Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

my 24hour fitness membership expires on the 20th.
I don't think I'm going to renew (to save myself some $)... and just start jogging around the neighborhood.

Maybe I'll try P90X at home. has it for a 'cheaper' price.
Anyone here try P90X? I know there are 738 pages in this Topic so I'm sure someone has tried it.

Just copped Primatene and Vivarin from the local drug store

The problems is, the primatene is 12.5 mg ephedrine hcl instead of 25 mg. Should I take 2 tablets + 1 vivarin to start off?


Should I go 1 primatene + 1 vivarin and test my tolerance?
Originally Posted by capricdragon

my 24hour fitness membership expires on the 20th.
I don't think I'm going to renew (to save myself some $)... and just start jogging around the neighborhood.

Maybe I'll try P90X at home. has it for a 'cheaper' price.
Anyone here try P90X? I know there are 738 pages in this Topic so I'm sure someone has tried it.

There used to be a thread in the sports and training forum just for it. You can probably do a search and find it. People that manage to stick through it usually wind up with good results. That said, it's not for everyone. If you just want to build some muscle and lose some body fat, it's great. If you want to get stronger in the barbell lifts, you have better options.

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Can someone school me on something(s)...

What is the best type of protein for (a) best absorbability (b) fast uptake

Would eating that protein with a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals affect the absorbtion and distribution by the body?

Also for a good pre/post workout shake...would the ingestion of fiber be bad because it slows down digestion?
Pro-supplement and anti-supplement users argue this. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. There are far more important things to handle, and if you're at the point where this is the only "flaw" in your regime, you're doing pretty good. For the best absorbability, there is medical grade protein powders available. You need bloodwork done just to get some. I'm sure you're not interested in that
  Check this out:
Originally Posted by itzbooranss

Just copped Primatene and Vivarin from the local drug store

The problems is, the primatene is 12.5 mg ephedrine hcl instead of 25 mg. Should I take 2 tablets + 1 vivarin to start off?


Should I go 1 primatene + 1 vivarin and test my tolerance?

If this is your first time...test the tolerance.

Any and all questions about EC stack go to ABOVE explains EVERYTHING. STOP ASKING THE SAME QUESTIONS OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
Originally Posted by alhubley

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Al Audi

smh joe

you should get blood work before, during, even after......

how long you runnin? see i dunno this is an example of why dudes be messin up

i got a co worker has all his &#$# ready to start a Boldenone cycle an he isnt gonnna do any blood work either

eh, to each their own though

I mean I know my test was fine pre cycle, off the charts on cycle, I guess after pct it would be smart to get it done but I would think it's obvious I'd you've recovered or not. I'll be honest I know youre right and it would be the smartest decision to do these things but as of now I figure chances are nothing goes wrong so +*+# it.
I'm doing 75mg Ed prop, .25mg eod adex, celery seed extract and hawthorne berry for blood pressure. So i've got estrogen/estradiol and bp under control, decided to skip HCG it's only 8 weeks. My PCT cost as much if not more than my cycle itself (toremifene, pharmaceutical grade)
So I guess you already started?  Cycle looks pretty good.  I'd probably run it a little longer maybe 10 to 12 weeks.  Just out of curiosity why did you choose test p.  Seems like a lot of pinning for a first cycle.  

can only do an 8 wk cycle due to my schedule. So that's why I picked prop.....was gonna do eod injects but I have Nordic virormone which is 50mg/ml so that wouldn't work doing 3ccs in my delts so Ed it is. It's not bad at all I had a legit phobia of needles now less than 2 wks in I don't care about it anymore. If I cycle again i'll do it for longer but I think I'd stick w prop it's easier to control than enth or cyp I feel and it kicks in way sooner. I was about to do a cycle of prop tren and maybe var but decided that was od for my first time haha
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by JordanDon23

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I need some hype songs....What some songs you guys suggest???[/color]

pastor troy nomo play in ga

jay-z heart of the city

mystikal here i go

any linkin park
heart of the city is what lift to
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by alhubley

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

I mean I know my test was fine pre cycle, off the charts on cycle, I guess after pct it would be smart to get it done but I would think it's obvious I'd you've recovered or not. I'll be honest I know youre right and it would be the smartest decision to do these things but as of now I figure chances are nothing goes wrong so +*+# it.
I'm doing 75mg Ed prop, .25mg eod adex, celery seed extract and hawthorne berry for blood pressure. So i've got estrogen/estradiol and bp under control, decided to skip HCG it's only 8 weeks. My PCT cost as much if not more than my cycle itself (toremifene, pharmaceutical grade)
So I guess you already started?  Cycle looks pretty good.  I'd probably run it a little longer maybe 10 to 12 weeks.  Just out of curiosity why did you choose test p.  Seems like a lot of pinning for a first cycle.  

can only do an 8 wk cycle due to my schedule. So that's why I picked prop.....was gonna do eod injects but I have Nordic virormone which is 50mg/ml so that wouldn't work doing 3ccs in my delts so Ed it is. It's not bad at all I had a legit phobia of needles now less than 2 wks in I don't care about it anymore. If I cycle again i'll do it for longer but I think I'd stick w prop it's easier to control than enth or cyp I feel and it kicks in way sooner. I was about to do a cycle of prop tren and maybe var but decided that was od for my first time haha
That makes since.  I know how it is with the pinning you dread it first time but its not to bad after that.  Yeah I think the test only was wise decision.  The var wouldn't of been horrible to add  in but definitely not tren for a first timer.  Good luck with rest of your cycle.  
so my liquid Clen/taurine combo came in

i know the dosages start (recommended) at 20mcg but the bottle came with a built-in dropper

as well as this thing


(not a needle)

i actually have NO idea how to use it so if anyone can help me out....
Originally Posted by Club29

so my liquid Clen/taurine combo came in

i know the dosages start (recommended) at 20mcg but the bottle came with a built-in dropper

as well as this thing


(not a needle)

i actually have NO idea how to use it so if anyone can help me out....
Prepare your $*%%.
Originally Posted by Club29

so my liquid Clen/taurine combo came in

i know the dosages start (recommended) at 20mcg but the bottle came with a built-in dropper

as well as this thing


(not a needle)

i actually have NO idea how to use it so if anyone can help me out....
Use the syringe to draw out the right amount.  Dont use the dropper.  If its 200mcg per ml you will only use 1/10 of a ml to get the 20mcg.  It will only be like a drop.  Its oral not injectable so just swallow it. 
Just make sure its 200mcg per ml or it will be a different amount. I'm pretty sure I know where you got it though and thats what theirs comes in.
Originally Posted by alhubley

Just make sure its 200mcg per ml or it will be a different amount. I'm pretty sure I know where you got it though and thats what theirs comes in.
yeah i got it from your pal
and it is indeed 200mcg/ml
nealraj006 wrote:
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Can someone school me on something(s)...

What is the best type of protein for (a) best absorbability (b) fast uptake

Would eating that protein with a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals affect the absorbtion and distribution by the body?

Also for a good pre/post workout shake...would the ingestion of fiber be bad because it slows down digestion?
Pro-supplement and anti-supplement users argue this. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. There are far more important things to handle, and if you're at the point where this is the only "flaw" in your regime, you're doing pretty good. For the best absorbability, there is medical grade protein powders available. You need bloodwork done just to get some. I'm sure you're not interested in that
  Check this out:

neal thanks for the reply...the reason i'm asking is because I went to my local health food emporium just the other day and they had some interesting protein products made for those who want non-gmo, organic supplements.
here's a company that caught my interest:

here's one that has a lot of super foods but the protein is from soy.

Basically is whey the best type of pre/post workout protein for the body?  I read a couple pages back that alot of it becomes toxic to the liver...
i really bought the clen more to preserve my muscle than to lose bodyfat (although that would be a plus too)

I only work out with weights maybe 2-3 times a week and the rest of the time im doing alot of plyometrics and MMA drills/sparring and whatnot

all that anaerobic intensity can wear down on my precious muscle and i would prefer not to lose it
Originally Posted by Club29

i really bought the clen more to preserve my muscle than to lose bodyfat (although that would be a plus too)

I only work out with weights maybe 2-3 times a week and the rest of the time im doing alot of plyometrics and MMA drills/sparring and whatnot

all that anaerobic intensity can wear down on my precious muscle and i would prefer not to lose it

hop on some halo like tyson 

its the biggest aggression steroid any one can get .

alot of fighters take it before fights. 

well did, not so sure now. 
Originally Posted by G Que

EC Stack + OxyElite Pro...yes? no?

It would be similar to taking the ECY stack (Ephedrine, Caffeine and Yohimbine) except the yohimbine in OEP is the alpha-isomer.  
Can be very effective, however I'd be VERY cautious of blood pressure. 
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

neal thanks for the reply...the reason i'm asking is because I went to my local health food emporium just the other day and they had some interesting protein products made for those who want non-gmo, organic supplements.
here's a company that caught my interest:

here's one that has a lot of super foods but the protein is from soy.

Basically is whey the best type of pre/post workout protein for the body?  I read a couple pages back that alot of it becomes toxic to the liver...

Whey is the most bioavailable source. There are lots of other factors. You could be taking the highest quality protein supplement, but not absorbing it all. Probiotics, HCl, and other supplements help with that. Check out the work of Charles Poliquin for more info. He deals a lot with supplements, food, and absorption in the body.
Preworkout BCAA's are better than whey. It's not like you'll suffer if you take whey(or nothing) instead, but it can benefit some people.

I personally don't like soy. It might be a social stigma, but I just don't feel that it's safe for regular consumption in appreciable quantities. I'd rather err on the safe side and avoid it. I've been looking at high(er) quality whey protein lately and have noticed that they're pretty pricey(around $2 per serving). I'm talking about grass-fed, organic whey protein. If you want to do it right, I think this is the best route to go, but it's not as affordable for all. You shouldn't skimp out on supplements though, otherwise you're just paying for expensive piss.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

neal thanks for the reply...the reason i'm asking is because I went to my local health food emporium just the other day and they had some interesting protein products made for those who want non-gmo, organic supplements.
here's a company that caught my interest:

here's one that has a lot of super foods but the protein is from soy.

Basically is whey the best type of pre/post workout protein for the body?  I read a couple pages back that alot of it becomes toxic to the liver...
Whey is the most bioavailable source. There are lots of other factors. You could be taking the highest quality protein supplement, but not absorbing it all. Probiotics, HCl, and other supplements help with that. Check out the work of Charles Poliquin for more info. He deals a lot with supplements, food, and absorption in the body.
Preworkout BCAA's are better than whey. It's not like you'll suffer if you take whey(or nothing) instead, but it can benefit some people.

I personally don't like soy. It might be a social stigma, but I just don't feel that it's safe for regular consumption in appreciable quantities. I'd rather err on the safe side and avoid it. I've been looking at high(er) quality whey protein lately and have noticed that they're pretty pricey(around $2 per serving). I'm talking about grass-fed, organic whey protein. If you want to do it right, I think this is the best route to go, but it's not as affordable for all. You shouldn't skimp out on supplements though, otherwise you're just paying for expensive piss.

alright so when you say BCAA's are you talking about pill form/powder?  A couple pages back there were links that whey pre-workout might be more beneficial than post-workout.  I agree with you on the soy tip.
Would taking some BCAA's pre-workout help me out more than me just taking my 2:1 dextrose/ON natural whey post workout?

Are their any other supplements you think would aid me in strength training besides creatine?
Can a few of you guys PM meon average what you eat daily. Like breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner on average?

I wanna start eating healthier and I need some ideas.
Cheat calories: Junk Food or food that you shouldn't eat because you can have something more healthy. For example having a protein bar instead of eating tuna.

How many cheat calories do you guys eat on a daily and weekly basis? I usually eat clean but I have like a 240 cal midnight snack. Weekly probably about 1600-2000 cheat calories.
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