School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

The takeaway for me is 500K+ troops to occupy. I've seen others suggest that it could be higher

Yeah ok :lol: The end game never made much sense unless you are completely delusional
Putin wants to turn Ukraine into Afghanistan 3.0.

Think an insurgency armed with smartphones, Starlink terminals, realtime CIA/NATO satellite intel, 100,000 MANPADs and the entire world against them.

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Mother, Father, two children dead lying on the floor while trying to flee…..

I just want to know…..

Putins stand back and threatens the world with nukes and the west stands back but on his side he violates every rule of war and now he brings another nation into it.

Assad's regime is highly dependent on Putin staying in power.

It feels like we're slowly inching towards the inevitable...

And even if Kyiv falls, they'll never hold it unless they get rid of every single able bodied individual in there.
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