School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

If they could get air superiority in key regions like in the major cities, that would a long way in controlling the battlefield. Hopefully the US can finalize that fighter jet exchange with Belarus so the Ukrainians can start sending squadrons out to hastily take out Russian targets. Don't know why Belarus want to US house then from East Germany when they could just fly fly out from their own airports from a closer distance, maybe they don't want Russians to threaten or even attack them.
Looks like there is a 50-50 chance Putin might have violated article 5.

Edit the article now says only Ukraine operates it. but before it said both sides still used them. I’ll leave the link up anyways.

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Honestly you're ****** once you accept **** like this into your algorithm.
provide your sources

they better not be on youtube either

There are hundreds of journalists (independent and otherwise) in Europe and US reporting on the war. Some even on the ground in Ukraine

There are also many regular Ukrainians and Russians in Ukraine and Russia giving their perspectives

No need to listen to some Bozo on youtube B
Yeah like there’s reporters getting shot at actually risking their lives to try to get coverage but people choose to listen to opinions.
Thom Hartman is a great source for one.

Countless black writers over the years that have correctly called all this ****. And actually critical of America. Not fake critical for YouTube and substack bucks. I might come with a list later.

The people you likely listen to, all cite Chomsky as like their intellectual white sage. But never somebody like Dubois etc. You in much more of a bubble than you really think. And it’s toxic

There are hundreds of journalists (independent and otherwise) in Europe and US reporting on the war. Some even on the ground in Ukraine

There are also many regular Ukrainians and Russians in Ukraine and Russia giving their perspectives

No need to listen to some Bozo on youtube B

Feel free to post some of them.
Are they stealing them to eat or is the Russian army a bunch of chicken ****ers like the world thinks they are. Probably nazi chickens so some won’t see any wrong with this.

The numbers are most likely a lie. I don’t see how the world is letting this psycho dictate how his little fantasy is going to play out.

Considering most the worlds airspace is shut down, it shouldn’t be to hard to track the flow of these troops. They’re gonna experience some cold weather before they become more cannon fodder for Putin.

Anybody who really believes any word out of Putins mouth or anyone who supports him is just 🤦‍♂️ to me. Whatever you want to say, as someone who is from Eastern Europe and still has family there and goes back to visit them he’s been pressing and pressuring us for the 2 decades he’s been in power. This is just the camel that’s opening peoples eyes up on the western side.
Anybody who really believes any word out of Putins mouth or anyone who supports him is just 🤦‍♂️ to me. Whatever you want to say, as someone who is from Eastern Europe and still has family there and goes back to visit them he’s been pressing and pressuring us for the 2 decades he’s been in power. This is just the camel that’s opening peoples eyes up on the western side.

IDK John Wick John Wick has presented some really compelling arguments
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