STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

SO who would you compare his back to. The average joe?
Reading clearly not your strong point eh?

The point was that Dead-lifts and squats are not the be all and end all's still possible to build a great physique without them.
^^^^ some of the Physique guys i follow online cut to ~1000 calories/day.... 2 weeks prior to showtime! crazy!!
Reading clearly not your strong point eh?

The point was that Dead-lifts and squats are not the be all and end all's still possible to build a great physique without them.

I think you missed the point as well, I don't think anyone is saying you have to for aesthetic purposes. Most are simply stating that they are essential.

For performance, don't know how you would be able to avoid them, since all power/explosive movements involve the squat.
What do you guys think about single-leg deadlifts with a dumbbell?

I want to try it out, just to switch things up a bit. Anyone done them or know if they are a decent workout?
Reading clearly not your strong point eh?

The point was that Dead-lifts and squats are not the be all and end all's still possible to build a great physique without them.

Yo, do you not have sense? Why the hell would you post a pro bber that juiced his *** off to back up your statement? And in a thread of people that will never touch steroids.
Basically what you said is, dont dead lift, but take steroids and you can have a back like Levrone.

If you gonna back up your statement, you post a back of an average joe that doesnt deadlift.

Does that make sense to you now?
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Did you guys order your Inzer belts from

I tried to order from there, but for some reason my phone browser says the site isn't secure. If anybody has experience though, I'll proceed.
No experience ordering but I looked into this just out of curioistiy. Looks like if you type inzer into google, the link to their page is a secure link. If you typed into your browser you won't get a secure page. You have to have the https:// in front and it should show as secure.
Did you guys order your Inzer belts from

I tried to order from there, but for some reason my phone browser says the site isn't secure. If anybody has experience though, I'll proceed.

I ordered mine from there with no problems, just know if you get any color other than black , it will take a month to get to you.
Hey Guys brodies so I just started lifting weights regularly now and i'm about 5'8 and 155 .Would it be advisable since i go to the gym every other day that my workout plan would look like this so i alternate  chest/legs/back and arms/shoulder it takes me about an hour and 1/2 to finish all that .Last question  could ya'll recommend me some protein supplement i'm 18yrs old if it matters and i would like to get up to the 170 lbs range.
Their website used a different certificate that wasn't trusted by the OS on my phone. I looked a bit more into it, and I was connected to the site via 128 bit encryption, so I thought that was valid. Looked into the actual certificate the site says it has to.

Just ordered my knee wraps... The velcro on a cheap pair started to wear off. I tried a friend's pair of wraps at the gym and I liked how tight they were.
What do these dudes normally compete at weight wise for some of these physique comps or bb shows? My dad is about 5 foot 10 and he is getting prepped for his next show (50-60 age bracket) and he is at 160ish. I always wondered what weight these people get to when they look that shredded and lean. I am 6 foot about 185lbs and i like my muscle definition for the most part but i also like changing things up. Thinking of trying to get to around 175 by summer. Is that healthy? Soccer is about to start so i am going to up my cardio anyway while still lifting and i normally play soccer around 180 during the season. Thinking about trying to drop more and see how it changes my body
Noticing gains in my shoulders and biceps. Also put on more weight. been doing more pull ups and incline dumbbell press
What do these dudes normally compete at weight wise for some of these physique comps or bb shows? My dad is about 5 foot 10 and he is getting prepped for his next show (50-60 age bracket) and he is at 160ish. I always wondered what weight these people get to when they look that shredded and lean. I am 6 foot about 185lbs and i like my muscle definition for the most part but i also like changing things up. Thinking of trying to get to around 175 by summer. Is that healthy? Soccer is about to start so i am going to up my cardio anyway while still lifting and i normally play soccer around 180 during the season. Thinking about trying to drop more and see how it changes my body
Damn y'all some lean boys. Steady rocking 20% BF at 200lbs here lol

just took this 5 mins ago

cutting for 10 more lbs, my strength is coming back finally going hard in the gym, ive had a rough winter...........female issues

gym is gonna be my love for now, gonna get in the best shape ive been in a long time.

ill post again when we post our spring physiques, keep training hard guys

im gonna get get into overall fitness, idc about being a bodybuilder mass about lean ripped and overall health

this year im gonna get more into outdoor stuff and other things

hell maybe ill joint a crossfit, yep i know i know, ppl change though
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