School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

That sniper pic/story can’t be true. Governments do have highly trained “contract killers” in which that dude would fit into. But their identity is 100% concealed and his picture won’t be out there for the entire world to see.

Edit - He’s a Canadian sniper, shocked his photo is really out there like that.
Yeah. You think they would have snuck him in and assigned a security detail. If this is true, this guy is hot commodity.
two years ago they may have let her go or ban her from Russia. Today she is gonna be a high profile political prisoner. She is a bargaining chip for Putin in the future. So don’t expect her back in the US any time soon.
Oh damn. I hope that’s not the case, **** can get bad real quick.
This is the reason he is attacking civilians he knows he military plan was a failure so he is trying to break the countries will.
And he's gonna get away with not being invaded himself because he's got nukes.

two years ago they may have let her go or ban her from Russia. Today she is gonna be a high profile political prisoner. She is a bargaining chip for Putin in the future. So don’t expect her back in the US any time soon.
Let that be a lesson for those who think they don't need to pay attention to politics, especially outside the US. If you travel with a US passport, you're a potential target in a lot of places in this world. The Obama years were probably the only time in the last two decades you could be carefree abroad. Ignoring politics doesn't mean that politics ignore you.
i just seen that top officials between russia and Ukraine had talks in turkey… What could they possibly talk about besides ending this?

Pretty good thread.

I didn't think people leaving will be a big issue since its hard to just up and leave but Braindrain is going to be a big issue for Russia.

Reminds me of a JFK quote: despite all its flaws, the West never had to build walls to keep its people in.

The brain drain has had a major impact on the economic development of African countries. A lot of folks left in the 1980s/90s when many governments had to repay loans to the IMF and started implementing austerity measures (wholesale privatization of the economy, lowering of trade barriers, and decrease in state investment in local economies, education, transportation, infrastructure, healthcare, public salary reductions, etc...). It's led to this situation where today, the number of professionals outside of their country of origin often dwarfs the amount of nationals working the same jobs in African countries.

Losing human capital will suck for Russia, especially if they want to claim the status of great power.
this goes against the west narrative *sarcasm*

Russ speaks nothing but facts and I bet people on here would consider him infowarsy

no one wants to discuss how we got here only what Putin is doing now

"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."

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John Wick John Wick & friscostylez friscostylez

Got sucked into the Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Maté, Michael Tracey, Matt Taibbi, Russell Brand, Max Blumenthal, wormhole of terrible, terrible actors.

Fake popululist. Fake Anti-imperialist. Half truth tellers. Flat out liars. Dangerous, because they co-op the language and persona of actual progressive or people with understandings of geo-politics and imperialism and the larger picture.

Oh, and them dudes and their circles are straight up are White supremacist or White supremacist apologist when you look deeper into them. Every time, at every turn. Under every rock. And the ppl who fund them are literally the worst billionaires out there.

But don’t even get me started. The worst people.
no one wants to discuss how we got here

You still haven't answered the main question here, which is why a diplomatic blunder of 30 years justifies a "pre-emptive" invasion of a sovereign country, in violation of the agreement that Russia themselves signed in the 1990s to guarantee Ukraine's territorial integrity in exchange for nukes?

There's also the question of why does Russia need to run segments of Tucker Carlson's show (a white nationalist) in order to justify their "anti-nazi" military operation?
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."

You owe me 30 seconds, man... Y'all need to stop with that western puppet nonsense.
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