Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Pi example? Fill me in.
It was posted a few pages back. It's from Hubbard's book

I saw it cut on 4.0

but anyway. pasting this here for those "you can just plug any number in people"

the Pi shortcut works only on word 13 and office 365 btw.

You’ll likely also recall Pi (π), the number expressed most often as 3.14, the first three digits of at least 2.7 trillion digits, which make up the entire number. If you have forgotten Pi, it is commonly used to find the area and circumference of a circle. There is a mathematician’s shorthand for finding Pi, and it is diving the number 22, by the number 7. Paying homage to this, if you have a PC, and you type alt+227, it will generate the symbol π in your word processing program. Notice how 227 are the same digits that are used in the equation 22 divided by 7. If we write out the phrase twenty-two divided by seven, it will sum to 314, much like 3.14, using Ordinal Gematria. The math follows:

Twenty = 20+23+5+14+20+25 = 107 Two = 20+23+15 = 58
Divided = 4+9+22+9+4+5+4 = 57
by = 2+25 = 27

Seven = 19+5+22+5+14 = 65
Twenty-two divided by seven = 314 (Ordinal) (Same digits as 3.14)

Equally as interesting, if we write out three-hundred-sixty, the number of degrees in a circle, and calculate using Ordinal Gematria, it will sum to 227. Again, Pi is most commonly used to unlock the mathematics of the circle. The math is as follows:

Three = 20+8+18+5+5 = 56
Hundred = 8+21+14+4+18+5+4 = 74 Sixty = 19+9+24+20+25 = 97 Three-hundred-sixty = 227 (Ordinal)
I don't want to undermine anyones health or the importance of it but this is a radicalized flu. Essentially where you had a 1 in 10 chance of getting it now its a 1 in 4. Of course no one wants the flu but the response to this is being exaggerated. Again big pharma will roll out this "new vaccine" as if the foundation of Covid-19 isn't a virus thats been around for some time that we've already had vaccines for. And even then you would rather your body build up an actual immunity as opposed to a vaccine that you have no idea what else it could contain.
Population control makes more sense than a lot of what I'm being fed. People were 400% more likely to die from Ebola yet the travel restrictions weren't nearly as rigid.
Fine, but it sounded like you two crossed signals in that he said conspiracy and you said conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy is a covert plot. ie. Rae Carruth conspired with contract killers to hit his wife.
Conspiracy Theory to me is something that is a little more large-scale and an unproven hypothetical ie. 9/11, Kennedy Assassination.


So then what makes you say those theories you mentioned are unproven? Because it wasn't on the evening news? The facts are there independently

This seems to be the clearest explanation of a "conspiracy" i've seen on this subject. No fear mongering, no definitive claim. Just simple searchable facts & logical questioning of some of these coincidences

Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, dude is legit & not just some random youtube cat with no credentials.

He points towards the possibility of covid-19 being a bio attack rather then just a random flare up & his reasoning seems pretty legit
You buying that magic bullet explanation? Not to keep answering questions with questions but it's easier I know what you think and then go from there. You believe in the official explanation of 9/11? Like, all of it?

Admittedly, I don't really know much about the Kennedy Assassination. But I know people argue for and against certain elements, which just creates more ambiguity, from the physical characteristics of the shooting, to the motive. That's why I refer to it as an event that leads to conspiracy theories.
Who is the "youtube cat with no credentials" that keeps getting mentioned?

I ain't even know that was being used in here :lol:

I said that because as much as i do take into account alternative/non mainstream media, i'm not gonna front like some of these dudes don't be talking out their *** also. the energy some of them give off just scream fraudulence
I never have an issue with people doubting a "conspiracy theory", what i find unbelievable is that people can look at the history of this country & other empires in the past & honestly think that they wouldn't sacrifice the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of people for a goal.

History proves that the USA of all people are more than capable of risking public safety for a chance at more power.
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I'm usually more inclined to believe the multi-faceted failure of the CIA and other government agencies to prevent a major terrorist attack more than I believe that they rigged the towers for a controlled demo. There are always certain elements of a conspiracy theory that are more feasible than other elements.
I'm usually more inclined to believe the multi-faceted failure of the CIA and other government agencies to prevent a major terrorist attack more than I believe that they rigged the towers for a controlled demo. There are always certain elements of a conspiracy theory that are more feasible than other elements.
Even if the collapse of the towers was consistent with that of a controlled demo? You would still refuse to consider the possibility or investigate beyond that? I mean even in your response you implied that you don't trust the gov
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Leaving this here. Except from a book titled “End of Days” published over a decade ago

Even if the collapse of the towers was consistent with that of a controlled demo? You would still refuse to consider the possibility or investigate beyond that?

No. Get to the bottom of it by any means.

But the government is too stupid to be able to quietly rig two 94 floor structures in the busiest section of one of the busiest cities in the world with dynamite, go undetected, and then keep their lips sealed for 20 years :lol:

These dudes can't even get their d*cks sucked without someone talking about it.

Not saying it's impossible, but I'm not buying it. That's giving them too much credit.
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My days of trying to convince or “wake people up” have long passed. Good luck to you.

Hard to do when this shxt is so obvious and blatant.

But I feel you though, I'm gradually getting to that point of just keepin shxt to myself and shake my head through the bs.
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