School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

y'all got it. I will fallback y'all don't want to here it. Its all good.

I will give my thoughts and prayers for that region.

hit lib will holler
Aaron Mate literally, 48hrs ago…was caught doing his Russian Proaganda shtick.

The Maté, Greenwald’s, Tracey, click etc is showing their *** even more now.

Absolutely zero credibility. And they’re exposing themselves day by day. Either radio silent like Snowden, or going into hiding. Matt Taibbi has pretty much stopped tweeting (blaming Covid :lol:).

People in this thread promoting the fascist is wild. But here we are. This is what happens when Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson platform and spread the “just asking questions” guys.

All of it seem really intentional. And it’s not a coincidence that they’re the most popular and consumed media platforms today.
Lol nobody even said that or is trying to justify what is happening. That's what happens when you only watch 30 secs
y'all nasty championing on the usa to enter this.

Russia is a superpower with nukes stop messing with them agreements are off the table when you have nukes.
im trying but people keep quoting me like you and throwing jabs :lol:
Aint no one quoting you bro ...

From jump you keep reiterating that somehow Ukrain deserve what's going on ... you continue to say you're falling back only to bring another Nazi/Racist/This wasn't overnight/2014/etc ....

Not sure what's your angle but clearly you're on Russias side and justifying their action. Then you mask it by, I come in peace/i feel for Ukrain/i have no bone on this fight/etc.

Just like the white racist that always can tell you how many black friend (1) they have or how they dated a black person in elementary school.
WAIT....People want USA to enter this???

I do not rock with Ukraine enough for all that. They can get thought's and prayers like every other victim of gun violence.

Nobody (at least in here, and majority of Americans do not want that). That’s a wild oversimplification. And the US hands aren’t clean (NEVER BEEN CLEAN).

I leave this year tho.

Interesting times we live in.
anybody who wants to get in on the action can, fly into Poland and put your money where your mouth is.

I know someone who would love to defend DEMOCRACY

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Aint no one quoting you bro ...

From jump you keep reiterating that somehow Ukrain deserve what's going on ... you continue to say you're falling back only to bring another Nazi/Racist/This wasn't overnight/2014/etc ....

Not sure what's your angle but clearly you're on Russias side and justifying their action. Then you mask it by, I come in peace/i feel for Ukrain/i have no bone on this fight/etc.

Just like the white racist that always can tell you how many black friend (1) they have or how they dated a black person in elementary school.

never said Ukraine deserves what is going on to them. What I am saying is you can't expect a country to act civil if they feel threatened miss me with that. Look at the cuban missile crisis and the war in the Middle East we USA killed a ton of civilians

again Keko stop engaging me. Put me on ignore.
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