Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Also Joe if you decide to join above site, I'd highly recommend it. Could you put omega geez down as your refferal. It's not me just trying to helP a friend with our contest. The guys can help you if you have any questions about anything.
Also Joe if you decide to join above site, I'd highly recommend it. Could you put omega geez down as your refferal. It's not me just trying to helP a friend with our contest. The guys can help you if you have any questions about anything.
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

You guys, I've been slacking! Not so much with my diet but with going to the gym.

How do you keep yourself going? I know motivation should come from within yourself, but damn... it's tough.
It was tougher to stay motivated at first, but after a couple months I started to see results so that makes me want to continue going everyday.  I actually look forward to it now.

I think about this way:  I'm improving myself (physically, health-wise) everyday.

I've been reading about the EC stack. I don't know my BF% but I'm 6' and about 185 lbs.

I've been on a consistent workout routine since early January and have been eating better to but I want my abs to be visible. Will an EC stack help me a lot to achieve visible abs?
Originally Posted by Baller23217

I've been reading about the EC stack. I don't know my BF% but I'm 6' and about 185 lbs.

I've been on a consistent workout routine since early January and have been eating better to but I want my abs to be visible. Will an EC stack help me a lot to achieve visible abs?

No it won't help a lot...but it will help.  Helps curb appetite for the first couple of weeks and will raise your rested metabolism a little bit.

Its all in the mind...keep at your diet and hard lifting and you'll get visible abs with time.

Also, pics?  How much weight have you lost since you started lifting?
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by Baller23217

I've been reading about the EC stack. I don't know my BF% but I'm 6' and about 185 lbs.

I've been on a consistent workout routine since early January and have been eating better to but I want my abs to be visible. Will an EC stack help me a lot to achieve visible abs?

No it won't help a lot...but it will help.  Helps curb appetite for the first couple of weeks and will raise your rested metabolism a little bit.

Its all in the mind...keep at your diet and hard lifting and you'll get visible abs with time.

Also, pics?  How much weight have you lost since you started lifting?
I haven't tracked my weight at all.  I actually may have put on a few pounds (muscle heavier than fat I guess).  I took a before and after picture because I did a cycle of Anavar and wanted to see if I could see results.  I can see noticeable growth in my chest, arms, and shoulders.  Now I just want the abs to come in.

I'll try and post pictures tonight.  The only other supplement I've been taking is a post workout shake (Syntha-6)

Anybody got any good leg or chest workouts? I've been doing the same thing since my mac won't turn on. Yesterday I did a chest workout but I experienced that plateau that most ppl talk about. Today I barely feel sore at all and I did more reps than I usually do. Any help is greatly appreciated. Edit: I only have 10-20lb dumbbells, pullup bar, and push up stands. 
Originally Posted by BK201

Anybody got any good leg or chest workouts? I've been doing the same thing since my mac won't turn on. Yesterday I did a chest workout but I experienced that plateau that most ppl talk about. Today I barely feel sore at all and I did more reps than I usually do. Any help is greatly appreciated. Edit: I only have 10-20lb dumbbells, pullup bar, and push up stands. 
 I dont mean to laugh, but are these the same tools you rely on when you work on your leg and chest? If so I dont think you've hit your "plateu" at all.

My first suggestion is to get a gym membership, or at least some heavier weights.

For legs you can do:
Leg press
Calf raise
Box jump

For chest you can do:
Dumbbell press (flat, incline, decline)
And good ol' push ups of many variations (diamond, plyo,...)
Originally Posted by knnyngo

I'm going to buy some ON whey protein, but I don't know if I should stick with the standard or go for the oats & whey. Are the oats worth it?

love it
front squats

I was doing the cross arm hold, as opposed to the bent wrist hold.

Which is better, or does it matter?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

front squats

I was doing the cross arm hold, as opposed to the bent wrist hold.

Which is better, or does it matter?

all depends on your wrists.
both of mine have been broken since highschool, so i prefer arms crossed.
Yo. So I've been fiddling with my diet lately and this is what I came up with. I'm not the biggest of counting calories and such so I guess it's give or take on the final amount. A general outline of sorts.


Final tally (give or take) is about 3000 calories, 80 grams of fat, and around 175 grams of protein. I weigh 140 and I'm 5'8. What do you guys think? What can I change or fine tune and whatnot. Also, is that an abundant amount of calories? Or should I try and eat foods with more?
gotta start hitting the gym for my legs

for a basketball player, my vert is embarrassing
Originally Posted by Julian Wright

Cute handwriting bruh

idk if you're complimenting sincerely or making fun of it. either way, thanks?

I hope you guys notice I wrote this down on a memo pad I got from Starcraft 2
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

front squats

I was doing the cross arm hold, as opposed to the bent wrist hold.

Which is better, or does it matter?

Racking on the shoulders is much better. You stay much more upright .

If you can 't do it yet because of the lack of flexibility then you can either use the cross arm method or the strap method 


Work on your scapula and wrist flexibility in the meantime. 
So I started the keto diet this week cause a NTer recommended it....
for anyone thats looking forward to trying it, here's what I have to say

I'm only 4 days in and I've dropped 5-6lbs (160 to 155), so I guess it's doing work since my diet has been very strict (high fat, little to no carbs)
but it's a struggle at the gym now....I can usually pump out 10-12 reps but now I can only do 6-8 before my body gives up or I have to lower the weights (this will probably affect me in the long run
Well today was bench day and I almost killed myself. I've been benching 185 for a few weeks now easily (10-12 reps x 4 sets) but today when I got on the third set my body was dying and I nearly dropped the bar on myself so I had to drop 30lbs just to finish...
the entire time at the gym I just wasn't feeling motivated...and this was while I was on jack3d...I can't imagine what it would have been like without it

I hope it gets better next week
Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

So I started the keto diet this week cause a NTer recommended it....
for anyone thats looking forward to trying it, here's what I have to say

I'm only 4 days in and I've dropped 5-6lbs (160 to 155), so I guess it's doing work since my diet has been very strict (high fat, little to no carbs)
but it's a struggle at the gym now....I can usually pump out 10-12 reps but now I can only do 6-8 before my body gives up or I have to lower the weights (this will probably affect me in the long run
Well today was bench day and I almost killed myself. I've been benching 185 for a few weeks now easily (10-12 reps x 4 sets) but today when I got on the third set my body was dying and I nearly dropped the bar on myself so I had to drop 30lbs just to finish...
the entire time at the gym I just wasn't feeling motivated...and this was while I was on jack3d...I can't imagine what it would have been like without it

I hope it gets better next week
A lot of the weight loss is water weight. Don't expect to gain strength while doing keto. If you become fat-adapted, it might become easier though. Most people are addicted to carbs and sugar. Their bodies can't handle using fat for fuel, so they feel tired when they don't get any carbs. Fat adaptation can take a while, but it's a great attribute to have. Skipping a meal, eating low carb meal, etc. become a lot easier to handle.

damnitzdom, more fat and fewer carbs

I don't remember if I've posted any of these videos:


Feb 15  vs. April 7

7 Weeks on EC.  Now cycling off of it.  It definitely kept the cravings down, and I say this only because I am extremely hungry this week and its tough to not indulge.

A bit blurry but you get the picture...
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Yo. So I've been fiddling with my diet lately and this is what I came up with. I'm not the biggest of counting calories and such so I guess it's give or take on the final amount. A general outline of sorts.


Final tally (give or take) is about 3000 calories, 80 grams of fat, and around 175 grams of protein. I weigh 140 and I'm 5'8. What do you guys think? What can I change or fine tune and whatnot. Also, is that an abundant amount of calories? Or should I try and eat foods with more?
i suggest signing up for  the myplate feature, counts calories and everything.... keeps me motivated. also tracks your fitness goals.
Started up EC last week in hopes of hitting 8% BF by June and the appetite suppressant effects + energy while working out is once again working on me. I had just one meal all day and then when I sat down to eat my dinner I couldnt even stomach my vegetables. It's pretty crazy how I'm getting better workouts on low calories with EC then I get with normal/high calories without EC.

To the people who have asked questions about it, make sure to do some thorough research before you start using it. Start off very slow and you shouldnt hit the standard 3 tablets x3 a day until several weeks after you've begun using it. The stuff is very effective and relatively safe but you run into trouble when you take too much right off the bat or when you take more than you need and your body doesnt respond to it anymore after a few weeks.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Yo. So I've been fiddling with my diet lately and this is what I came up with. I'm not the biggest of counting calories and such so I guess it's give or take on the final amount. A general outline of sorts.


Final tally (give or take) is about 3000 calories, 80 grams of fat, and around 175 grams of protein. I weigh 140 and I'm 5'8. What do you guys think? What can I change or fine tune and whatnot. Also, is that an abundant amount of calories? Or should I try and eat foods with more?
What's your metabolism like? Are you doing cardio? The reason I ask is because 3000 calories at your weight seems like a bit too much however if you have a fast metabolism or you're doing cardio then 3000 calories should be fine. You dont want to be eating too much because you'll put on excess fat. Dont worry about sticking to a "meal plan", 90% of people dont bother sticking to them anyways. Just eat what you like, try to eat nutritious foods and and indulge every once in a while. Most of your food options look good though. You could try balancing out your first 3 meals of the day by adding a bit of the protein you plan on eating at night to the first 3 meals. 175g of protein is more than enough and dont listen to anyone that tells you that you need more than that at your weight.
Feb 15  vs. April 7

7 Weeks on EC.  Now cycling off of it.  It definitely kept the cravings down, and I say this only because I am extremely hungry this week and its tough to not indulge.

A bit blurry but you get the picture...

The cravings/hunger after taking time off from EC can be brutal. I remember having days where the hunger was unbearable even after eating tons of food. Do you have any suggestions to keep the hunger/cravings under control when cycling off EC?

So I started the keto diet this week cause a NTer recommended it....
for anyone thats looking forward to trying it, here's what I have to say

I'm only 4 days in and I've dropped 5-6lbs (160 to 155), so I guess it's doing work since my diet has been very strict (high fat, little to no carbs)
but it's a struggle at the gym now....I can usually pump out 10-12 reps but now I can only do 6-8 before my body gives up or I have to lower the weights (this will probably affect me in the long run
Well today was bench day and I almost killed myself. I've been benching 185 for a few weeks now easily (10-12 reps x 4 sets) but today when I got on the third set my body was dying and I nearly dropped the bar on myself so I had to drop 30lbs just to finish...
the entire time at the gym I just wasn't feeling motivated...and this was while I was on jack3d...I can't imagine what it would have been like without it

I hope it gets better next week
Just stick to it. The first 2 weeks of keto can be very tough but after that your energy levels improve and your workouts are just as good as they were when on a normal diet. There are times on keto when you feel extremely lethargic and foggy but eventually your body adjusts to it. I've only done keto once for over a month last year and I actually found it to be very easy. After a while you do not care about carbs anymore and the "carb up" days become a chore because you dont even feel like eating carbs. The bloating + heavy feeling after the carb up days are awful and make you hate carbs
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