Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I eat whatever I want as long as I hit 3300cals per day.
Prior to a lift I will eat more "carbs", and after a lift I will eat more "fats", but all around I'm eating a good amount of protein.

I love pizza, fired rice, beer, bacon, bacon, bacon, donairs, etc.
i feel bad for your heart

if i rem correctly brett.

didnt you say you dont eat until 2pm or something ?
From 2pm-10pm, usually.
Very difficult to worry about such a short time frame when my caloric intake is 3000+ (like it is now)

New snack: 1 chicken breast in a tortilla with 4 strips of bacon and tex mex cheese!
anyone got an tips on squating? want to start doing it but dont wanna start off with bad form or lift with my back instead of my legs
^ just always try and stick your butt out as much as possible before going down.
stick your butt out, then go down, and find a spot thats diagonal from you, but above you to keep your head up, and help you chest stay up.
once you naturally have you butt going out first before your knees bending, you can make it one fluid motion.
Originally Posted by Zyzz

anyone got an tips on squating? want to start doing it but dont wanna start off with bad form or lift with my back instead of my legs
Read "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe. 60 pages dedicated to just the back squat. The book is worth its weight it gold.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Zyzz

anyone got an tips on squating? want to start doing it but dont wanna start off with bad form or lift with my back instead of my legs
Read "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe. 60 pages dedicated to just the back squat. The book is worth its weight it gold.
put a flat bench where you will be squatting. 
get your @ss all the way down and touch the bench.

perfect parallel squat.

no half, or quarters.
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by SCOfoshO

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Started up EC last week in hopes of hitting 8% BF by June and the appetite suppressant effects + energy while working out is once again working on me. I had just one meal all day and then when I sat down to eat my dinner I couldnt even stomach my vegetables. It's pretty crazy how I'm getting better workouts on low calories with EC then I get with normal/high calories without EC.

To the people who have asked questions about it, make sure to do some thorough research before you start using it. Start off very slow and you shouldnt hit the standard 3 tablets x3 a day until several weeks after you've begun using it. The stuff is very effective and relatively safe but you run into trouble when you take too much right off the bat or when you take more than you need and your body doesnt respond to it anymore after a few weeks.
I've been looking into this EC stack, and I was wondering what kind of cardio you do with it.  I have read that HIIT is not good when on this stack.  But a lot of my cardio routines are HIIT or just things that have my heart rate fluctuating a lot.  Mainly because it keeps my mind busy.  Am I limited to a steady jog or walk uphill?

Also, I have read a few different places and products to get this stack, but which products did you use and where did you cop from?

I jog on the treadmill for 30 minutes, i dont go past 5.5 mph. I wouldn't recommend doing HIIT, your heartrate will be all over the place.

Bronkaid from Rite Aid and regular ol Caffeine pills.

JordanDon, GJ man.
thanks a lot, the info is appreciated.  When you went on the stack, what was your starting dosage, and what did you end with? I have read to start with half dose of each, but all the caffeine pills I have had are in capsule form
Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Zyzz

anyone got an tips on squating? want to start doing it but dont wanna start off with bad form or lift with my back instead of my legs
Read "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe. 60 pages dedicated to just the back squat. The book is worth its weight it gold.
put a flat bench where you will be squatting. 
get your @ss all the way down and touch the bench.

perfect parallel squat.

no half, or quarters.
Most times I squat I try to go deeper than parallel so that on my last couple reps even if I'm tired I at least go parallel. Is that a bad thing?

Random question, what do you guys usually do right after you work out? I'm not talking food I just mean in general.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Read "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe. 60 pages dedicated to just the back squat. The book is worth its weight it gold.
put a flat bench where you will be squatting. 
get your @ss all the way down and touch the bench.

perfect parallel squat.

no half, or quarters.
Most times I squat I try to go deeper than parallel so that on my last couple reps even if I'm tired I at least go parallel. Is that a bad thing?

Random question, what do you guys usually do right after you work out? I'm not talking food I just mean in general.
great to stretch before workouts, and after.

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Most times I squat I try to go deeper than parallel so that on my last couple reps even if I'm tired I at least go parallel. Is that a bad thing?

Random question, what do you guys usually do right after you work out? I'm not talking food I just mean in general.

Nah... as long as you are not doing LESS THAN parallel you are good.
I head home right after... A) so I can eat.. B) because I'm too tired to do anything else 
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Read "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe. 60 pages dedicated to just the back squat. The book is worth its weight it gold.
put a flat bench where you will be squatting. 
get your @ss all the way down and touch the bench.

perfect parallel squat.

no half, or quarters.
Most times I squat I try to go deeper than parallel so that on my last couple reps even if I'm tired I at least go parallel. Is that a bad thing?

Random question, what do you guys usually do right after you work out? I'm not talking food I just mean in general.

Stretch, hot shower, computer/TV, basically just relax. I'm usually too tired to do anything else
IMO you should make sure you can do a near perfect overhead deep squat with your body weight before loading a regular squat. If not, you are just re-enforcing faulty movement patterns, which increases injury risk and limits your future potential for mobility and strength/power production. I'd say 85% percent of the clients I screen don't even come close to being able to do an overhead deep squat with their body weight.
Originally Posted by JordanDon23

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Thanks Fade on you [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Seeing this is Niketalk, and we all came here cause of the nikes as a kid...I've seen a lot of Olympic lifting talk, and weight lifting shoe talk recently in here is a link for some Nike's coming out next month, kinda pricey though...[/color]

Weight Lifting Shoes

I've been waiting on another run of the Romaleos, although I'd prefer these:

I don't think I'll be able to pass up on the all black though. 

Even though I have my issues with Crossfit, there are plenty of good things to take away from it. Keep the elbows parallel to the floor and you'll drive through the front squat much harder.  How long have you been at crossfit? 
Just to point out in Brett's post the dude was�demonstrating�a�power lifting�or low bar back squat technique. The other type is the�Olympic�squat which is more an upright, up and down motion.�
Unless you're a competitive powerlifter I wouldn't train powerlifitng squat. It's a specialized technique created to specifically handle as much weight as possible.�The�oly squat is a more athletic, natural squat and the results from it transition much better into other aspects of�strength. There's always a debate but oly squatters are stronger.

200lb dude, 600 for 3 reps.�

btw what he said about not keeping the bar centered on back and racking the weight with 1 foot forward...oly lifters do that all the time. 

Not taking anything away from powerlifters. They're good at what they do.
Why are white girls butts so fat these days? I especially notice them at the gym. This white girl butt was so fat at the gym today and her waist so small LORD JESUS.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Why are white girls butts so fat these days? I especially notice them at the gym. This white girl butt was so fat at the gym today and her waist so small LORD JESUS.

homie sounds like he was bout to pop.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Why are white girls butts so fat these days? I especially notice them at the gym. This white girl butt was so fat at the gym today and her waist so small LORD JESUS.

fam you should of got at her. thats like seeing a rare pokemon in the wild 
 all the ones where i work out at have pancakes

Can't write in th 1st one foir some reason.

She trains with Kendrick Farris. The top 85 kg lifter in the US. Look at those thighs int eh 2nd vid. 
in 2010 i was 210 pounds and was in the worst shape of my life 
 finally decided i needed to change everything around me, started to eat healthy and smart again and started weight training, and playing alot of basketball. Now im down to 170 and currently trying to get to 160 and being able to squat at least 320, do you guys believe you can gain strength on a calorie deficit? not really muscle size, just strength, thanks! 
Originally Posted by hotshots24

in 2010 i was 210 pounds and was in the worst shape of my life 
 finally decided i needed to change everything around me, started to eat healthy and smart again and started weight training, and playing alot of basketball. Now im down to 170 and currently trying to get to 160 and being able to squat at least 320, do you guys believe you can gain strength on a calorie deficit? not really muscle size, just strength, thanks! 

It's very possible. You just need to train in a specific way. 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by hotshots24

in 2010 i was 210 pounds and was in the worst shape of my life 
 finally decided i needed to change everything around me, started to eat healthy and smart again and started weight training, and playing alot of basketball. Now im down to 170 and currently trying to get to 160 and being able to squat at least 320, do you guys believe you can gain strength on a calorie deficit? not really muscle size, just strength, thanks! 

It's very possible. You just need to train in a specific way. 
would a typical 5x5 program be fine?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Can't write in th 1st one foir some reason.

She trains with Kendrick Farris. The top 85 kg lifter in the US. Look at those thighs int eh 2nd vid. 
How much was she squatting????

Thanks for clearing that up... I've been hanging around the BB forums too much. Ive never had a clear indication of what to do, always just trusting people who lift heavy $!## 

So, as far as squatting. I'm not really looking to build BIGGER legs, I just want to be stronger. What "style" of squat should I be doing and can you show a video?

Also, for bench press... obviously for pec development I shouldn't be doing power lifting style (which I have been)... that's obviously why I have no chest... can someone post a vid on how to bench of muscle development? 
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