School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Was reading up on those stingers. They’re like point and click. One of the sources I read they’re so easy civilians can use them. Old tech but it’s what we gave Afghanistan to turn back the Russians. Unless Russia starts digging into the weapons meant to war with the US they may have some serious issues depending how much of these the west can supply.

And sound like javelins work just as easy. First world guerrilla warfare tech.

Do we think Russia has a "This isn't even my final form" still to come?

Like that tweet said, they could be running out of guided missiles so they have to fly low to shoot or drop bombs but that leaves them in range to get smoked by MANPADS.

I can believe it too since those jets alone are $35 MIllion a pop.
Habitual line steppers never figure they will get the worst punishment because they don’t respect authority. If he really thought they would do it Russia would have insulated itself better to being cutoff from the global economy.

just got done with it. Trying to catch up on work today so it took me longer than expected but so as not to plagiarize who shared this was a good listen if you have an hour and half to spare. Some of my questions were addressed around 1:18.

In reality we are just stupid internet people speculating and coming up with shoulda wouldas and they are military minds; but they do speak on things mentioned in this thread and why they don’t work.


Serious question. To those that don’t carry cash and cant get to an ATM to withdraw, what are they suppose to do?

How does this not affect the ordinary people (aka the 99%) there?

The agenda here to starve your basic citizen until
he decides to revolt and protest only for that basic citizen to get killed or imprisoned?
Serious question. To those that don’t carry cash and cant get to an ATM to withdraw, what are they suppose to do?

How does this not affect the ordinary people (aka the 99%) there?

The agenda here to starve your basic citizen until
he decides to revolt and protest only for that basic citizen to get killed or imprisoned?
Yeah that's crazy man ... I really sympathize ... this is a lose lose for everyone ... at the end of the day everyone loses.

Just hope that when it's all said and done, they become a democracy in which the people have a voice that their goverment is willing to listen too.
Serious question. To those that don’t carry cash and cant get to an ATM to withdraw, what are they suppose to do?

How does this not affect the ordinary people (aka the 99%) there?

The agenda here to starve your basic citizen until
he decides to revolt and protest only for that basic citizen to get killed or imprisoned?

Yea, I feel for the normal Russian citizen but I just read the statements. The ban is for international transactions for cards issued in Russia so domestic transactions will still work which is good and makes sense.


I guess this is to target the rich.

Do we think Russia has a "This isn't even my final form" still to come?

Like that tweet said, they could be running out of guided missiles so they have to fly low to shoot or drop bombs but that leaves them in range to get smoked by MANPADS.

I can believe it too since those jets alone are $35 MIllion a pop.

Thanks for that video. That was a good watch too. Although I didn’t need another 30 min interruption. Haha.
Was listening to a couple of dudes talking about Russia and how they have never enslave anyone. In addition to fighting a lot of countries to get rid of slavery or racism.

John Wick John Wick do some research and check back with us.
Lies :lol:

They've enslaved their own during history. Serfs and fiefdom existed just before the communists came to power. Poor people would work the land of the landowners.

The word slavery originated from the word slav. The slavic people have been enslaving each other for centuries

I don’t know man. If the soldiers really felt this way then wtf is going on in the southeast. They are actively choosing to perform genocide on civilians. The video and images show that these soldiers know exactly who they are targeting. Unless they really intended an uniformed horde from the north to overwhelm Kyiv and the real baddies are actually coming from the south east. You only hear about deserters on that Kyiv convoy. Once those amphibious carriers start unloading more soldiers on the south shores this is gonna start getting a lot worse for the people.
I don’t know man. If the soldiers really felt this way then wtf is going on in the southeast. They are actively choosing to perform genocide on civilians. The video and images show that these soldiers know exactly who they are targeting. Unless they really intended an uniformed horde from the north to overwhelm Kyiv and the real baddies are actually coming from the south east. You only hear about deserters on that Kyiv convoy. Once those amphibious carriers start unloading more soldiers on the south shores this is gonna start getting a lot worse for the people.
Everything they said should be considered in the context, of them being wounded POWs. When he speaks of genocide and cannibalism, he's speaking on the cultural ties, intermarriage of Russians and Ukrainians and the realization, that the Ukrainians they encountered didn't need or want to "liberated" by Putin.

I don't know how to deal with this ****...

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