STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I'm in the Bay Ridge area a lot. I was looking at South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club but those prices man.

Well worth it if you have the expendable income, if funds are tight, use your resources. Student gyms (If you're in college), or deal with the headaches and pet peeves of a commercial gym.
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Deadlifts and shoulders today :pimp:

Just smashed chicken breast scrambled eggs with the Spanish yellow rice

Power nap soon
I'm boycotting Blackstone Labs ever since they dropped the Dark Lord Spaniard Jason Genova from the team

My NYC brethren. I'm in desperate need of a gym with more than one squat rack. I don't have the time anymore to wait for the only squat in the entire gym to be free (talking to you NYSC). Manhattan area and possibly Brooklyn. Thanks guys.
check out Edge on 92st and York. They have several squat racks and a bunch of toys. It's never been crowded when I've went granted those were all on days before or after holidays tho
Wasn't saying that's too low in general but for a front squat that's a lot easier to achieve. I go that low for warm ups or air squats on days I'm not training legs just for mobility and the stretch but on days on going heavy I don't go that low just because it's so hard out of the box and I'll be sacrificing form.
Wasn't saying that's too low in general but for a front squat that's a lot easier to achieve. I go that low for warm ups or air squats on days I'm not training legs just for mobility and the stretch but on days on going heavy I don't go that low just because it's so hard out of the box and I'll be sacrificing form.

Try pulling a weight you can actually go through the entire motion then bro, might benefit you more.
Glad we're on the squat topic. What do you all wear on your feet? Can't seem to find a good shoe comfortable squatting sneaker. I've tried Asics, bare feet, flat Adidas tennis shoes. 
SC trainer 2s are my favorite shoe to squat/DL in. Some may think they have a little too much sole but they secure your heels very well.
Try pulling a weight you can actually go through the entire motion then bro, might benefit you more.

I do. Up to about 225 with some pause reps in there as a general warm up but when/if I'm going heavier (for about 4/5 reps) I don't go that low, but I'm still below parallel. Never understood people half squatting. But in general, with a low bar squat I haven't seen many people go that low with a higher weight because the risk of just folding over. No excuses though.

Appreciate it though, still working on the mobility, good general discussion though.
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Glad we're on the squat topic. What do you all wear on your feet? Can't seem to find a good shoe comfortable squatting sneaker. I've tried Asics, bare feet, flat Adidas tennis shoes. 

I squat barefoot. Still in grad school can't afford no powerlifting shoes lol.

No asics though, used to but any shoes with some cushioning isn't generally suggested for squatting.
Been traveling the last few days. Didn't bring gym shoes and gear so I did some stuff I can do inside the hotel room this morning...push ups, lunges, abs exercises, running in place with knees as high as possible. Did that for 25 mins and was sweating a bit :lol: I'm sure it did minimal but felt like a pig for going days without working out and eating not so good.
gonna be traveling the next 2 weeks. looked up my hotel gym, only a treadmill, elliptical, and stair master. no free weights :stoneface:

struggle is going to be real unless i find a 24 hour fitness close to my hotel.
No dumbells? Sheesh.

Hotel/Travel Workouts:

Great Warm Up: Set a clock, perform 5 burpees every 30 seconds for 5 minutes. If this is easy, go 6, then 7.

08" Games Special:
Thruster w/45# dumbbells

Immediately after: Sprint at the highest incline and the fastest speed you can handle for 2 minutes. Increase the speed as you go, by 1:40 you should feel purely smoked in your legs…..then push through it!

Note: Little tribute to the 2008 Games. This one had to be short and dirty. A little blend of Fran, Squat Clean (thruster) and the Burpee DL workout….can't forget the run though.

The Ava Special:
Run 400 meter's
21 Ground to Overhead @ 97#'s

Rest 2 minutes and 53 seconds (if you hit this soon, go for four rounds....let me know how it is.)

*Posted 4/21/12* On Ava's Birthday
"This will be completed for one round since Ava is turning one tomorrow. Next year it will be two rounds, then three..........Damn it will be rough when she turns 10 haha."

The Ashley Special:
100 db push press @ 45# dumbbells
At the start of every minute perform 3 burpees until you finish

Note: A little tribute to my wife, she likes this one in the garage or on the road. Hit this hard, don't just go through the motions. Presses get dirty, get them done quick! Quicker the better…..less burpees.

Jason Khalipa Special:
30 seconds on 30 seconds off. Treadmill to highest incline, speed starts at a jog for a while then at moderate for 3 minutes, more challenging for 3 minutes, very challenging for 3 minutes. Hard as hell for 7 minutes. 15% incline and level 8.5mph is pretty legit. Total WORK time is 10 minutes.

Notes: Your probably wondering… the hell is a run special to Jason. This **** hurts like not much else you can do in the hotel gym, try it and let me know. You know you are at the right speed for your final sets when you literally fall off the treadmill at second 29-30. You should gradually feel yourself going towards the end of the treadmill. You should genuinely be nervous that you will fall off the treadmill. (you are going too fast if you fall off….don't do that)

Matt Chan Special:
Every minute on the minute:
10 thrusters @ 40# db's
20 double unders

Note: Hit this hard, don't just go through the motions. This should be doable to complete for most people.

Darren from CrossFit Mayhem Special: (My time: 20 minutes flat)
5 rounds:
Run 400 meters
20 Hang Squat Cleans @ 35# dumbbells
15 burpees

Note: Hit this hard, don't just go through the motions. I set the treadmill to a 7:20 mile pace and left it running. I would jump off, hit the cleans and brupees and try and jump right back on without a break. Try and find a treadmill that doesn't turn off if it doesn't sense a person on it.

Chris Spealler Special:
100 hang squat clean thrusters w/ 35# dumbbells
At the start of every minute perform 5 burpees

Note: Hit this hard, don't just go through the motions. Don't eat clam chowder right before it like I had the first time I did it.

AMRAP 5 minutes:
7 lat pull down (heavy)
10 push ups
AMRAP 5 minutes:
DB Snatch right arm/left arm (5 each)
10 sit ups
AMRAP 2 minutes:
Jumping Air Squats

Notes: Hit this hard, don't just go through the motions. Finish hard on the jumping squats, things will get a bit spicy….enjoy it.

Tabata Air Squats
Tabata (push up, pull right arm to chest w/dumbbell, push up, pull left arm to chest w/dumbbell) with 45# dumbbells.
Tabata Hollow Rock

Notes: Hit this hard, don't just go through the motions. Each tabata is 4 minutes long. 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Try and hold your numbers. Keep your shoulders off the floor on the hollow rocks. Go for 15-20 on the squats.

Start a clock:
Every 30 seconds: Perform: 6 burpees for 10 minutes. Immediately after, run a mile for time on the treadmill.

Notes: Hit this hard, don't just go through the motions. This one is badass. Don't patty cake the run.

Turn on a song:
Do abs non stop until its over.

Start a clock:
Run for 5 minutes at a moderate pace on the treadmill.
At minute 6 perform max snatches in 2 minutes alternating arms with the dumbbell.
At minute 9 perform max KB swings w/dumbbell in 1 minute
At minute 11 perform max front squats holding the same dumbbell for 2 minutes
At minute 14 perform max burpees for 1 minute

Notes: Hit this hard, don't just go through the motions. Moderate means moderate, should have some challenge in it. If your jogging or walking your doing it wrong. Don't stop moving on the snatches, swings, or front squats. Hit the burpees hellllllllllllaaaaaa hard….then your done.

Start a clock:
Run 5 flights of stairs, perform 30 air squats, repeat for 20 minutes.

Note: Hit this hard, don't just go through the motions. If the place you are at does not have stairs higher than 5 stories, run back down and continue.

AMRAP 12 minutes:
7 Dips (take two chairs if necessary)
10 jumping alternating lunges

Note: Hit this hard, don't just go through the motions.

5 Rounds for time:
3 Wall Climbs (walk your feet up a wall while facing the wall, walk back down…may want to do it outside)
7 squat cleans w/45# dumbbells

Notes: Hit this hard, don't just go through the motions. Touch the floor on each squat clean, receive in a full squat.

AMRAP 10 minutes:
10 Push Press w/35# dumbbells
5 burpees

Notes: Hit this hard, don't just go through the motions. Try and get the push press unbroken (don't re-dip, that would be a push jerk). Stay smooth and consistent on the burpees, no need to get too crazy on those, stay moving.

100 thrusters for time with 45# dumbbells
Notes: Hit this hard, don't just go through the motions. Try and take a minimum of 2 breathes in between sets. Work the full range of motion. Don't short your movement since your by yourself. Full squat, finish fully locked out overhead.

Got no dumbells or weights, do body weight exercises. If you want a comprehensive list, shoot me an email and I'll send the file.
Repped. Thanks. I'm gonna read through that and see if I can do any of those in the gym.

travelling for work and trying to stay fit for the lose.
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So my boy claims power cleans are not a real lift...

:rofl: the ignorance man...and dude is a pro boxer
Brooklyn Sports Club in Starett City.
How good is that gym, for some reason I always think it's for old people. Have you ever been to paedergat gym?
Its a really good gym.  I go at 6am, so it's only a few old folks doing there cardio.  They also have a full indoor gym, pool, sauna, showers...etc.

Yea, I used to go to paedergat all the time to play ball.  Saw Kia Greene working out there a looooooooong time ago.
SC trainer 2s are my favorite shoe to squat/DL in. Some may think they have a little too much sole but they secure your heels very well.

im gonna have to agree with you. these are my go to shoes when im doing legs and DL.
i bought my pair for $50 best investment imo.
i really like how the sole is nice and sturdy when there is a lot of pressure put on it.
when squatting heavy, i dont even have to take my shoes off, i just lace em up to my ankles nice and tight and my stability is on point

edit: did shoulders today. its been months since I have isolated shoulders. My left shoulder (maybe the prob in in the rotary cuff) feels like theres lots of tension even after I do very light sets/tons of stretching just to get it loose. As I rotate my left arm backwards and fowards to ease up the tension I feel a click in my shoulder. This has been happening for a while. So whether I am working on my chest, or back I ALWAYS have to warm up my shoulders. Anyone have an idea of what the problem might be? Hopefully i dont get tendonitous along the way
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My NYC brethren. I'm in desperate need of a gym with more than one squat rack. I don't have the time anymore to wait for the only squat in the entire gym to be free (talking to you NYSC). Manhattan area and possibly Brooklyn. Thanks guys.
What part of Brooklyn are you in?

Brooklyn Sports Club in Starett City.

I'm in the Bay Ridge area a lot. I was looking at South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club but those prices man.

have you looked into harbor fitness in bay ridge? I go to the one in park slope.
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