STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

May be foolish on my end, but when looking at boxing gloves, what's the difference between 'bag' and 'training' models?

I want to invest in a pair (my first) that I can just hit the heavy bag with. Not looking to spar or get into the sport itself, just for cardio purposes.

Curious the difference in the two types of gloves.
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Boy, this thread sure changed since volume 1. What happened to just motivating dudes to better themselves instead of flexing online?

Getting tired of sprouted bread and Nutella. What kind of snacks are you guys eating throughout the day?

It was only one guy, obviously trolling, and it got squashed quick.

Try to lay off the Nutella. Celery and almond butter, apples and almond butter, bananas and almond butter.

I likes almond butter.
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May be foolish on my end, but when looking at boxing gloves, what's the difference between 'bag' and 'training' models?

I want to invest in a pair (my first) that I can just hit the heavy bag with. Not looking to spar or get into the sport itself, just for cardio purposes.

Curious the difference in the two types of gloves.
I don't think it'll make much difference in your case. When I was into it, I had Everlast. I had two pairs, one regular weight and a heavier one for endurance. They lasted fine and I used them 4-5 times a week.

It was only one guy, obviously trolling, and it got squashed quick.

Try to lay off the Nutella. Celery and almond butter, apples and almond butter, bananas and almond butter.

I likes almond butter.
Apples and bananas are already consumed daily as well. I also do brown rice cakes. Almond butter..I'll give that a try but it doesn't sound too enticing, lol. Celery, may give that another try. I usually like all veggies, but celery sticks are no good to me.
Eh im cool with where i am. i dont see a need to "step up to 405-495". again i don't want to be a power lifter...there is no benefit gained from me being able to move that much weight at my size. I'd rather be able to run for 90 mins then squat "405-495" and be dead tired by the end of the first half

I can do both cant you ?? Seem under developed to me sorry for ya

homie overcompensating.. wonder why..

315 is weak at 6 ft 170?
Can't bust a lil balls ?? Obviously he's not built for it height and weight wise , 315 is great , never been down to 170 , 175 the lowest @6bf , leave the numbers to the accounts , gym is straight focus nothing else matters

Yea ok :lol:

Let me guess you repping 495 at 170?
Still recovering from leg day........

stopped by the mall on my way home and picked up 5 active wear shirts from old navy. Shirts were on sale for 5 dollars plus if you sign up for their email they will send you a 20% off discount right away so the shirts only cost 4 dollars a piece.

for 4 dollars each you cant go wrong, will probably pick up some more tomorrow.

heres a link for those interested you can order online as well..... (they come in 4-5 diff colors) good to lounge around the house and workout in.

Anyone take any post workout drinks? Recovery Drinks?
Dark matter by HP >*

what exactly is in it? kinda wanna get it

It's a carb heavy (around 50g) pro-workout drink. Taste just like juice.

Its basically a post workout muscle growth accelerator.

shoulda copped when i was bulking

about to start a cut soon while ill still be taking in carbs dont think id want 50g after a workout
Was looking into bcaa's and was wondering about any recommendations. Also I'm getting a new job at the end of next month which requires traveling and was trying to find a gym that I could go to regardless of the city besides planet fitness.
I am wondering how many calories I should take in a day. My TDEE according to IIFYM is 2321. So I guess I am supposed to base my macros around this number. However, on myfitnesspal and says I burn anywhere from 2610-2700 calories a day. And according to this website it says to eat 10% more calories then I burn for the best way to gain muscle. My main goal is to continue to make gains in my lifts, and if possible lose fat(if it's not possible then just making gains is the goal). I've been actively tracking my macros for about 10 days so far and I am getting stronger but I want to make sure if I should continue to work with the 2321 or the 10% more than 2600.

Not concerned about gaining or losing weight. Only care about getting stronger.
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Was looking into bcaa's and was wondering about any recommendations. Also I'm getting a new job at the end of next month which requires traveling and was trying to find a gym that I could go to regardless of the city besides planet fitness.

if you are cutting then id say sure look into BCAA, if not then you are better off using that money on something else.

to be honest, the stuff is overpriced and probably doesnt do much. i took it during my last cut since i had to free tubs i got from gaspari. i only drank it prior to my workouts because it was delicious :lol:
Was looking into bcaa's and was wondering about any recommendations. Also I'm getting a new job at the end of next month which requires traveling and was trying to find a gym that I could go to regardless of the city besides planet fitness.

Golds Gym has travel passes. A lot of the gyms do $5-10 day passes too.

How many calories are you guys cutting on? I'm doing 2100-2200 a day right now and it's killing me.

My lifts are starting to confuse me. Yesterday I added a second chest to work my upper chest and form. I ended up inclining 225lbs for 5 reps no spotter. I never in my life went that heavy before. Crazy. I'm getting stronger and I don't even know it.
The Arnold was pretty cool, did not know the lines would be that long though lol though they said since it was the first day it wasn't even that bad.  Saw a lot of famous fitness personalities up close and a lot are way smaller than I would have thought, I mean I know they're supposed to look bigger in pics and all but damb.  When I was leaving I happened to walk right by Phil Heath who was obviously trying to leave himself but ppl kept asking for pics and he didn't turn any of em down but I didn't bother to ask for a pic.  Pretty cool but probably the only time I'll ever go. 
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Btw anybody have a $10 of $20 coupon to GNC? Was just abt to go but noticed mine expired yesterday smh. Thanks.
So many ethugs..

Hop on a scale -record it..

Hop on some lifts and hit a max - record it..

If not, shut up.

Keep lifting.

Encourage each other and keep killing it.
My dog, tell em, tell em how it is!!!

I got paypal ready for anybody who puts a vid of them repping 495 on squats and going past parallel each time. 
I know 

Its funny how people just throw random ranges of numbers out like they're nothing. its just like these old dudes talking at my gym the other day about how back in their day they could squat 350, 400lbs easy, but when you look at them you know their legs would snap if they even tried to walk that much weight out of the rack.
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