So lets just do the age old Debate about Pyramids...

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Ain't nobody mad. you just ridiculous. You are a proclaimed atheist, and you don't believe in the afterlife. That's ok, but just do you

In this instance the whole culture is centered around preparing for the after life so why are you so bent on negating something you don;t even believe in.

You keep coming in to throw the whole discussion off anytime someone remotely brings up anything spiritual. Then you try to talk and rally people around anything you don't hold any stake in. you need to stop it dude. you are a grown man. quit trying to nudge people in to bickering with you satirical online personality.
lol I'm actually not, if you read any of my thought in religious threads I make this pretty obvious. The afterlife may or may not exist and as human being this is beyond my scope of understanding so I live life as if it didn't but I continue to contemplate the mysteries of our existence.

I don't rally people around anything that would entail me creating most of these religious/spiritual threads on NT which I don't. I voice my opinions, you voice yours just like every other thread on NT. If you're strong in your convictions nothing I say should matter.
How do you manage to come into every serious topic thread on NT and act as if ALL these theories are wrong. Then when people start to ignore your statements you turn the post into a troll show

From your post you seem to be an educated man but you are without doubt one of the biggest attention %*@%++ on NT and its real childish
How do you manage to come into every serious topic thread on NT and act as if ALL these theories are wrong. Then when people start to ignore your statements you turn the post into a troll show

From your post you seem to be an educated man but you are without doubt one of the biggest attention %*@%++ on NT and its real childish
Originally Posted by tyisny

How do you manage to come into every serious topic thread on NT and act as if ALL these theories are wrong. Then when people start to ignore your statements you turn the post into a troll show

From your post you seem to be an educated man but you are without doubt one of the biggest attention %*@%++ on NT and its real childish

Trolling=anything on the internet you don't agree with. Maybe overly skeptical is a better word to describe my approach to these topics. I have my own theories on ancient Egypt, I'm not gonna sit here and try to pass any of it off as fact.

And I'm allowed to make and defend my arguments about why ancient Egypt is not more advanced than modern society....on NT expressing your opinions=trolling.

lol questioning theories and wanting more evidence makes someone seem educated? You guys have low standards.
Originally Posted by tyisny

How do you manage to come into every serious topic thread on NT and act as if ALL these theories are wrong. Then when people start to ignore your statements you turn the post into a troll show

From your post you seem to be an educated man but you are without doubt one of the biggest attention %*@%++ on NT and its real childish

Trolling=anything on the internet you don't agree with. Maybe overly skeptical is a better word to describe my approach to these topics. I have my own theories on ancient Egypt, I'm not gonna sit here and try to pass any of it off as fact.

And I'm allowed to make and defend my arguments about why ancient Egypt is not more advanced than modern society....on NT expressing your opinions=trolling.

lol questioning theories and wanting more evidence makes someone seem educated? You guys have low standards.
No trolling = taking a thread and derailing it by emphasizing Race, and by focusing on pointless subjects

Making a bunch of sarcastic remarks and then acting like your the victim of a group of people who were just trying to have an intelligent convo.

What really shines the brightest is that Every time their is a slight reference to a black man having power, or accomplishing something you go out of your way to focus on that comment when clearly the initial Topic has nothing to do with race. Nobody is mad at your opinion because dozens of others have came in here and discussed their view on the matter to no kind of interference. However you feel the need to stir up some kind of irrelevant controversy everytime and its pointless.
No trolling = taking a thread and derailing it by emphasizing Race, and by focusing on pointless subjects

Making a bunch of sarcastic remarks and then acting like your the victim of a group of people who were just trying to have an intelligent convo.

What really shines the brightest is that Every time their is a slight reference to a black man having power, or accomplishing something you go out of your way to focus on that comment when clearly the initial Topic has nothing to do with race. Nobody is mad at your opinion because dozens of others have came in here and discussed their view on the matter to no kind of interference. However you feel the need to stir up some kind of irrelevant controversy everytime and its pointless.
Originally Posted by cartune

We know we know Anton "White man good. Black man bad"
, cause he won't admit ancient (regardless if its egyptian or not) technology is better than modern technology?


@!#$$, we have socks and shoe strings....

and peanut butter in plastic jars...

and we store data in strips of plastic

and im talking to you from another state

we have hydroponic marijuana

they got a super conductor particle accelerator in europe trynna make black holes

we've orbited the earth

you guys are seriously ARGUING that ancient egypt had even COMPRABLE technology?


to say "why arent the pyramids transmitting energy now?" is a dumb argument tho....

they very well could have transmitted energy


they carved pictures in rock, tho

why no LCD screen?

not even a rear-projection jawn....

why no sound recording devices?

not even a DAT record.....

you guys seriously think that they had some extra terrestrial power grid that powered their whole region up, wirelessly, through the gold plated pyramids?

thats seriously what yall believe?

how come they didnt cross oceans, then?

how come they didn't take over the entire planet, then?

shouldnt we see the same technology in other parts of the planet besides this specific region which is now a country?

its because they're black?

so mayans didn't have this fancy power grid thing, even tho they had temple/pyramids and gold plating as well?

the greeks stole damn near everything else from ancient egypt, why not this amazing technology?

i mean, surely they would have at least TRIED to rip the technology off the egyptians, right?

we would see some failed attempts at this stuff, right?

or are these ideas from visions you guys have from being inter-connected to the souls of the ancient egyptians because they were the original man, black man?


this is almost as far-fetched as the religious threads...


now yalls feelings are hurt cause anton came and threw logic in the middle of your make-believe fairy-tale history lesson circle jerk?


Originally Posted by cartune

We know we know Anton "White man good. Black man bad"
, cause he won't admit ancient (regardless if its egyptian or not) technology is better than modern technology?


@!#$$, we have socks and shoe strings....

and peanut butter in plastic jars...

and we store data in strips of plastic

and im talking to you from another state

we have hydroponic marijuana

they got a super conductor particle accelerator in europe trynna make black holes

we've orbited the earth

you guys are seriously ARGUING that ancient egypt had even COMPRABLE technology?


to say "why arent the pyramids transmitting energy now?" is a dumb argument tho....

they very well could have transmitted energy


they carved pictures in rock, tho

why no LCD screen?

not even a rear-projection jawn....

why no sound recording devices?

not even a DAT record.....

you guys seriously think that they had some extra terrestrial power grid that powered their whole region up, wirelessly, through the gold plated pyramids?

thats seriously what yall believe?

how come they didnt cross oceans, then?

how come they didn't take over the entire planet, then?

shouldnt we see the same technology in other parts of the planet besides this specific region which is now a country?

its because they're black?

so mayans didn't have this fancy power grid thing, even tho they had temple/pyramids and gold plating as well?

the greeks stole damn near everything else from ancient egypt, why not this amazing technology?

i mean, surely they would have at least TRIED to rip the technology off the egyptians, right?

we would see some failed attempts at this stuff, right?

or are these ideas from visions you guys have from being inter-connected to the souls of the ancient egyptians because they were the original man, black man?


this is almost as far-fetched as the religious threads...


now yalls feelings are hurt cause anton came and threw logic in the middle of your make-believe fairy-tale history lesson circle jerk?


Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by cartune

We know we know Anton "White man good. Black man bad"
, cause he won't admit ancient (regardless if its egyptian or not) technology is better than modern technology?


@!#$$, we have socks and shoe strings....

and peanut butter in plastic jars...

and we store data in strips of plastic

and im talking to you from another state

we have hydroponic marijuana

they got a super conductor particle accelerator in europe trynna make black holes

we've orbited the earth

you guys are seriously ARGUING that ancient egypt had even COMPRABLE technology?


to say "why arent the pyramids transmitting energy now?" is a dumb argument tho....

they very well could have transmitted energy


they carved pictures in rock, tho

why no LCD screen?

not even a rear-projection jawn....

why no sound recording devices?

not even a DAT record.....

you guys seriously think that they had some extra terrestrial power grid that powered their whole region up, wirelessly, through the gold plated pyramids?

thats seriously what yall believe?

how come they didnt cross oceans, then?

how come they didn't take over the entire planet, then?

shouldnt we see the same technology in other parts of the planet besides this specific region which is now a country?

its because they're black?

so mayans didn't have this fancy power grid thing, even tho they had temple/pyramids and gold plating as well?

the greeks stole damn near everything else from ancient egypt, why not this amazing technology?

i mean, surely they would have at least TRIED to rip the technology off the egyptians, right?

we would see some failed attempts at this stuff, right?

or are these ideas from visions you guys have from being inter-connected to the souls of the ancient egyptians because they were the original man, black man?


this is almost as far-fetched as the religious threads...


now yalls feelings are hurt cause anton came and threw logic in the middle of your make-believe fairy-tale history lesson circle jerk?



Certain black people living vicariously through Ancient Egypt

The root of my frustrations in this thread stem from the fact that Egyptians are literally Arabs, and the fact that no one is giving me anything to work with in this thread as far as evidence goes. And no, posting a picture of a pyramid with light beaming from it doesn't answer any of my questions.

Why no evidence of technology in everyday usage that would rival what we have today?

Why did Egyptian society fall and get conquered if they were that advanced technologically? From what I'm hearing in this thread of them having spaceships and submarines-they would have literally dominated the world forever with that kinda technology. Thats like the U.S. going back in time to the dark ages with our modern one would even come close. But the reality is, Egypt got conquered by empires that apparently didn't have space ships and submarines. That's embarassing. Alexander the Great conquered Egypt light work.

Seriously tho, am I really asking too many questions?
I think these are reasonable concerns that need to be addressed but nah people rather live in their little fantasy land.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by cartune

We know we know Anton "White man good. Black man bad"
, cause he won't admit ancient (regardless if its egyptian or not) technology is better than modern technology?


@!#$$, we have socks and shoe strings....

and peanut butter in plastic jars...

and we store data in strips of plastic

and im talking to you from another state

we have hydroponic marijuana

they got a super conductor particle accelerator in europe trynna make black holes

we've orbited the earth

you guys are seriously ARGUING that ancient egypt had even COMPRABLE technology?


to say "why arent the pyramids transmitting energy now?" is a dumb argument tho....

they very well could have transmitted energy


they carved pictures in rock, tho

why no LCD screen?

not even a rear-projection jawn....

why no sound recording devices?

not even a DAT record.....

you guys seriously think that they had some extra terrestrial power grid that powered their whole region up, wirelessly, through the gold plated pyramids?

thats seriously what yall believe?

how come they didnt cross oceans, then?

how come they didn't take over the entire planet, then?

shouldnt we see the same technology in other parts of the planet besides this specific region which is now a country?

its because they're black?

so mayans didn't have this fancy power grid thing, even tho they had temple/pyramids and gold plating as well?

the greeks stole damn near everything else from ancient egypt, why not this amazing technology?

i mean, surely they would have at least TRIED to rip the technology off the egyptians, right?

we would see some failed attempts at this stuff, right?

or are these ideas from visions you guys have from being inter-connected to the souls of the ancient egyptians because they were the original man, black man?


this is almost as far-fetched as the religious threads...


now yalls feelings are hurt cause anton came and threw logic in the middle of your make-believe fairy-tale history lesson circle jerk?



Certain black people living vicariously through Ancient Egypt

The root of my frustrations in this thread stem from the fact that Egyptians are literally Arabs, and the fact that no one is giving me anything to work with in this thread as far as evidence goes. And no, posting a picture of a pyramid with light beaming from it doesn't answer any of my questions.

Why no evidence of technology in everyday usage that would rival what we have today?

Why did Egyptian society fall and get conquered if they were that advanced technologically? From what I'm hearing in this thread of them having spaceships and submarines-they would have literally dominated the world forever with that kinda technology. Thats like the U.S. going back in time to the dark ages with our modern one would even come close. But the reality is, Egypt got conquered by empires that apparently didn't have space ships and submarines. That's embarassing. Alexander the Great conquered Egypt light work.

Seriously tho, am I really asking too many questions?
I think these are reasonable concerns that need to be addressed but nah people rather live in their little fantasy land.
 Alexander the Great conquered Egypt light work.

this is true.

we have actual evidence of this.

you know, artifacts....


i dont care if egyptians were black or not....

ill give you that they were black AND the most advanced and intelligent in the world...AT THE TIME

north korea and cuba are more technologically advanced than ancient egypt....

anyone arguing against that fact is really getting laughed at....i just want you all to know that...

saying anything from any ancient world culture is in any way, shape or form even close to a cell phone...

you must not know how cell phones work...
 Alexander the Great conquered Egypt light work.

this is true.

we have actual evidence of this.

you know, artifacts....


i dont care if egyptians were black or not....

ill give you that they were black AND the most advanced and intelligent in the world...AT THE TIME

north korea and cuba are more technologically advanced than ancient egypt....

anyone arguing against that fact is really getting laughed at....i just want you all to know that...

saying anything from any ancient world culture is in any way, shape or form even close to a cell phone...

you must not know how cell phones work...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

 Alexander the Great conquered Egypt light work.

this is true.

we have actual evidence of this.

you know, artifacts....


i dont care if egyptians were black or not....

ill give you that they were black AND the most advanced and intelligent in the world...AT THE TIME

north korea and cuba are more technologically advanced than ancient egypt....

anyone arguing against that fact is really getting laughed at....i just want you all to know that...

saying anything from any ancient world culture is in any way, shape or form even close to a cell phone...

you must not know how cell phones work...

True I believe the first Egyptians were dark Africans, but Egypt eventually became a mixed society as they got conquered multiple times. Today they're literally as Arab country.

I'm reading about flow cytometry with the
face. This thread is an insult to how far we've advanced technologically as a society.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

 Alexander the Great conquered Egypt light work.

this is true.

we have actual evidence of this.

you know, artifacts....


i dont care if egyptians were black or not....

ill give you that they were black AND the most advanced and intelligent in the world...AT THE TIME

north korea and cuba are more technologically advanced than ancient egypt....

anyone arguing against that fact is really getting laughed at....i just want you all to know that...

saying anything from any ancient world culture is in any way, shape or form even close to a cell phone...

you must not know how cell phones work...

True I believe the first Egyptians were dark Africans, but Egypt eventually became a mixed society as they got conquered multiple times. Today they're literally as Arab country.

I'm reading about flow cytometry with the
face. This thread is an insult to how far we've advanced technologically as a society.
cuba still got WV beetles, and they're....about 2000 years more advanced than egyptians...LOL
cuba still got WV beetles, and they're....about 2000 years more advanced than egyptians...LOL
Originally Posted by tyisny

No trolling = taking a thread and derailing it by emphasizing Race, and by focusing on pointless subjects

Making a bunch of sarcastic remarks and then acting like your the victim of a group of people who were just trying to have an intelligent convo.

What really shines the brightest is that Every time their is a slight reference to a black man having power, or accomplishing something you go out of your way to focus on that comment when clearly the initial Topic has nothing to do with race. Nobody is mad at your opinion because dozens of others have came in here and discussed their view on the matter to no kind of interference. However you feel the need to stir up some kind of irrelevant controversy everytime and its pointless.

LOL like I said, I don't think the questions I'm asking in this thread are unreasonable....the issue here is yall are so stuck in your little fantasy land that you're willing to take everything at face value without any attempt at critical analysis.

BDW I didn't bring up the race, the race discussion started when someone posted a book about how white people are related to neanderthals which I believe I successfully refuted that claim. Maybe you should go read the rest of the thread.

If someone says "Egypt is more advanced than modern society" it becomes relevant. Every argument I've made in this thread has been in response to a claim someone else has made. Good try tho.

Egypt is a great civilization, maybe the greatest the world has ever known, but the notion that their technology rivals ours in any way shape or form is absurd.
Originally Posted by tyisny

No trolling = taking a thread and derailing it by emphasizing Race, and by focusing on pointless subjects

Making a bunch of sarcastic remarks and then acting like your the victim of a group of people who were just trying to have an intelligent convo.

What really shines the brightest is that Every time their is a slight reference to a black man having power, or accomplishing something you go out of your way to focus on that comment when clearly the initial Topic has nothing to do with race. Nobody is mad at your opinion because dozens of others have came in here and discussed their view on the matter to no kind of interference. However you feel the need to stir up some kind of irrelevant controversy everytime and its pointless.

LOL like I said, I don't think the questions I'm asking in this thread are unreasonable....the issue here is yall are so stuck in your little fantasy land that you're willing to take everything at face value without any attempt at critical analysis.

BDW I didn't bring up the race, the race discussion started when someone posted a book about how white people are related to neanderthals which I believe I successfully refuted that claim. Maybe you should go read the rest of the thread.

If someone says "Egypt is more advanced than modern society" it becomes relevant. Every argument I've made in this thread has been in response to a claim someone else has made. Good try tho.

Egypt is a great civilization, maybe the greatest the world has ever known, but the notion that their technology rivals ours in any way shape or form is absurd.
i know they werent more advanced than us.

but i think people in ancient times could have been smarter or had more brain power than us.

ive done my own little studies and found thats i used my brain a lot more than 10-15 years ago than i do now.

1.) when i was younger i was a wiz at simple math (addition,subtraction,division,multiplication)

nowadays i always pull up the calculator on my cellphone to do math problems,i depend on it to solve my math problems`

2.) when i was younger i used to have dozens of peoples phone numbers memorized,im talking about a lot,and i could just pop'em off instantly.

but nowadays i have around 200 contacts in my cellphone and honestly i dont think i have ONE phone number memorized except for my own.

so i know that i was using my brain a lot more in the past just by looking at these two examples.

so thats why i think people in the past may have had more brain power than us now,because they had to use their brain more.

we've become too dependant on technology and too lazy.
i know they werent more advanced than us.

but i think people in ancient times could have been smarter or had more brain power than us.

ive done my own little studies and found thats i used my brain a lot more than 10-15 years ago than i do now.

1.) when i was younger i was a wiz at simple math (addition,subtraction,division,multiplication)

nowadays i always pull up the calculator on my cellphone to do math problems,i depend on it to solve my math problems`

2.) when i was younger i used to have dozens of peoples phone numbers memorized,im talking about a lot,and i could just pop'em off instantly.

but nowadays i have around 200 contacts in my cellphone and honestly i dont think i have ONE phone number memorized except for my own.

so i know that i was using my brain a lot more in the past just by looking at these two examples.

so thats why i think people in the past may have had more brain power than us now,because they had to use their brain more.

we've become too dependant on technology and too lazy.
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

i know they werent more advanced than us.

but i think people in ancient times could have been smarter or had more brain power than us.

ive done my own little studies and found thats i used my brain a lot more than 10-15 years ago than i do now.

1.) when i was younger i was a wiz at simple math (addition,subtraction,division,multiplication)

nowadays i always pull up the calculator on my cellphone to do math problems,i depend on it to solve my math problems`

2.) when i was younger i used to have dozens of peoples phone numbers memorized,im talking about a lot,and i could just pop'em off instantly.

but nowadays i have around 200 contacts in my cellphone and honestly i dont think i have ONE phone number memorized except for my own.

so i know that i was using my brain a lot more in the past just by looking at these two examples.

so thats why i think people in the past may have had more brain power than us now,because they had to use their brain more.

we've become too dependant on technology and too lazy.

 I can't do simple math anymore but I've become more intelligent in other ways. I don't memorize phone numbers but I have to memorize every single microbe that plagues the human body. I was a geometry wiz as a kid, now I can barely tell you the location of most of the states in this country....this doesn't mean I use any less of my brain power. I think you might be generalizing but as you become as adult you learn and apply skills/knowledge that are useful to you.

Now my question is, is it more impressive to solve calculations in your head....or to build something that does those calculations for you? I took calculus in college and high school,  the fact that we could use calculators didn't make solving differential equations any easier. A simple multiplication is usually the easiest part of solving said equations, you have to know how to arrange them, plug the numbers in and even better apply mathematical concepts in creative ways (ie. engineering, physics, chemistry).

Don't get me wrong American society is regressing as far as education and "brain power" goes but the rest of the world is picking up the slack (See Asia). I have no doubt ancient people were very intelligent, modern society is just a product of human progress and taking previous knowledge and expanding on it. Nothing more. My argument isn't about who is smarter and who isn't, it's about who is more technologically advanced.
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

i know they werent more advanced than us.

but i think people in ancient times could have been smarter or had more brain power than us.

ive done my own little studies and found thats i used my brain a lot more than 10-15 years ago than i do now.

1.) when i was younger i was a wiz at simple math (addition,subtraction,division,multiplication)

nowadays i always pull up the calculator on my cellphone to do math problems,i depend on it to solve my math problems`

2.) when i was younger i used to have dozens of peoples phone numbers memorized,im talking about a lot,and i could just pop'em off instantly.

but nowadays i have around 200 contacts in my cellphone and honestly i dont think i have ONE phone number memorized except for my own.

so i know that i was using my brain a lot more in the past just by looking at these two examples.

so thats why i think people in the past may have had more brain power than us now,because they had to use their brain more.

we've become too dependant on technology and too lazy.

 I can't do simple math anymore but I've become more intelligent in other ways. I don't memorize phone numbers but I have to memorize every single microbe that plagues the human body. I was a geometry wiz as a kid, now I can barely tell you the location of most of the states in this country....this doesn't mean I use any less of my brain power. I think you might be generalizing but as you become as adult you learn and apply skills/knowledge that are useful to you.

Now my question is, is it more impressive to solve calculations in your head....or to build something that does those calculations for you? I took calculus in college and high school,  the fact that we could use calculators didn't make solving differential equations any easier. A simple multiplication is usually the easiest part of solving said equations, you have to know how to arrange them, plug the numbers in and even better apply mathematical concepts in creative ways (ie. engineering, physics, chemistry).

Don't get me wrong American society is regressing as far as education and "brain power" goes but the rest of the world is picking up the slack (See Asia). I have no doubt ancient people were very intelligent, modern society is just a product of human progress and taking previous knowledge and expanding on it. Nothing more. My argument isn't about who is smarter and who isn't, it's about who is more technologically advanced.
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