Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

damn yall, i had chinese food for lunch 5 hours ago and i'm no where close to being hungry. my friend INSISTED on treating me for lunch since i'munemployed. and me being weak, ordered general tso's chicken. with white rice. i feel like hot garbage right now and i'm gonna go work out in an hour.

stay away from chinese food! i havent had it in probably 3 or 4 months, and to be honest, it wasnt as good as it use to be once you start eating right. all myburps smell atrocious and i feel so sluggish. uggh.
Originally Posted by akuratl02

I need some help people.

I am 6 ft 5 / 190 lbs now .. 2 months ago was 175 lbs
.. I know ..

I increased my calorie intake by 1500-2000 calories per day and thats how I got to 190 now and gaining but I dont have time to hit the gym.

I do push ups and sit ups every other day and don't work out on the weekends to give my body a rest.

I saw that I was gaining weight fast and not being able to work it out fast enough into muscle. Will this suffice through the winter w/ out me getting that skinny/fat look, or will I need to slow down my weight gaining and start jogging as well?

Thanks in advance!
Lower the calories.
I love bodyweight training. I kind of wish that I didn't join a gym now

Here's a good routine:
Stretch -5 mins
Warmup -5 mins

Dip bars - 5 sets max reps (30 seconds rest for all exercises)
Pullups - 5 sets max reps
Pushups on parallel bars - 3 sets max reps
Decline pushups on parallel bars -2 sets max reps
Chins - 5 sets max reps
Hanging leg raises on high bar -5 sets max reps
Rows on parallel bars - 5 sets max reps

Warm down 5 mins
Stretch 5 minutes
Just add some planks, bodyweight squats, jump squats, calf raises, lunges, and one-legged squats if you can manage them.
Originally Posted by anotherprodigy

Props for the McD's video. I needed that. I have literally lived off that stuff my entire life, since its cheap and convenient. Does anyone have any suggestions on cheap and healthy food....taste does not matter. I'd really appreciate it.
haha yeah man I was in the same boat. You will loose fat but just not eating fast food. I used to live on it almost. Things like lean meats likedeli slices to make sandwiches at home, oatmeal, grilled chicken start off slow. If you jump into eating salads and grilled chicken every day you'll stopafter a week.
nealraj much appreciated info !!! Its going to be tough lowering my calorie intake since my body has become quite used to a small meal every 2 or 3 hrs, but Iwill cut down. I will take all the info on exercises and form a suitable routine. Good +%%$ once again, thanks fellas.
all i been drinking is water for the past 3 months and milk when i eat special k cereal, is this bad?
Originally Posted by JRThumper85

Good Looking Chew. Any way you can help me out. I usually have time before work to work out and during lunch i usually run for 20 mins. But i need to know what to work out and sort of have a schedule. I've tried b4 and i wasn't really feeling like I knew what I was doing. Any help as far as supplements would be greatly appreciated too.

Anyone please help as it seems like theres gurus in here that have info that can help a fellow nter in need
There are several splits, routines, and exercises posted throughout the thread, as well as lots of info regarding supplements.
Originally Posted by Moneyright

all i been drinking is water for the past 3 months and milk when i eat special k cereal, is this bad?
No, that's awesome. It's always a good idea to minimize the calories you take in via liquid form. As long as you're getting enoughcalcium/vitamin C etc. from other food sources/supplements, you're doing well. Keep it up.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by I3

And Cookies and Cream ON has grown on me overnight
I don't see how you can drink that. It was WAY too sweet for me.

To each his own, though...
im glad i didnt order my 2pounds of that..
i still want to try the apple pie flavor though!

Applie Pie tastes absolutely horrid. It's only tolerable when you mix it with gatorade or something else kind of sweet. On its own, it tastes like waterand cinnamon.
IDK I just wanna state for those who are scared to eat some "cheat" foods that it's all good, everybody gotta cheat once in a while especiallythose who are working hard at this fitness thing, all I gotta say is cheat smart though. For me that means like eating Pizza which I think is workout food,pasta with all the sauce at an italian place or maybe a sandwich from a place other than McD's, Wendys, Burger King or what have you that use maybe chickenbreast in the sandwich, my thing is a turkey club minus the bacon.

What I don't get down with when I cheat is mainstream fast food places, Red Lobster or Sizzler, T.G.i Fridays, and stuff like that.

I'm saying if your gonna cheat, cheat smart and rest assured knowing that your next gym session is gonna convert all that stuff into energy or somethinggood for your body.
Originally Posted by anotherprodigy

Props for the McD's video. I needed that. I have literally lived off that stuff my entire life, since its cheap and convenient. Does anyone have any suggestions on cheap and healthy food....taste does not matter. I'd really appreciate it.
Tuna salad isn't bad. You can make it yourself and chop up a granny smith apple instead of celery. The apple adds flavor and makes it alotless dry without using alot of mayo.

Ingredients: Go to the grocery store, grab a couple cans of tuna, a granny smith apple, and some mayo.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by I3

And Cookies and Cream ON has grown on me overnight
I don't see how you can drink that. It was WAY too sweet for me.

To each his own, though...
Man I'm in love with ON cookies n cream lol. I gotta try banana creme when i finish the CnC.
On another note had a great workout today. I missed yesterday so I did 2 slpits. Back and Shoulders. Man i gotta step my military press game up. But i loveworking the delts, they hurt like hell but thats telling me its working. Just chowed down Dinner. A lil late I know but a nice piece of salmon and a salad wasgreat. Now just gotta knock down this casein shake in about an hour 1/2 and hit the sack.

Also greek yogurt is kinda hard to take down man. i tried and it finished it but man it took a while
So, I tried jumproping for the first time since elementary school.

Fun, fun! Especially the stiff calves and walking like a duck!
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

So, I tried jumproping for the first time since elementary school.

Fun, fun! Especially the stiff calves and walking like a duck!
that part sucks, but you feel so good about yourself when you get to be good
damn...i know im late AS HELL, but for the first time i put on some headphones for my jog, and wow huge difference

im the type of guy who loves to go out for a run, but with music it def made those 20-25 minutes go by with a quickness, and my speed was a lot faster.
If anyone doesn't use music while they jog, i suggest you give it a try

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Applie Pie tastes absolutely horrid. It's only tolerable when you mix it with gatorade or something else kind of sweet. On its own, it tastes like water and cinnamon.
Gatorade? really? i just don't see what made you think of mixing it with gatorade

btw, i know you mentioned it tastes like cinnamon and water alone, but was this with plain water or milk?
Who else alternate when they go to the gym? I love going to the gym in the morning during the summer. Now, with the cold weather coming in...I find myselfgoing to the gym at night again.
So ah long story short my friend and i had a bet... said wages 20 pushs ups, I said 20 thats nuthing... he says make it 70. we shake, i lose.

Now Im a lil drunk and i wanna test my ego... tries for 70... got to 20
Originally Posted by wj4

Who else alternate when they go to the gym? I love going to the gym in the morning during the summer. Now, with the cold weather coming in...I find myself going to the gym at night again.
wj4 i cant take you serious

what you call cold over there in Cali is nothing to New England/Tri State area right now
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by wj4

Who else alternate when they go to the gym? I love going to the gym in the morning during the summer. Now, with the cold weather coming in...I find myself going to the gym at night again.
wj4 i cant take you serious

what you call cold over there in Cali is nothing to New England/Tri State area right now
Man SoCal is the coldest place I've ever lived in my whole life. When it gets down to the 50s, you will see me in scarf, gloves, and3-4 layers of clothes.

I think it also has to do with the sun going down at 5PM or so. When I wake up in the morning now, I'm in no mood to go to the gym. But at 8-9PM, I havean itch to hit the gym.
Hey fellas how do I count the fish oil caps in terms of kcal?

Is it just 1g = 9kcal?

OD lol
wj4 i'm the total opposite lol
during hte summer i was in the afternoon/night before going out
and now that its school and fall/winterish, I'm going in at 6am before classes.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by doyung9
that's a pretty big jump in weight, nice job. my bench has been stuck forever i've been focusing on legs recently. i want those ripped quads with a ton of separation
here ya go joe


damn who is that?

i was thinking more


those first ones' vascularity/definition is outrageous, probably competition bf% no?

hack squats = the real deal btw, feel it so much in my quads i swear i get DOMS like 2 hrs after leavin the gym
none of this day-after stuff.

all i've been doing is 5 sets of squats, 5 sets of hack squats, and a few sets of calf stuff on leg day.
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