Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by JRThumper85

Good Looking Chew. Any way you can help me out. I usually have time before work to work out and during lunch i usually run for 20 mins. But i need to know what to work out and sort of have a schedule. I've tried b4 and i wasn't really feeling like I knew what I was doing. Any help as far as supplements would be greatly appreciated too.

Anyone please help as it seems like theres gurus in here that have info that can help a fellow nter in need
There are several splits, routines, and exercises posted throughout the thread, as well as lots of info regarding supplements.
wawaweewa wrote:
Originally Posted by JRThumper85

Anyone in Team Fitness Trying to help me out?
Not team but what do you need help with?

I'm just seeing where to start other then the running and p90 routine i have. I know if i want to see results i have to set up a plan of some sort.

I would love to follow someones work out routine if possible. anyone that has seen results.

As far as supplements i'm lost in that dept. what should i start with?
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Coconut oil has Mid-Chain Triglycerides despite it being a saturated fat. It's not bad and is actually better than some other unsaturated oils like corn, soy, and canola oil. MCTs are used for energy by the body, so no worries about heart problems with it.
The body doesn't need dietary carbohydrates, but it does need dietary fats; the necessary fats are EFAs(Essenetial Fatty Acids). They have many, many functions in the body and the body can't synthesize them, which is why they are needed. Rich sources of EFAs include flax, hemp, and walnuts. Some fish like salmon have them too, but common catch is from polluted water with high mercury levels, etc. so you need to know where the fish comes from.

I believe that the human body is better adapted to a high fat diet that is rich in nuts, seeds, some fruit(in moderation) and vegetables along with some animal products(except meat). It's a surefire way to burn fat and experience good health. I don't believe that grains and flours are too healthy for the body and they shouldn't be the basis of a diet.
Too true. I've read many an article that states the carbohydrates aren't necessarily required. I want to try to experiment with this high fat plan, maybe eat more nuts and fats than carbs..
I do great on minimal carbs/high fat. I often do days of nuts and veggies and I feel better than days that I do high carb/minimal fat.

Durden, I'm saying that if you absolutely had to stop getting one, carbs would have to take the hit. Protein can be converted to glucose. Even thoughgluconeogenesis isn't efficient, the body can still survive, whereas, without fats, the body would suffer greatly.

verynecessary, could you explain what happens to the remainder of the ALA that doesn't get converted from plant sources? If 5% is converted, what happensto the other 95%?
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Coconut oil has Mid-Chain Triglycerides despite it being a saturated fat. It's not bad and is actually better than some other unsaturated oils like corn, soy, and canola oil. MCTs are used for energy by the body, so no worries about heart problems with it.
The body doesn't need dietary carbohydrates, but it does need dietary fats; the necessary fats are EFAs(Essenetial Fatty Acids). They have many, many functions in the body and the body can't synthesize them, which is why they are needed. Rich sources of EFAs include flax, hemp, and walnuts. Some fish like salmon have them too, but common catch is from polluted water with high mercury levels, etc. so you need to know where the fish comes from.

I believe that the human body is better adapted to a high fat diet that is rich in nuts, seeds, some fruit(in moderation) and vegetables along with some animal products(except meat). It's a surefire way to burn fat and experience good health. I don't believe that grains and flours are too healthy for the body and they shouldn't be the basis of a diet.
Too true. I've read many an article that states the carbohydrates aren't necessarily required. I want to try to experiment with this high fat plan, maybe eat more nuts and fats than carbs..
I do great on minimal carbs/high fat. I often do days of nuts and veggies and I feel better than days that I do high carb/minimal fat.
Me too. If I eat carbs, I feel like ASSSS for the whole day. I try to only eat carbs post workout, which is the only time I won't feelcrappy from the insulin spike/blood sugar drop. I'm Asian, and I barely eat rice anymore because of it
. Obviously I have days where I slip up, or days where my body feels like itabsolutely needs carbs, but for the most part I feel great and much much better using low carbs. I usually just go by how I feel. Low carb makes me feel greatmost of the time, so that's what I do most of the time, and if I feel my body needs carbs, I'll give it carbs. Kind of like carb cycling by feel, andit seems to be working great.
nealraj006 wrote:

Durden, I'm saying that if you absolutely had to stop getting one, carbs would have to take the hit. Protein can be converted to glucose. Even though gluconeogenesis isn't efficient, the body can still survive, whereas, without fats, the body would suffer greatly.

But why would you stop eating one? Thats what I dont get. What's the point of purposely depriving your body of a nutrient that it needs? Theres 3 pieces to the puzzle, so trying to make the same picture with 2 just isnt effective.

So the idea is to not eat carbs, make your body convert protein that is needed to muscle growth/repair, go through gluconeogenesis (which like you said, isnteffective at all) for what purpose?

Low carb eating habits never work.
nealraj, i honestly have no idea what happens to the rest of the ALA you consume
. i haven't read anything on the exact mechanism, only the efficiency of it. there are other biological functions for ALA that make itimportant, so it's not "wasted." a quick check on wikipedia says it has a role in converting glucose to energy, but doesn't have all of thecardiovascular benefits of EPA/DHEA.
^^ x2 I' know where im going lol

Still awaiting my rice and gemma pea protein in the mail.

Should of ordered WMS while I was at it smh
Dude has an unreal physique.. cardio cardio cardio I guess.. crazy !%* lats


durden - Hypothetical situation man. Chill out. Nobody's doing zero carb.

chewtoy - Same here. I'm Indian and I rarely ever eat rice or roti.

verynecessary - Oh. Alright, I was curious because I didn't think that the rest would just go to waste.
man i really think im like immune to NO products or something lol

i took 2 scoops of jack3d before and didnt feel a thing. my friend gave me 1 scoop of his shock therapy today and we went to the gym. he was pumped up andeverything and i didnt feel anything again
That's with a lot of people. I haven't heard of someone saying that's how they feel with all of them, then again I never really looked into that.Usually its one or two that does nothing for them.
Just ate a bowl of rice krispies with like 15 tablespoons of sugar and a banana

But like dude said above thank god I dont have to diet as much to see results...
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Coconut oil has Mid-Chain Triglycerides despite it being a saturated fat. It's not bad and is actually better than some other unsaturated oils like corn, soy, and canola oil. MCTs are used for energy by the body, so no worries about heart problems with it.
The body doesn't need dietary carbohydrates, but it does need dietary fats; the necessary fats are EFAs(Essenetial Fatty Acids). They have many, many functions in the body and the body can't synthesize them, which is why they are needed. Rich sources of EFAs include flax, hemp, and walnuts. Some fish like salmon have them too, but common catch is from polluted water with high mercury levels, etc. so you need to know where the fish comes from.

I believe that the human body is better adapted to a high fat diet that is rich in nuts, seeds, some fruit(in moderation) and vegetables along with some animal products(except meat). It's a surefire way to burn fat and experience good health. I don't believe that grains and flours are too healthy for the body and they shouldn't be the basis of a diet.
Too true. I've read many an article that states the carbohydrates aren't necessarily required. I want to try to experiment with this high fat plan, maybe eat more nuts and fats than carbs..
I do great on minimal carbs/high fat. I often do days of nuts and veggies and I feel better than days that I do high carb/minimal fat.
Me too. If I eat carbs, I feel like ASSSS for the whole day. I try to only eat carbs post workout, which is the only time I won't feel crappy from the insulin spike/blood sugar drop. I'm Asian, and I barely eat rice anymore because of it
. Obviously I have days where I slip up, or days where my body feels like it absolutely needs carbs, but for the most part I feel great and much much better using low carbs. I usually just go by how I feel. Low carb makes me feel great most of the time, so that's what I do most of the time, and if I feel my body needs carbs, I'll give it carbs. Kind of like carb cycling by feel, and it seems to be working great.

I'm in the EXACT same position as you. I did Keto for a while to lean out and liked the results so I decided to stick to low/moderate carb andhigh/moderate proteins and fats. My gains have been consistent and I have not gained any fat at all. I only eat carbs pre/post workout, but once a week or soI'll feel a craving for carbs and I will have some in moderation. I'll probably be eating like this for a while since it's been working great forme.
i have an AC 2 shoulder tear, can anyone suggest any good exercizes to get it stronger? i googled but couldnt find anything
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