School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

McDonald's has been big in Russia since the first one opened in 1990.

This was crazy.

It sounds like they didn’t think it was going to necessarily work in Russia at first.

President of McDonalds Canada must made them billions upon billions. Must have looked like a genius years later.

Russians to Putin rn

Oof not the tracksuits.
What was that 90s movie where the dude’s jet got shot down and he was being chased by a Russian sniper in a addidas track suit?

Standouts for me is McDonalds and Philip Morris.

Russians love burgers and cigarettes it seems. They won't be in a rush to pull out.

Russia hasn't pushed back reopening their stock market so it should be open tomorrow. Time to see the damage.

Most consumers boycotting don’t realize that Frito Lay is owned by PepsiCo :pimp:
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