School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

is Scott Horton unbelievable too?

they are all saying the same thing he's saying

edit: you don't even know what they are saying lol you just don't like who they are.
so put us on game, where do y'all get your legit info

i'll wait

Thom Hartman is a great source for one.

Countless black writers over the years that have correctly called all this ****. And actually critical of America. Not fake critical for YouTube and substack bucks. I might come with a list later.

The people you likely listen to, all cite Chomsky as like their intellectual white sage. But never somebody like Dubois etc. You in much more of a bubble than you really think. And it’s toxic
im not watching that garbage :lol:
y'all really think youtube is gonna give you the inside scoop then that's on you.

Msm aint putting you on the inside scoop either tho.

But wavy its all good. This Ukraine to me is messy i dont take nothing personal on a message board yall yet to really know me.
just know the weakass ad hominem argument y'all making, y'all would be crying and whining if the other side did the same thing
Bruh please.

You are over here ruxplaining the conflict when they are the clear aggressor.

If you believe the US didn't have the right to march into Iraq and topple Saddam for non-existent WMDs, you shouldn't take the side of a nation that uses false pretenses (neo-nazi government) to invade a country because their foreign policy is not in line with Russia's interests. Russia learned this stunt from GWB and you're out there rooting for them.

And if you think neo-nazi parties in Europe would accept making history by being represented by the first ever black legislator in their parliament, you're more gullible than I thought.

Y'all contrarian cats are something else; so stuck on being anti-mainstream y'all would jump off a bridge just because most people agree it's a bad idea.
Bruh please.

You are over here ruxplaining the conflict when they are the clear aggressor.

If you believe the US didn't have the right to march into Iraq and topple Saddam for non-existent WMDs, you shouldn't take the side of a nation that uses false pretenses (neo-nazi government) to invade a country because their foreign policy is not in line with Russia's interests. Russia learned this stunt from GWB and you're out there rooting for them.

And if you think neo-nazi parties in Europe would accept making history by being represented by the first ever black legislator in their parliament, you're more gullible than I thought.

Y'all contrarian cats are something else; so stuck on being anti-mainstream y'all would jump off a bridge just because most people agree it's a bad idea.

They never found WMDs but these Nazis in the Azov battalion are in clear view this isnt no secret
Bruh please.

You are over here ruxplaining the conflict when they are the clear aggressor.

If you believe the US didn't have the right to march into Iraq and topple Saddam for non-existent WMDs, you shouldn't take the side of a nation that uses false pretenses (neo-nazi government) to invade a country because their foreign policy is not in line with Russia's interests. Russia learned this stunt from GWB and you're out there rooting for them.

And if you think neo-nazi parties in Europe would accept making history by being represented by the first ever black legislator in their parliament, you're more gullible than I thought.

Y'all contrarian cats are something else; so stuck on being anti-mainstream y'all would jump off a bridge just because most people agree it's a bad idea.

These videos made none of these points doe

Also those arent a point I have made or supported

Not surprised by your assumptions

I fully understand getting both sides of the story as not everything is black and white but then they invade and come out with statements like this :lol:
This dude keeps one-upping himself and I'm sure he's not done.

Shoigu was investigated by an anti-corruption agency who discovered he bought a house worth $18 Million even though his official salary was a fraction of that and he put it in his daughters name which doesn't sound suspicious. I'm sure there's been a lot more since this is an old story. Man is living good with that military money.


Doesn't surprise me when you see some soldiers with old gear and the lack of maintenance.

His second in command got something under construction right next door. No wonder 75 year old grandmothers can actually put up a fight with their homemade bombs.
The videos coming out of Russia are FASINATING. Make no mistakes, the sanctions ARE hurting people.

I've never watched Russian YouTube videos in my life, :lol:, until the last 2 weeks, and I've been binging on them. One thing I've noticed, the people here do want change, but a lot of them are scared, they fear the govt will come after them or their family. They won't even mention 'war' because that term is outlawed in Russia. Its wild how fragile, or strong there mind is. Being American, I just can't comprehend, it makes almost no sense to me. But then again, it does remind me of how Trump ruled here, he def took a page out of Putin book.
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