School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

They can't, we rule the water. They wouldn’t even be able to bring their military across Siberia before we establish an FOB in Japan or South Korea. No country could even get near our coasts because our Navy is bigger than alot of countries military and is in every corner of the world. Not to mention that no country can logistically even carry out such an offensive across either the Pacific or Atlantic ocean.
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Have sanctions ever worked in the past?
I dont know if sanctions have anything to do with it, but there's a 1 milli bounty on Putin.
The sanctions imposed against Russia are unprecedented on an economy of its size. They will be the equivalent of a North Korea that can sell fossil fuels (for now)

I think you need to impose sanctions that ordinary Russians will notice. Middle class Russians have grown accustom to the Western luxuries that (mostly) high oil prices have afforded them

There is no alternative and it's one of the many tragedies of this war. Those who blame the West for their problems will continue to do so. I have a hard time believing sanctions will increase support of Putin and his regime

It should be clear that sanctions will be lifted upon withdrawal from Ukraine
US, has the #1 Navy, 2nd most nukes, Top 2 weapon tech, an actually trained army, navy, air force, coast and national guards and more guns per capita for the regualr population on top of being the richest and obviously the most influence, bossing everyone else around telling everyone what to do and who to support.

We are the empire. The only way to destroy us, is if a country decides to get destroyed too.

No one is doing that, even Putin, he loves Russia too much.

Japan even said they bombed Hawaii because if they invaded the US mainland, there was a gun behind every blade of grass because all the citizens are armed.

Thats why in none of these wars, no one comes to the actual mainland.

If Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, tried to fly over here, they wouldnt make it past any of the water surrounding us.

And if they did, us Americans treat each other like crap, but let us find a common cause against something else, its over for that something else.... look at Russia, USA basically got the world against them, took their money, ruined their countries standing, just cause the US decided to do it. Thats power.

AMMMMMMUUUUUURRRRRIIIICCCCCCCAAAAA, HELL YEAH! Feels good being part of the winning country.
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Extremists harass minority refugees arriving in Poland from Ukraine, witnesses report​

Wed, March 2, 2022, 3:59 PM

As Ukrainians flee across Europe amid the onslaught of attacks from Russia in Ukraine, non-white refugees have faced discrimination from extremist groups patrolling the border, reporters and residents in the area told ABC News.
On March 1, dozens of self-identified right-wing nationalists marauded through the city center of Przemysl, Poland, and harassed refugees who looked to be people of color, the witnesses said. Many non-white refugees have arrived in the city while they evacuate Ukraine.
As this humanitarian crisis goes on, many fear extremism will continue to cause trouble for refugees of color trying to escape the war.

fugees of color trying to escape the war.

PHOTO: Refugees wait at the train station in Przemysl, Poland, March 1, 2022, after fleeing from Ukraine. (Markus Schreiber/AP)

PHOTO: Refugees wait at the train station in Przemysl, Poland, March 1, 2022, after fleeing from Ukraine. (Markus Schreiber/AP)
More than 836,000 people have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries since Russian forces invaded the eastern European country on Feb. 24, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

At least 453,000 of those refugees have escaped to Poland as of March 2, UNHCR said.

Near the Przemysl train station on Tuesday, where thousands of refugees are passing through, anyone who looked to be African or Arab were being targeted by the extremists in the attack, witnesses reported.

MORE: How to help Ukraine amid Russian attacks

Julian Würzer, a reporter for the German newspaper Berliner Morgenpost who is stationed in Poland, told ABC News that extremists aggressively shouted at refugees to get out of the country and allegedly assaulted them.

Online videos seen by ABC News show police in riot gear diffusing the incident, which Würzer said went on for about 20 minutes before police arrived.

There have been no reports of injuries.

Local authorities did not immediately respond to ABC News' requests for comment on the incidents.

PHOTO: Ukrainian refugees arrive at the train station in Przemysl, Poland, March 2, 2022.  (Miguel A. Lopes/EPA via Shutterstock)

PHOTO: Ukrainian refugees arrive at the train station in Przemysl, Poland, March 2, 2022. (Miguel A. Lopes/EPA via Shutterstock)
These extremists are a minority in the country, however. There has been an overwhelming effort by local citizens to help those fleeing across the Polish-Ukrainian border. ABC News reporters on the ground say that volunteers across the region have been offering to house, feed, and clothe the many refugees.

MORE: Ukrainian refugee crisis rises to nearly 800,000

At the border, witnesses tell ABC News that extremists have reportedly been accepting Ukrainians but vowing to “defend” Poland against an influx of non-Christians. These extremists are believed by some to be backed by Russia.

Poland's government has aligned itself in recent years with right-wing ideals and has been criticized for anti-refugee sentiment. Last year, Poland refused to let thousands of Syrian and Iraqi refugees in the country after Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko forcibly drove them out of his country.

PHOTO: A temporary camp set up for Ukrainian refugees in Przemysl, Poland, is shown on March 2, 2022. (Lassi Lapintie/Shutterstock)

PHOTO: A temporary camp set up for Ukrainian refugees in Przemysl, Poland, is shown on March 2, 2022. (Lassi Lapintie/Shutterstock)
Commissioner Filippo Grandi of the UNCHR has confirmed that there have been instances of discrimination in the admission of certain refugees from Ukraine. Some third-country nationals have reported being stuck or being rejected from passage in their attempts to flee, he said.

Grandi said that state policies are not causing instances of discrimination, and that "there should be absolutely no discrimination between Ukrainians and non-Ukrainians, Europeans and non-Europeans."

"Everybody is fleeing from the same risks," Grandi said at a March 1 press conference. "We will continue to intervene, as we have done several times to try to ensure that everybody is received in the same manner."

Surely that can't be legal?

no its legal and Joe Biden can stop this check out this excerpt from breaking points, Im sure NT probably writes this channel off. They are essentially crippling the little man and letting the oligarchs stash all their money off shore.

Forgive me if it’s already been discussed ....Wether it’s true or not, no one find it’s at least a little interesting that considering what was reported to be on Hunter Biden’s laptop, Joe Biden is right there to answer the call for Ukraine?

They say that Joe Biden helped get Zelensky elected

"Trump’s second request was that Zelensky investigate an unfounded allegation regarding Joe Biden’s motivation for pressuring the Ukrainian government in 2015 to remove Ukraine’s prosecutor general at the time, Viktor Shokin. According to a conspiracy theory to which Trump subscribed, Biden, while serving as vice president in the Barack Obama administration (2009–17)"

its all unfounded im just throwing that out there i got this from here idk if any of this is true or not because the impeachment took over all this and drowned out all that hunter biden stuff.

I would say there is something worth investigating here. But Biden pushed out Viktor the prosecutor who would of investigated this. Now Joe is president so that ship has sailed this is what i mean there are issues on both sides that led to russia moving in
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I gotta give this journalist credit, she goes hard on her research.

Here’s a Russian expert Gilbert Doctorow, who gives a brief history of Russian and Ukraine…and the what may lead up to this attack. Pretty good info.

I gotta give this journalist credit, she goes hard on her research.

Here’s a Russian expert Gilbert Doctorow, who gives a brief history of Russian and Ukraine…and the what may lead up to this attack. Pretty good info.

Screen Shot 2022-03-02 at 9.10.44 PM.png

you can tell how much these two love her lol
I'm surprised Heroine Hunter Biden and his links to Ukraine are not being rebroadcasted by the news and conspiracy channels.
Yea let’s cut off money supply, electronics, basic needs in todays world that’ll sure teach Putin to not try to conquer Ukraine!

Its a dumb strategy. Won’t work. Will actually ruin more lives.

I get NATO countries are clearly choosing their sides for the media to see but this isn’t the way.
I love when people say this, but DON'T have a resolution on this matter.

We get it, Russians are in a **** situation because there leader, but it's there leader that put them in this situation, not Ukraine, not Nato, not the US. What would be the right solution to the matter bro, please tell us, and, then email Nato. I'm sure they're waiting to hear it.
I think Putin must have been ready for the sanctions. Russia/ Russian were the biggest buyer of gold for the last few years.

Seems to be the case. I think with china as an ally in oppressive *******, they may be unfazed by the sanctions.

The burden will def be on internal industries and barons to strong arm putin.

How does russia even bounce back? Putin really pushed that nation off a cliff
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