School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

But that begs the question, do they agree with straight up dominating Ukraine/europe or is it because of the propaganda/lies

"Already, 276 million people in 81 countries are facing acute hunger. The world simply cannot afford an additional conflict," says Martin Frick, director of the World Food Program (WFP) in Germany.

War Drives Prices Higher​

He says that more than half of the foodstuffs that WFP distributes in crisis regions around the world comes from Ukraine. "Putin’s war isn’t just bringing immeasurable suffering to Ukraine," Frick says. "The effects will be felt far beyond the region."
Egypt, the most populous country in the Arab world, with over 100 million residents, imports the majority of its wheat from Russia and Ukraine, as does Tunisia. In both countries, poor people in particular are heavily dependent on bread. Experts in Tunisia are warning that prices could quickly begin rising as a result of the war. Many other countries in the region face similar problems.

The rising prices, though, are also affecting the middle class. Cake Plaza, one of the best-known bakeries in Nairobi, would normally be full on a Thursday afternoon, with people ordering cakes for weekend birthday parties or picking up some bread for the next morning. But fewer and fewer customers have been showing up lately, says bakery manager Daniel Kisumba. "People are constantly complaining when they see the prices. Our sales have plunged by more than half. And many bakeries have had to close."

Kisumba is closely following the news from Ukraine, and he knows exactly what is coming. His bakery goes through at least 300 kilograms of wheat flour each day, and he has little choice but to jack up prices again soon, this time by a quarter. The price of a large package of white bread will then cost almost 2 euros. It used to cost less than half that.

Excluding Russia’s gas reserves in Asia, Ukraine today holds the second biggest known gas reserves in Europe. As of late 2019, known Ukrainian reserves amounted to 1.09 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, second only to Norway’s known resources of 1.53 trillion cubic meters. Yet, these enormous reserves of energy remain largely untapped. Today, Ukraine has a low annual reserve usage rate of about 2 percent. Moreover, more active exploration may yield previously undiscovered gas fields, which would further increase the overall volume of Ukraine’s deposits.

Ding ding ding. We have a winner. Part of the reason they have no problem carpet bombing cities to oblivion. Russia doesn’t want people on this land when they dig out the resources. In that video above, rats are what they are.
Ding ding ding. We have a winner. Part of the reason they have no problem carpet bombing cities to oblivion. Russia doesn’t want people on this land when they dig out the resources. In that video above, rats are what they are.
Even if Ukraine had an insignificant amount of natural resources, I think this war would still be happening. Judging by Georgia, Montenegro, Moldova, Putin seems to be primarily motivated by wanting to seize former Soviet territories
Even if Ukraine had an insignificant amount of natural resources, I think this war would still be happening. Judging by Georgia, Montenegro, Moldova, Putin seems to be primarily motivated by wanting to seize former Soviet territories

I agree with that too. There is much more going on. His ideology that he will restore the Soviet Union, his terror of free Eastern Europ, and dominance over Europe fuel sources.
African countries need to stop importing food they can grow at home. Time to end this chokehold and be self sufficient. Only way the continent can develop.
Here’s my problem so far. They’ve only shown Russians protesting.

What they don’t show is that many Russians feel like this.

(No wonder Putin has been in power for so long) :smh::smh:

posted this earlier in the thread no one batted an eye lol

Dave Chapelle in Putin's ear calling shots.
African countries need to stop importing food they can grow at home. Time to end this chokehold and be self sufficient. Only way the continent can develop.
Yup, gotta learn to depend on yourself at some point…But the corruption in alotta places on the continent is the main hurdle and so deeply rooted, plus throw in the fact alotta countries still overcoming being stepped on and set up to fail to this day I don’t see it happening anytime soon :smh:
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