If Russia tried to invade the US are you staying and fighting or are you leaving the country
They can't, we rule the water. They wouldn’t even be able to bring their military across Siberia before we establish an FOB in Japan or South Korea. No country could even get near our coasts because our Navy is bigger than alot of countries military and is in every corner of the world. Not to mention that no country can logistically even carry out such an offensive across either the Pacific or Atlantic ocean.
I hate to say it, but I think now the REAL onslaught will begin. Russian military are starting to get properly equipped for the long-haul, more units will be committed to specific objectives, and more of coordinated/focused offense will be carried out since there are more ground units present, more supplies, more strategic points taken, and more military garrisons. With Kherson taken and Kyiv surrounded with more battle groups bearing down on the city, it will be extremely difficult for Ukraine to come out of this. Hopefully they utilize their newly gifted military equipment effectively.

That’s my worry too. And if those found documents are real and Putins objective was to have Kyiv by March 6 then no wonder he isn’t flinching. He throws his goon soldiers to the fodder with no regard. Ukraine needs commandos and whatever air support flanking that convoy as hard as possible before the final invasion or surrounded, whichever comes first.
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