So lets just do the age old Debate about Pyramids...

One has to marvel at the humble nature of Khemet's society. Rather than simply referring to the workers as slaves, think about the order it required in the undertaking of such architectural achievement. I think the people of Egypt demonstrated the level of their understanding by coming together and making such timeless, monumental works which have attracted the fascination of the world since being erected.

I always thought it was a shame how they depicted the man who put medicine on the map, as some vengeful villain...Nas said it best, you gotta love it
One has to marvel at the humble nature of Khemet's society. Rather than simply referring to the workers as slaves, think about the order it required in the undertaking of such architectural achievement. I think the people of Egypt demonstrated the level of their understanding by coming together and making such timeless, monumental works which have attracted the fascination of the world since being erected.

I always thought it was a shame how they depicted the man who put medicine on the map, as some vengeful villain...Nas said it best, you gotta love it
For those of you who say "Don't disrespect my African ancestors", how the @#$% do you just assume that your ancestors were Egyptian?
 Africa=a continent with many distinct countries, not just Egypt
For those of you who say "Don't disrespect my African ancestors", how the @#$% do you just assume that your ancestors were Egyptian?
 Africa=a continent with many distinct countries, not just Egypt
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

For those of you who say "Don't disrespect my African ancestors", how the @#$% do you just assume that your ancestors were Egyptian?
 Africa=a continent with many distinct countries, not just Egypt
I't so much wrong with this post, Im not even going to address this. Everyone just ignore this and lets stay on topic. We were having a good discussion on Pyramids and their origins so lets keep it on track with all the good info
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

For those of you who say "Don't disrespect my African ancestors", how the @#$% do you just assume that your ancestors were Egyptian?
 Africa=a continent with many distinct countries, not just Egypt
I't so much wrong with this post, Im not even going to address this. Everyone just ignore this and lets stay on topic. We were having a good discussion on Pyramids and their origins so lets keep it on track with all the good info
thats a legitament point…

most black people in america didnt come from the north… (of africa)
thats a legitament point…

most black people in america didnt come from the north… (of africa)
Originally Posted by kash55

I've been meaning to give my 2cents of this issue on many of these threads that come up, and I guess this is a good time to start as any.

There is a lot of extreme exaggeration on all sides here with very little if any proof or real true knowledge of the facts. 

The arguments being put up are either, Aliens because no one at the time could build that or black people couldn't have come up with it.


They were all Jewish slaves


All the builders were African master masons. 

and all these are exaggeration, with the exception of the alien argument which is complete bs. Not all the slaves were jewish, and not all the builders were slaves. New findings have shown many workers, were just that workers, not slaves and have free lives. There were also slaves, which there have always been in every civilization which 150 years ago was only 'legally' was abolished in America. And yes many of them were Jewish.

And this belief that it was just afro master masons. Yes there were master masons, yes there were master engineers. But really only at the top. And there is this portrayal of all the Egyptian pharaohs, masons, citizens, and the Egyptian civilization as black which is not true. Again yes there were many black Africans in Egyptian society, yes were were black pharaohs. But just look at where the country is, its neighboring countries are Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Sudan. Now look at what the people look like in those areas. Now I'm saying that ancient Egypt was not primarily a black civilization, not there weren't black leaders or god-like pharaohs.

And here is a drawing from tomb of races in the area.

(from left): Libyan, Nubian, Asiatic, Egyptians.

Originally Posted by kash55

I've been meaning to give my 2cents of this issue on many of these threads that come up, and I guess this is a good time to start as any.

There is a lot of extreme exaggeration on all sides here with very little if any proof or real true knowledge of the facts. 

The arguments being put up are either, Aliens because no one at the time could build that or black people couldn't have come up with it.


They were all Jewish slaves


All the builders were African master masons. 

and all these are exaggeration, with the exception of the alien argument which is complete bs. Not all the slaves were jewish, and not all the builders were slaves. New findings have shown many workers, were just that workers, not slaves and have free lives. There were also slaves, which there have always been in every civilization which 150 years ago was only 'legally' was abolished in America. And yes many of them were Jewish.

And this belief that it was just afro master masons. Yes there were master masons, yes there were master engineers. But really only at the top. And there is this portrayal of all the Egyptian pharaohs, masons, citizens, and the Egyptian civilization as black which is not true. Again yes there were many black Africans in Egyptian society, yes were were black pharaohs. But just look at where the country is, its neighboring countries are Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Sudan. Now look at what the people look like in those areas. Now I'm saying that ancient Egypt was not primarily a black civilization, not there weren't black leaders or god-like pharaohs.

And here is a drawing from tomb of races in the area.

(from left): Libyan, Nubian, Asiatic, Egyptians.

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

In history, the most banal explanations are usually the most truthful. Very skilled mathematicians and/or engineers (and yes some, perhaps all, of them were probably people with very dark skin, for those who care). The labor was done by many people who lived in the area. The Hebrews were likely paid workers and native Egyptians were probably people who worked an average of two of seven days per weeks (a lower tax rate than many Americans pay in 2011) and they believed that working on this and other grand projects would bring them food and wages in the short run and a better afterlife in the future.

Although a technical and architectural marvel for the ages, the ancients Romans were correct when they claimed that their sewers, baths and aqueducts were more significant because a massive mausoleum does little to improve the day to day quality of life of ordinary people. The ability to flush away garbage and human waste easily, the ability to bring fresh and clean water to urban areas and the ability to let commoners bathe on a daily basis were much more remarkable than squandering vast amounts of scarce resources on monuments to dead autocrats.

Nonetheless, I would have loved to see the Pyramids during the early part of The First Millennium A.D. because it would have been covered, or mostly covered, in reflective stone and would have been a truly remarkable site, more than worthy of its status as the oldest and only extant member of the Seven Wonders of The World. Furthermore, Ancient Egyptian culture was a corner stone to Greco-Roman Civilization, which produces the much more useful baths, sewers and aqueducts, which helped to bring about the Modern World.

Similar to an indentured servitude system. They were slaves, but not quite really. It's interesting that you mentioned their advanced bathroom water distribution.
With skilled engineers, they could have harnessed the energy in water and used an underground piping network to aid in the construction. As a civil engineering major,
I'd like to subscribe to this theory.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

In history, the most banal explanations are usually the most truthful. Very skilled mathematicians and/or engineers (and yes some, perhaps all, of them were probably people with very dark skin, for those who care). The labor was done by many people who lived in the area. The Hebrews were likely paid workers and native Egyptians were probably people who worked an average of two of seven days per weeks (a lower tax rate than many Americans pay in 2011) and they believed that working on this and other grand projects would bring them food and wages in the short run and a better afterlife in the future.

Although a technical and architectural marvel for the ages, the ancients Romans were correct when they claimed that their sewers, baths and aqueducts were more significant because a massive mausoleum does little to improve the day to day quality of life of ordinary people. The ability to flush away garbage and human waste easily, the ability to bring fresh and clean water to urban areas and the ability to let commoners bathe on a daily basis were much more remarkable than squandering vast amounts of scarce resources on monuments to dead autocrats.

Nonetheless, I would have loved to see the Pyramids during the early part of The First Millennium A.D. because it would have been covered, or mostly covered, in reflective stone and would have been a truly remarkable site, more than worthy of its status as the oldest and only extant member of the Seven Wonders of The World. Furthermore, Ancient Egyptian culture was a corner stone to Greco-Roman Civilization, which produces the much more useful baths, sewers and aqueducts, which helped to bring about the Modern World.

Similar to an indentured servitude system. They were slaves, but not quite really. It's interesting that you mentioned their advanced bathroom water distribution.
With skilled engineers, they could have harnessed the energy in water and used an underground piping network to aid in the construction. As a civil engineering major,
I'd like to subscribe to this theory.
torgriffith, on the real... what do YOU believe about everything homie? I see you post a lot and its very interesting but I'm pretty much a skeptic... I want to take what you say seriously, but can you honestly for once go into what you think?

Do you believe in a god? Is there something that you think is truth to this? I know you post a lot of mythology, which is good for the academic sense and my yearning to empthatize with other cultures and beliefs but I still can't find any root to accepting much of it as true. Can you offer any significant insight? I'm asking you in particular because I often see you have the tendency to drop a little here and there and not really go into it. I'm just open to seeing what you really have to present... And no more of that "well its up to you to decide" well yes, ultimately it is, but I feel like you're almost baiting me then dropping me halfway... like straight up, where does all of this lead you? DO you believe in panspermia? Do you think we are the result of that? Evolution? All of it... whats your detailed and complete understanding of the world?
torgriffith, on the real... what do YOU believe about everything homie? I see you post a lot and its very interesting but I'm pretty much a skeptic... I want to take what you say seriously, but can you honestly for once go into what you think?

Do you believe in a god? Is there something that you think is truth to this? I know you post a lot of mythology, which is good for the academic sense and my yearning to empthatize with other cultures and beliefs but I still can't find any root to accepting much of it as true. Can you offer any significant insight? I'm asking you in particular because I often see you have the tendency to drop a little here and there and not really go into it. I'm just open to seeing what you really have to present... And no more of that "well its up to you to decide" well yes, ultimately it is, but I feel like you're almost baiting me then dropping me halfway... like straight up, where does all of this lead you? DO you believe in panspermia? Do you think we are the result of that? Evolution? All of it... whats your detailed and complete understanding of the world?
Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

This lost tech +@*!!%*% is funny. 
Skyscrapers are our pyramids. 

OMG we can't build 'em because we don't have the tech!!!!!!

[h1]Chinese workers build 15-story hotel in just six days [/h1]

Massive amounts of slave labor +  lots of time will give you pyramids. 
These same Chinese workers with all their advanced technology cant come close to how perfect the Great Pyramid is. Here's is a just two reasons why modern man can't rebuild the great pyramid.
stopped reading after.. honestly
We can't recreate the pyramids? Are people really this far gone? 

Our modern pyramids are skyscrapers, offshore oil platforms, aircraft carriers, submarines, stadiums, rockets, space stations, etc.  We don't recreate the pyramids because we won't have a %****% use for them. 

btw, how much did the heaviest pyramid stones weigh? 

The heaviest lift crane has a capacity of over 7000 metric tons. C'mon now. 
Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

This lost tech +@*!!%*% is funny. 
Skyscrapers are our pyramids. 

OMG we can't build 'em because we don't have the tech!!!!!!

[h1]Chinese workers build 15-story hotel in just six days [/h1]

Massive amounts of slave labor +  lots of time will give you pyramids. 
These same Chinese workers with all their advanced technology cant come close to how perfect the Great Pyramid is. Here's is a just two reasons why modern man can't rebuild the great pyramid.
stopped reading after.. honestly
We can't recreate the pyramids? Are people really this far gone? 

Our modern pyramids are skyscrapers, offshore oil platforms, aircraft carriers, submarines, stadiums, rockets, space stations, etc.  We don't recreate the pyramids because we won't have a %****% use for them. 

btw, how much did the heaviest pyramid stones weigh? 

The heaviest lift crane has a capacity of over 7000 metric tons. C'mon now. 
...oh and I a,most forgot the most important of them all. Bridges and Tunnels. 
If the ancient Egyptians saw today's bridges and tunnels  they'd literally !$!+ their pants. 

For some reason this @*!$ irks me. 

Aliens...ancient tech....!@+%! 
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